“In the Crosshairs”: Battle with the Developers

Bout to STG + Impact Grenade spam the devs so hard they’ll consider retirement

items, gear, and what ever dont make this game broken, its how they are actually used.

how, its where the broken part is.


So you come home from hard days work , read the news, and it’s all already over ?!?!? wtf. How to particicape if you have a life? A little heads up would be nice

Nickname decorator… much wow.
Luckily I’m over 10 years old to care about nickname decorators.

But keofox doesn’t even have Marshal :yum:

ZomboMeme 25112022131358


The problem is I help out on Normandy Allies as end game, but to get crosshairs I need to win, we have come close few times, but event times don’t correspond with higher allied pop, a lot of my mates Normandy axis, to guarantee the win points…

I’m your teammate whyyyyyyyy.






@Enginya I am familiar to this ID!

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This i a great idea, but ive been playing since the release of it and haven’t saw a dev team yet.

Hmmmm…Maybe its because you devs only play pc? NOW is the time for you to play console :slight_smile:

Im issuing a challenge to any and all devs to play against me on console and see if you can win :slight_smile: Make sure you stream it lol

Any takers? :wink:

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Well ive been playing for 6 hours and haven’t saw a single dev. I guess the devs are like the french were in the war :wink:

I will be back to play again 1 hour before the event ends, gives you plenty of time to practice :wink: if any of you want to play send me a messege. Do any of you devs actually play on console?

@1942786 pardon me for this, but the pointed post is in the top 10 of the most retarded thing i have read on this forum from wen i joined, It took a honest 4 place

You got al-DFucked

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you must have not read his other posts then :rofl:

I read only his bug report, but this one is gold

Очень понравилась аватарка к теме события. Возможно ли ее реализовать как аватарку для игроков и выдать вместе с декором никнейма?

I really liked the avatar to the theme of the event. Is it possible to implement it as an avatar for the players and give it out along with the nickname decor?

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The only thing that is retarded is you, period. You intentionally harass people in this forum. You lack skill in the game itself and life, is this why you hate so much? You show your true intelligence when you hate on people, especially the way you go about it. You seem to lack the ability to comprehend the simplest of concepts (this alone is a definition of retarted) seriously are you so blatantly lacking in brains that all you can do is constantly insult? Your behavior is cowardly and you strive to create negativaty and confrontation in this forum, constantly and CONSISTANTLY breaking the forum rules. You should and need to be banned from the forum, you do NOTHING to try and help IMPROVE enlisted, infact you do just the opposite, probably not knowingly because that is how intelligent you are, your behavior is idiotic. A sheep with mental issues describes you efficiently. Seriously, you need to seek professional counseling, it is blatantly obvious.
You enjoy TRYING to belittle people, so I refer you to your screenshot near the beginning of this post of your battle where you got a whopping 33 kills, you think that is good? I often get that many with ONE soldier EVERY session, without even trying hard, and its not just me, many many players do this consistantly. Your skills are well below average. How do you like it when you are belittled? Lmao, you are dilusional. Your battle rating is probably not much higher than that number too lol. Just because i wanted to play some devs in the event that was created for doing exactly that, you think that is retarded, can you even grasp that you thinking that is itself retarded. Grow up already.