Improving suspended armament!

mg 34, DP, type and / or browning machineguns at br 1?

you’re insane.

" who could have guessed that anti tank grenade on rifles are worse than machineguns for suppression. "

literally what?
how can you compare bikes with apcs?
those are two different things.

bikes are more for shock troops and gets an actual engineers.
apc are just a mobile rally point with some weapons and a larger squad.

not necessarily better, just different.

which due to it’s weapons, they really shouldn’t.

br II is more than fine.

except, bikes were pretty much used through out the war in pretty much al battles?

if you really want to speak about historical accuracy, how about making it’s color neutral ( gray ) and remove the DAK insignias.
that way you wont have tan dak bikes in the middle of berlin or moscow/ardenne.
( as if historical accuracy is even a point of argument for enlisted in 2024… )


as usual youre missing the point and strawmanning. wrongly applied insignia are neither my fault nor relevant to the correlation of BRs with power level/war prevalence.

also weapons themselves are not what creates BRs, but also how often they can be used per squad. a BR2 MG implies it can be used 3 times per squad on BR2. a bike only has 1 MG, making it much weaker, combined with the small squad size, making them significantly weaker than BR2 MG squads.

also you failed and making the connection that BR1 already has MG34s in form of MG nests by engineers, also an overall much stronger squad than bikes.
you can even build HMGs in low BR by playing MG squads without using BR2 MGs in on the soldiers.


that’s very rich coming from you :joy:

but sure honey, got at it.

i’m sure you know better than everyone else :smirk:
( or rather, like you pretend to do for the most part )

that’s where you are wrong.

because you just implied that just because those were " allegedly " ONLY used extensively at the beginning of the war, must be br 1. for " historical " reasons.

yet in reality, bikes were used through out the whole damn war.

which as i said, historical reasons means absolutely nothing in enlisted.
otherwise the puma wouldn’t br II, the ppsh41 wouldn’t be BR III/V and on and on.

but i guess it’s easier for your kind to justify it and only apply " historical reasons " when those benefits you.

which it’s precisely why those are br II.
even a singular bike ( especially a mobile one ) outclass every other weapon of br I.

you just want more seal clubbing toys ( or rather, incentivize ).

stronger than bikes?

you’re just delusional at this point.

but as far as it goes, high rate of fires weapons with that larger magazines have no places in new comers matches.

hence, riders at br II are exactely fine where those are at.
despite your awful judgement and some rather weird comparisons.

p.s. as it goes for enlisted, where it truly matters,
bikes offers much more than just a gun. especially in mobility and assets. ( aka, the radioman and it’s fire calls, the at gunner ) engy and now, the new ammo box.

but i don’t expect you to understand beside funny numbers going up with a grenade launcher :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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  1. the problem with your arguments is your understanding of game balance is not too highly evolved, making you overdramatize superficially strong things “oh no muh MGs be too stronkk” and heavily underestimating basic metrics like squad size and utility. by your own arguments engineer squads should not be allowed in BR1 as theyre too strong.

  2. mentioning bikes being very common early war obv refers to them being used in recon at the frontlines with them being replaced by armored cars/mechanized infantry later onwards.

  3. “muh seal clubbing”, every forumdwellers favorite buzzword. your clearly havent seen me playing in dozens of uploaded games, otherwise you would understand how ridiculous using this word in context with me is.


Don’t give them ideas, I’ve had enough with 4 years of continuous spam from the Allies with their bombs and rockets.

sure thing " buddy ".

the difference is, one is pushing bikes to be br I where those do not belong.

the other have played with bikes for a long very time, and truly understand their capabilities and extent.

as much i don’t involve my self into " attacking credibility of others " i can pretty much bet you don’t even have many research points into those or a single bike fully upgraded.

but sure, keep at it.

which it’s pretty stupid of you to assume " fear " plays anything on it.

rather than using common sense and realizing that a 250 rounds bike in br I is all kind of " balanced ".

except, again, bikes were used through out the war.

which to make a better argument, i did simply pointed at how stupid and ridiculous bikes with dak insignias and tan camouflage across all factions is much more " historical inaccuracies ".

but i’m playing a stupid game with a stupid person. so i’ll refrain further from lowering my self to your level.
on the otherh and, there is an argument that it’s not just limited to bikes, of course.

i did.
and even fought against you many times as well.
if it’s not a steamroll on your favor, you sure a quick on that desert button :slight_smile:
if it’s not a desert-battle, it’s probably some grenade launcher spam ) unfortunately, i do know more than i wish but sure tells more about you than me.

if anything, i’m not impressed.

which it’s also funny, because beside the cherry picked games ( as if it should be an argument to begin with ) i could say the same about you :joy:

but to go back in tracks, no.
seal clubbing is an actual issue despite you being either blind on purpose or blisfull at best.
i’m giving you the benefit of the doubt.

although, making bikes br I wont do anything than more harms.
because all kind of improvements bikes needs, are not lowering it’s br even further:

and look at at :gasp:
it’s less than 30 min video ill-informed :wink:


Arent buildable machineguns, even heavy machineguns BR1 buildable?

A reloadable completely exposed motorcycle seems like 3x weaker in comparison

Yeah still disagree, radio men etc all work fine BR1, there is nothing OP here, except likely the heavy .50cal MGs which shread basically everything in BR1, mobility is great but literally paratroopers exist with flanking, mortars, 6man power etc and no one calls them OP for BR1 experience


yes they are.

and there is a valid argument to be made there on why those shouldn’t.

it is not however.

it has pin point accuracy from a very far distance not to mention, lack of overheat.

and, the premium versions are much more controversial imo because they pretty much have all the whole kit.

which it’s why bikes should remain at br II.

as it goes for the other bikes, larger magazines and high rate of fires shouldn’t be in low br.
neither engineers with hmgs or stationary machineguns.

but, i can see an argument for those being static.

case point is, new players experience with all the uptier going on, it’s not really enjoyable.

something that someone is being oblivious.

except, once again, seal clubbers could farm easy experience by just using radio calls, rocket artilleries and what not in low br.

where said low players don’t have much to do against.

as much equipment descrepencies will always be a thing, and won’t go away, br I should be the start ground to learn the bases of the game and then procedurally increase the arsenal while familiarizing with their own equipment.

what favors does to anyone by just shoveling them br I seal clubbers that has better equipment?

There are pluses and minuses to both positions.

Principally I feel if paratroopers, with their mobility, 6man SMGs, ability to choose from large assortment of heavy weapons (with ample AT numbers for example) can exist at BR1 then the likely slightly weaker bikes can work as well. I dont see the Power level difference here that puts a 3man biker team above a 6man para. (in terms of flanking, mobility, flank rallies, etc etc)

and, i’d like to cover how lowering their brs instead of expanding their capabilities isn’t the way to go about it either.

bikes are strong.
( i guess 80% of the playerbase just doesn’t know how to use them considering how most of them are just used to W+LMB or camp somewhere in the spawn )

but they could be even better.

the key to increase their use while making them more versatile and accessible through out different brs by giving them cars, trucks, armored vehicles and give them AAs.

which arguably is for better causes than just to gate keep them and put fuel on an already undergoing big fire.

the fundamental difference is within the squads that can actually do that.

which right now, it’s a premium br I german squad with a 20 round smg, and the soviets, which at best, they can fit a ppd short mag.

the issue with them, not so much what they can do, but is through the weapon box it self.

and i’m fairly confident you came across many threads complaining about paras ( of being low br ) being able to use weapons that they shouldn’t.

just nailed the point.

and to add, just because X or Y are also available, does not make a valid excuse to expand the issue even further. and to go back, new players do not have access to paras.
so they shouldn’t appear in their first matches.

otherwise you can see why this game isn’t being particularly popular.
( but… there’s more to it )

anyway, i suppose we overstated our welcome in this thread lol.

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yee a high place to camp and snipe. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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AB 41 and the Daimler and the likes could be cool for riders

You could make the argument to keep BR1 “Pure”

Then we should be thinking about removing .50cals from there for starters, go from there. Im neutral about it, just consistency would be nice. r

Right now - as stands, with .50 cals and 2 of 4 nations (do jap event paras count as BR1 or 2 forgot) having paras on this tier looks like a little strong already.

tldr as stands I think 3 man squad with a MG and basic motorization is actually a fair power level as we are for BR1-2. Rapidly drops off thereafter, hence I support your and mine rider buffs for relevance on all BRs

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Dude, whenever I see the comments about some change, you’re always crying about something. Take a break


A very nice feature I’d like to see would be optional suspended armament and be able to choose payload. You know like WT has, to be able to load rockets or bombs, neither, and also choose belt.
I mean it makes even more sense to be able to change armament in ENlisted were we have combined arms Battles.


Yes, this sounds like a better idea. It would make using aircraft a bit more interesting since you can experiment in each match with your different bomb and rocket load-outs on the enemy positions. Plus, it would make players use some strategy with each load-out since maybe one load-out might have a heavy bomb load, then another layout. It would make people have to choose weight over maneuverability decisively!

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with your less 40 minute read time, you probably only read the news which is fine but you dont see the rest of the interaction.
Forum regulars post their negative feedback in News because most often that is the only place in which they can maybe get an answer, otherwise if nothing else than at least people that dont participate in game discussions hear about the issue which is why you will always see many many more complaints from forum members that support this game with their money, opinion, playtime and suggestions.


This is terrific, but will we also be able to drop/fire specific ordnance on aircraft that carry multiple types of bombs or rockets? Such as via a secondary weapon selector key like what we have in War Thunder? That’d be awesome.

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Ah, if only Darkflow cared about WW2 aesthetics…

silly fun does not matter, player engagement, retention, and spending is what matters. the world is full of fun and dead games for you to enjoy, i want enlisted to live not due.

besides you can pay to have your tank look any way you want within the games limited selection.