Improving Matchmaking Fairness: Addressing Imbalances with BR Tiers and Pre-made Teams

First off, BR3 players often end up facing BR1’s and BR2’s, which seems unfair. It would be great to see some changes here. Right now, it’s too easy for players to quit if they’re up-tiered and keep rejoining until they’re down-tiered.

Second, having pre-made teams face SoloQ players can be problematic. What if the matchmaker tried to pair pre-mades against other pre-mades of the same size? This could lead to much more balanced games.

When you combine these issues, 4-man BR3 pre-mades facing BR1 and BR2 players creates an very unbalanced situation that’s tough to counter.

Could you please look into this?

  1. MM gives ±1 MM when there is enough players. otherwise it defaults to 1-3 and 3-5. cant really be changed unless you magically increase playerbase
  2. check news. there are plans to address this, idk how, but there are plans.

Or, they can just have people wait longer in queues.

I think they should try it - see if people will be okay waiting longer in queues…OR having more AI on the teams, etc.

Personally, my vote would be sticking to the ±1 MM - o r better yet, just break it down to 1-2, 3-4, and 5 - 3 tiers, and be done with it.

That way, it’d remove some of the unpredictability of it, and it would chase out the people who bounce from match to match, waiting until they can take their flamethrower troops to wipe out a few hundred BR1 noobs.

Oddly enough, the shorter queue times themselves are an incentive to desert matches. If you don’t even have to wait 30-60 seconds for the next match, go for it!


how long is longer? you already have ~2 minute queue time from when first player joins queue. do we need to wait 3 minutes? 5 minutes? 10 minutes?

I would not mind waiting longer, 5 mins wait is better than 15 minutes of pain (i don’t think it will be 5 minutes tho, i haven’t even had 20 secs wait since steam release)


You’re missing the point. I don’t mean outright making it a penalty, but if longer queues gives us fairer games, then let’s do that. So, to answer your question, I’d say, “wait however long it takes to get a semi-fair match put together”.

Right now, they emphasize fast queues to the detriment of fairness. You can end up with 4 marshals on a team against all privates and corporals. That’s one they should make the four marshals wait and be put in separate games. Maybe allow one marshal against that particular team of privates & corporals - or something along those lines.

I’ve played other games where the pre-made group players ONLY play against other pre-made groups. Just comes with the territory and a longer queue time was one of those costs for playing as a team.


you dont wait 20 seconds cause you are not first one in queue. side that isnt stacked finds matches quickly, while side that is stacked waits for couple of minutes before getting match.

also you may be ok with 5 minutes waiting, but there are lot of people who arent.

you are missing the point that stacked faction means that 100 marshals will play one faction and 100 privates will play other faction. you cant match such imbalanced numbers in fair MM.

MM in enlisted is relatively complex compared to other games. it needs to match faction vs faction alongside BR MM and that is why it has problem with playerbase and queue times. if you removed faction vs faction you could get same number of marshals in both teams as well as ±1BR, but then people would complain about not having faction vs faction.

all other games usually have simple MM where any nation player can play against any other nation player and there is SBMM usually when there is no grind nor BR MM.

Exactly, i have a lot of games that felt like pre-mades vs. SoloQs. No need to say that the pre-mades won… by a large margin.

And tbh… i am thinking about having a break from the game, until something is done about this, its really not fun to get beaten that hard 3/4 games.

premade teams are usually not to blame for majority of shitty games(they do get the blame for some). problem is that DF introduces update with extremely good weapons for one faction and all veterans go to that faction to grind it. that makes one faction having loads of end game players which are usually most skilled players in the game, while other faction is populated with people in middle of grind of that faction (mostly newbies).

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But they are, just had a game about 40 minutes ago, and every time someone in our team shot a round at someone, someone else was clearly informed (im guessing voice comms) and a tank or a plane shot you from another angle and almost instantly, knowing your exact location. This can happen, sure… but not for a full game with out that being a premade…

I have played the game long enough to be able to see if the team sucks or if we are getting hammered hard.

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you know that you can mark enemies? although you could have encountered premade team easily. btw checked replay fast and you were against 2 premade teams with 2 players.

obviously you didnt. your team lost cause enemy had one skilled player that basically carried enemy.
those premade teams made almost no difference cause they played worse than average player in their team.

btw if you want to know reason why you lost, then start from you. you didnt build any rally point, you didnt attack cap points and based on your death count you were in vehicle most of the game or you camped. rally points and storming cap points win the games.

You and others keep saying that.

But it doesn’t make any sense.

You don’t need to play a particular faction to get that side’s weapons. So why would people switch to that side to get the new weapon???

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i will just give you this

do you even know how experience works in this game?

You’re a real peach, aren’t you?

I was referring to event weapons. In the time I’ve been playing, the things that are offered that people would play for are event weapons. Like the Stinger, or the radio operators - or before I was around, paratroopers, or UPCs. Or they’re premium weapons or vehicles that are on sale.

Why in the heck would a newbie worry about grinding for six months (per side) to get something (BR IV or V)? When the “meme switching” happens on a monthly basis? Some people say it’s every two weeks.

Trust me, as someone who’s only been in the game for several months - I’ve learned not to give a flying flip what new tank or gun is at BR5. At the rate silver drops, the entire game will change by the time I get there.

and i am referring to t20 which caused everyone to switch to american faction doubled up by stinger event. before that we had japanese domination when type hei AR and hori were introduced, etc.

cool story… considering that i have been playing this game for 2.5 years and have seen this happen every time something new(and OP) is introduced to one faction.

and i just pointed out that event weapons should exactly ZERO impact on faction participation.

Given that the pendulum seems to switch so much - seems odd that the players would switch factions - of course, given that the game was broken enough that they basically did an entire redesign of the research trees, match making and all the rest six months ago - one wonders if Veterans are just working from old habits.

And I don’t wonder at all that 2+ year veterans have no clue how the low end economy works. Go check out the Reddit - post after post of “why so little silver in the game” etc.

I’m super stoked you all who were here pre-merge and everything’s cheap and/or bought and you can worry about chasing a single gun around on whatever research trees - but the new players aren’t going to toss away six+ months of grinding on one faction just to go do it again on another faction just because one new gun or vehicle was released.

Good effort, but wrong game you found… it was on DDay

But in that game that you did find, I was in a tank at first (cant build spawners there) and then i was in a plane a lot of the time (cant build spawners from them aswell), i did also use a spawn car → that is a rally point, and i did attack the cap from that (or tried) but was killed getting there.

And since you mention it, try actually watching the replay, i did place markers and not just 1.

Its also kinda funny that you blame 1 person (me) out of 10 for the the whole teams loss, as you can see on my score i did carry my weight, but i dont always play as a foot solder.

And as you can see, i have been playing longer than you, so im not sure what you expect to archive with that statement?

One way to prevent lobby surfing would be silver/exp bonus for the first match (this will continue after match is completed). If you drop out early you would loose this bonus for 30 minutes. That way people would have more incentive to stay in the match and prevent lobby surfing by a good amount.