“In the Crosshairs”: Battle with the Developers

You are lieing, you ARE a liar. The only thing i edited was spelling errors and verbage errors, go ahead and ask a moderator in this post so everyone can see

Sure, but im not harassing people on internet because of a complex, trying to win an immaginary conversation in my head, like you

Shivex, this liar has been harassing me for MONTHS, no exaggeration whatsoever, MONTHS. He trolls my every post striving to derail ANYTHING i post, he CONSISTANTLY tries to enflame posts from other people as well which im sure you have saw this many times. I stated he has been doing this to me for months, that is harassment by definition. I don’t mind joking around with people at all in the forum, infact it should be encouraged, after all its fun to laugh at jokes. There is a difference between hating on people and joking with them, he doesn’t joke with the people he targets, he hates on them, he blatantly breaks forum rules constantly and yet is not reprimanded sufficiently, now i want him banned from the forum for at least a year if not permanently, im tired of the continuous harassment, please read my bug reports ect. So you can see him for the liar he is, and then please expose it in this thread.

I have to post my message history? So we see wo harass wo? Wait
user_archive-53841888-221129-160643-106.zip (1,7 MB)
Lest find were i arassed you in this months i can already say i talked with you 4 times with this one
@DieJagdente please check my message history and see how i stalk this retarded wo my only fault was try to explain him how fuck the reload work

That is exactly what you are doing to me AND have been doing it for MONTHS. All anyone needs to do is read ANY of my posts you have replied in and they can see you blatantly harassing me. You have provided the evidence yourself lol. I just find it baffling that you dont realize this lol

Quick go delete it all before anyone sees lol

No need for you to selectively edit and post lol, its ALREADY IN THE POSTS IN THE FORUM, anyone can look at anyones posts at any time, all they need to do is click on users name and go to profile, all posts are there for the reading, just select the one wanted and read it, simple as that

Is my entire messagge history not selective

Good, if your not lieing again lol

You need see some good doctor

He even admits stalking me lol

FYI stalking is a even creepier form of harassment

You are totally retarded, dont you?

Um…And let me guess, you’re a genius right?


Compared with you im a super human being

Right lol