Incoming update sale!

HEAT ammo is the shit. Big fan in warthunder, big fan in enlisted.

been holding out for Panzer IV HEAT for a while and it does not disappoint :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

@Conscript_Joe just dont look down when you pop commander hatch :stuck_out_tongue:

I tried out the M/28 rifle
i really like the iron sights
tempted (but I have so many fav rifles already)

I got lebel squad, love that gun. meant to last time but forgot.


The vehicle damage model comes from War Thunder. If you are not happy with the HEAT shell, go and rant there lol.

I honestly think the redesign of the progression system is going to be a make or break moment for this game depending on how they are going to execute this like the need for more details regarding the BR system or better reconsider it.

This prevents me from spending more on the game until further notice and luckily I don’t need any of the premium squads even the Berlin tank.


Easy kill for T-34, and also every single 45mm gunned tank and the anti-tank gun

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Distance to be penetrated works the same for HEAT or AP - angling matters.

to Italian flame troopers
or not to

I liked flamers before they were everywhere
how dirty will I feel? LoL


You’ll be facing only to shameless bot farmers for ±1 month, so

Absolutely get them. Their flamethrowers have good range, you get FOUR of them and the engineer can build anything like he was in an engineer squad. This is a no brainer.

On a related note why does nobody complain about old Premium squads not having engineers?


Any recommendations for the Premium squads in Tunisia Campaign that are 50% off
looking for advice from players that have them. Thanks in advance :relaxed:

Flamethrowers ! 150% worth it


The flamethrowers are dope AF

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it would be more for my post merge deck.

but I think I’m content with just the 2 man flamers

now if they looked like this
id get them



In that case it’s complete gamble. You should just reconsider if you’re enjoying flamethrower class overall or not.

If you do, it’s nobrainer and you should get them.

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better shells need to have a price tag

meaning restocking cost

repair cost

War Thunder Economy!
^^^This would be TERRIBLE^^^

another loose word might see a lost teeth

Flamethrowers for both nations, Re 2001 CN for Axis (fighter with 2x 20mm cannon + 250kg bomb) after the merge it may not be as good since fw 190 D-12 is just straight up better, Moroccans will be able to equip m2 carbines in future after merge so it will be most out of place squad in a game you may buy them just for that + cool skin and unique french voicelines. If you like using Sten then Owen squad is pretty cool you could also have them in same lineup with Austen event squad in future.

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i playing longer warthunder, than you and in WT HEATs works very well
 HEATS only with short 75mm canons

Bruh, if you play war thunder very long, why you didn’t even know how HEAT shell works? HEAT shell won’t ignore slope armor in War Thunder lol. Your Sherman with 50mm front armor theory is just nonsense, you need to consider the slope armor. Go and open War Thunder to use protection analysis. The effective armor of Sherman is greater than 50mm.

Nobody made up a non existent problem, I only warned about a potential problem and provided a potential solution that would work quite well with how Enlisted is structured. Judging from what you wrote you suggested the same thing I did; ammo such as HEAT rounds could be incorporated as an upgrade for certain tank squads.

It’s not even “potential problem” since they already told they will not do it.
But I guess you are trying too hard rn.

I got italian flamers

Dirty, filthy boy