Incoming update sale!

It would be nice to grind some tedious underpowered squads and new soldiers
hopefully darkflow will add bayonets to German rifles someday

stug 3 has not been suppressed

Bruh, do you even know how armor works? The 50 mm is the thickness of the armor. But the armor is angled at a certain degree. So the effective thickness is greater than 50mm.

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I just had extremely enjoyable game with my new premium pz IV E, definetely worth it. Thanks for sales.


Does this mean the major update is coming at the end of June?

Sighā€¦ maybe if I put a lot of skis and snowshoes on topā€¦ with a teddy bear in the middleā€¦ Then maybe I could get over how silly itā€™s censorship looks.

HEAT is tempting. Wonder if shell choice will be a thing later.


I hope soā€¦ Itā€™s really meh that heat tanks are mostly behind paywall.


you dont know how HEATs worksā€¦

better shells need to have a price tagā€¦
meaning restocking costā€¦
repair costā€¦
War Thunder Economy!
^^^This would be TERRIBLE^^^

Donā€™t you even DARE mention what made me quit WT in the first place! Risk giving devs bad ideasā€¦


Harmonization mode!

with the new silver currency

Costum ammo lodout=restock cost

Oh god if they add itā€¦

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Looking at the prices this sale is only good on Webstore squads since they give you squad plus a bit of gold (200 so $2), while gold in-game squads give you nothing but the squad/vehicle and cost significantly more ~$14 vs $24, they are completely overpriced.


What a win, you can buy one decal. Enjoy it! :purple_heart:

still better than 0 gold


This is why a custom ammo load out is a bad idea. However it might be interesting to incorporate special ammo (such as HEAT rounds) as an upgrade that can be unlocked for tank squads.

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No, it isnā€™t.

They have already stated for several times they are not planning to do repair/refill ammo costs.
You could easily just unlock certain ammo types through exp progression system. And you should be just able to choose which type and how much will you take it to the battlefield.
They should just balance it properly to the BR so itā€™s not completely broken, thatā€™s basically only hardwork they has to do.

So donā€™t listen to these trolls.
But I guess always trying to made up some non existent problem is quite popular here.


I rather have a historical/balance ammo quota

And you are referring to what exactly lol?