Increase MG39's magazine to 100 rounds

The new event MG for Axis is basically just trolling the players. Axis have been begging for 100 round MG for months.

Please move MG39 to BR5 and give it a 100 round belt.


Yes, it only logical after all


I agree too, with that fire rate and 50 round you are gonna fire for less than a second before need wait 5.4s for reload


It feels that they are intentionally doing this. Every other nation got 100 round mg before germany that was well known for their mgs irl and then they give usa 200 round mg, new 100 round mg and finally when germany gets new mg it has only 50 rounds.

There is currently 5 50 round mgs for germany and no 100 round one


ye we actually need this at least for an event squad

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I’d rather have long belt as an attachment. Like the grenade launchers. Much cooler than

int ammo=100;

But I guess we are past this point.

One thing that must be clear is that eventually one day the MG 34 and 42 with 100+ belts MUST be Research Tree


DF hates Germany and taking a piss at few remaining players before they will turn their nation as a PVE vs bots only mode. There are zero reason why Germany can’t get even a single 100 rounds MG at this point even Japan got one.
Just give them 100 rounds and bump BR to V = problem solved.
Event squads and weapons should be pretty unique, powerful and usable but MG39 will be inferior to any of the BR4/5 German MGs i currently own. And remember BR4 doesn’t exist in this game you are always uptiered to BR5 especially with Germany.
What’s the point of using MG39 if i could use superior MG42 Early that has sniper rifle accuracy with short bursts? Not only that it also has faster reload speed, is lighter and rof is more than enough.

Or MG34 Drum or MG15 both of them have 75 rounds. Downgrading yourself to only 50rounds with high rof and bad accuracy is stupid it’s the redundant squad that will be benched forever.


And that day DF will give them to Soviets and Americans, while laughing themselves to death.

aris laugh


i will add mg45 to this as well

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MG39 seems like a copy paste of that premium i wonder if it will also be have lower mov penalty or just crap -50%

What did you say? You want more MGs for Americans and Soviets? We heard you! - DF
Here are two event MGs:


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I’d rather the MG34 and all the other ones excluding MG 15 not change ammo amounts. Instead I’d like to see MG34 and MG42 and a change with MG15 with 100-150 rounds added to BR V, with more correct fire rate. This way you would have two variants of these weapons, more options.

And folder the useless stuff, we don’t need extra grind.


This is getting so retarded that every faction gets 100 round weapon but germany keeps getting stuck with 50 rounds while still having the longest reloads of them all…
If you dont have the capacity you will need reload alot… and with 5.4 seconds that will add up to alot of time where you cant play.


Imo all weapons that can, should have option to switch between

  • 50 round assault drum
  • 100-250 round ammo belt (with debuffs)

the same way you can switch from rifle to a rifle grenade.
Like, it’s no brainer. All necessary mechanics are already there!
This would be so much cooler than boring lazy number swap everybody seems to suggest.


Question is, can changing a attachment change your BR? I’m not sure if something like that has ever been implemented.

BR of rife grenades is tied to the weapon and not the attachment. So I guess no (if I understand you correctly).

But imo there is no need to change the BR of current guns with such mechanic. Just give them big debuffs to mobility (like: no sprint, no ADS unless mounted etc.). Then they won’t be much different from MG nests (they probably will be worse when it comes to raw firepower).

I can see that, maybe it would work.

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Counter opinion:

  • don’t ruin this, if they give this event mg 100+ rounds, devs might say “axis already have one, so axis does not need another in regular TT” :stuck_out_tongue:

Has not stopped the devs from adding duplicate 100 rounds arms to any othere faction so far.