Increase MG39's magazine to 100 rounds


But. Devs “really love” axis. :upside_down_face:


I won’t shut up until Axis get TT 100 round MG42 or I get banned. Which ever comes first :stuck_out_tongue:


Have to agree, its just not interesting to continually have 50/75 rnd MGs, esp that these belt fed ones can support 100/150/250 ones no problem.

Literally simply for varieties sake it would be good to NOT get 50/75 rds; anything else is fine, it would present options. The soviet Tommy100 is variety;

This one is kinda same old.


The Jokes old. Everyone has one…theres no excuses anymore (soviets 3, usa 3, japan 1, axis none)


Well that can be arranged :joy: :rofl: :joy:

You are getting free Pe8 with a new skin enjoy the ride if you look closely you will realize Gaijin has no bias…

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it should be 150 round belt

We need more bullets than 50. It will run out of bullets too fast.

Never! And stop asking…(Devs when you keep asking for something over and over)

So you want Stinger and M1919A6 reduced to 50 rounds or you are just a toxic main?

Nah, Unique weapons are way better.

Like TT MG42 early with 100 round belt on BR5? :stuck_out_tongue:


So you want Stinger and M1919A6 reduced to 50 rounds or you are just a toxic main?

No, there were only two stingers that were even earnable by every player, and I only managed to get one… Just because the stinger exists, doesn’t mean that the base capacity for every mg42 in the game should be increased so drastically…

I do think that the mg39 could have been a fair equivalent to the stinger, if the entire squad wasn’t armed with them…

Why not both?

Stinger will return in another event next year like all event guns.

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I agree GER very much needs a MG with bigger belts.

But I don’t think it should be an event weapon or Gold Order.
Event/GO/Premium weapons should never be an instrument to balance factions/cover up for somethings a nation lacks.

I’m more than certain a MG with bigger belts will be part of the tech tree GER in the near future anyway. That’s very long-awaited.