Improving the recoil calculation formula

you mean 3 year ago? im pretty sure i wasnt even a forum lurker back then


Yep 3 years ago, the game was completely different


Only if you had problems to control recoil up until now. Which would be truly hilarious, since so many people didn’t even notice something like this:

…was a thing.


I wonder how much less “random” recoil will get, this might be a huge buff to AVT-40 and T20E1 (and the soon to be added T20).

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the thing already had zero recoil lmao

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Still waiting for the Rzhev update


How about toning down dispersion across the board other than on non-bipoded MGs and AT rifles that aren’t mounted



It was random every match?


If you wanted to simulate those differences, then why each weapon had it’s own constant upgrade level? Based on that logic, the upgrade stars on my G43 should jump from 6 to 3 to 5 to 4 etc. each freaking battle (because it becomes a different weapon each time, duh[heavy sarcasm]).

How many nonsense mechanics are still hidden in the code?


You’re removing your BS opinion on how bullets and physics work? Nice.

dont worry, the people with best aim in the world dont memorize recoil in enlisted, you literally jsut need to hold your mouse down against vertical recoil, everything else doesnt matter much.


Right. Yet somehow it is exactly the same (0.22 radius at 100m - an awful dispersion for a rifle) across all versions of FG 42 (normal FG 42, Krieghoff FG, FG 42 II, Sniper FG 42 II, FG 42 with grenade launcher) have the same awful dispersion of a badly worn out SMG, even though they were produced with the most expensive and precise methods available and were shooting from closed bolt in semi-auto to achieve marksman precision.

Either you simulate something or you don’t. Be consistent and improve the weapons that obviously deserve it.


I don’t see why, a good player already knows how their gun’s recoil works, it will help newer players tho who will miss less shots due to randomness being removed

How would you know?

problem is that they dont simulate it. they put BS values on what they think those values should be for the class of the weapons. best example of BS values is ppsh41 box vs ppsh41 drum.


So the dispersion will still be god awful? Wonderful.

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This means you don’t understand what changes they want to make at all.
How could random recoil affects the accuracy of BA rifle?
What you’re describing is dispersion, and that’s not what they plan to remove this time.

I thought it was me, because sometimes in games I hit all the shots and sometimes there were games where I missed those same shots in similar situations or similar distances.
I blamed my days of inactivity in the game.


And no one talks about how they changed silently every gun and boosted AI. Gunplay is unfun; kill feed scoreboards look different than they were. Now I’m checking the Colt Monitor and what they did to this gun i cannot understand : )Idk, my muscle memory is noticing the difference between updates especially after leaning nerf update … : ) Gun recoil stats are similar to Alibaba’s clothes stats.

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I mean, up until the bipod fix; that was about the only effective way to use them. If it does encourage “Rambo-ing” it’s only a normalization, at this point.

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