Incoming update sale!

Progression – no HEAT.
Pay money – HEAT.

I would buy the flame troopers for both sides because they are good and you can change their primary to anything in the tech tree since only the flamethrower is premium.

I would also get the Erma 36 squad because it basically an MP40 so it is accurate at longer ranges. I do like the owen gun, but it is kind of violent on the recoil so I would try them out to see if you can tame them.

The Moroccans with the Berthier is a really good trooper squad because the gun cycles really fast and you get 9 of them

Lastly I would suggest to get the Panzer 3 N because it offers a good tank for Axis early on if you really hate the idea of using Italian tanks.

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Any semi/BA rifles*

It’s not so worth it since they’re 2 free versions of it in different campaigns. But it’s still definitely very enjoyable tank.


Not really because soon campaign merge and there are already two free Ns (soon). It doesnt even has HEAT… but a nice skin.
Pointless for 30 days or less just to grind with less suffer in Tunisia.

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I have got the M premium since ever on normandy
Then the f2p N
Then the n with heat in Stalingrad
Then all the J1s

Not sure if I need to go for the premium N judging what I already have.

  • Flamers
  • Early Ital tank for better grind in Ital low BR since its already cheap without sale
  • Both fighter planes
  • The Frenchs with the rifles
  • Owen if you want a Aussie premium squad (otherwise wait for Owen)
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Why not? I guess if you are almost 100%, what does it matter anyway?

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Nah, it will be just very overpriced skin with bonus to exp soon.

But it was definitely fun using it in Tunisia. Still best Axis tank there for me.

That’s true tho lol.

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I’ve honestly been zoned out about the rework coming even though thats the point of the sale, but who knows about the battle rating system they might have to where if anyone would need a premium or double up if they have the Normandy Panzer 3 M. I know there are plenty of free ones and people can just use those if they feel the premium ones are a bad buy.

Well. Three N. is also pretty dope.

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Thanks for your advice.

Wow Lebel squads and such still don’t have an engineer?

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Come on. It costs Darkflow nothing. And these squads are going away. All squads that are premium that DON’T have an engineer MUST GET ONE.

Please and thank you.

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Well while the Volkssturm boys are waiting for an Engineer, they will be undergoing special training to become Ubersoldaten instead