Improving Matchmaking Fairness: Addressing Imbalances with BR Tiers and Pre-made Teams

which is false. i can give you number of events that directly changed situation when rewards were received.

e.g. premerge normandy it was relatively balanced (or allies had advantage, i dont remember now), but with silenced mp40 squad, there was total domination of axis cause everyone was playing new squad
premerge tunisia allies had 2:1 player count and after flamer paratroopers faction numbers directly changed and you had ~20% more players on axis than on allies.
now you have stinger which is OP as hell and it is just continuation of previous tech tree faction move (if you dont remember t20 update and how everyone switched to US after complaining that japan and germans were kicking their ass cause of previous update with type hei AR)

i could probably go over couple of other events, but when you get good/interesting/OP weapons you will also see lots of people playing with those weapons. yes you can grind event weapons in any faction, but you cant play those weapons/squads in any faction.

btw you only feel that it had zero impact is cause everyone was already stacking US faction from previous t20 update.

veterans want good weapons/vehicles. that is why after merge everyone was playing germany(90+% WR while solo) to get KT2 (cause many people didnt play or finish grinding berlin) and after month of grind almost nobody was playing germany cause they got their grind done and were playing other factions. this led to US domination till type hei AR update after which japan dominated for month or two until t20 update. people will switch to other factions when there is interesting weapon and they will play it and also grind squads to upgrade those weapons.

idk what you are talking about. absolutely everyone is complaining about shit economy.

blame DF for making updates with single faction getting OP weapon, when lots of veterans play multiple factions and lots of them finished grind or are about to be finished with it.

playing tanks/planes is just indulging yourself with high kill count and most often doing absolutely nothing to win the game. what win the game is rally points and capturing/defending cap. if you are not doing any of those, then you are absolutely useless even if you have highest kill count in the game.

nah, playing vehicles isnt carrying your weight. it is just kill whoring and getting high score without almost any impact on the game. btw i was singling you out cause other players were either building rally points or were fighting in cap.

was not talking to you.

i can see how that premade group was big problem… btw that was only premade group there.

Dark flow is very focused on keeping the queue as low as possible. The fact that it’s increased to two minutes with the current soft rule is still a test to my knowledge and I have not seen any confirmation that they will make it permanent yet. So I would be very skeptical of any changes to increase it further being considered ATM regardless how a small amount of the player say they are on with it(remember the case majority just play and don’t interact outside the same)

I politely disagree, stopping the enemy from getting on the cap OR removing them from the cap is absolutely helping the team with the cap especially when it saves the team from loosing more tickets. As is removing the enemies vehicles and stopping them from blasting your team.

if you are attacker do you know impact of getting 200 kills per game with vehicle? 0 if your team fails to capitalize by capping points. defenders have infinite tickets, usually with rally point near cap point making kills you make pointless. making a rally point and attacking/defending cap will help your team 10x more than getting double or triple kills with vehicle.

btw 17kills with vehicle and only 8 kills at cap at end of the game is pretty shit and you didnt help your team at all.

Lets just agree to disagree, i think those personal attacks are below my standard. Have a good day.

these are not personal attacks. this is just education on how to play the game better. your argument falls flat when there is screenshot with 17 kills and 8 kills at cap point while you claim that you are helping your team by clearing cap points and preventing them to get to cap.

people complaining about team sucking/BR3/stacks, when they dont have basic understanding of the game is just pointless rant.

you want to see how to play with vehicles while being useful?


build a rally point in a good position before hopping into vehicle. dont just cycle vehicles when you see that your team has problems on the ground, get infantry squad and get onto cap.

btw cause you are complaining about BR3… it really doesnt have much impact on low BR games. here are some of my BR2 games solo. most of those were hard carried by me just cause i had built rally points on good spot and i went into cap to clear it.


No, how about gray zoned 75mm Shermans, or flamer infantry.

You are mixing up the arguments and the 2 games dude. Please just stop if you cant separate it.

Also try to look at the full replay of the DDay game, we got hammered hard. I kept marking the MG42’s area that shot us over and over again when trying to advance as a foot soldier (it covered the bunkers entrance we tried to exit). But our planes did not take it out, and thats is why i never got a spawner up, and I ended up picking a tank to deal with that (check the replay again to see how that went). As soon as i shot at it, i got a lot of attention, it didnt help that there were some big craters in the ground from bombs, they didnt help on the tank advancement…

Watch the full replay, i dont want to walk you through it step by step, im not your dad, and i have other things to do than to hold your hand because you dont want to watch the full replay, you should be able to see the reason for why i changed to vehicle when i did (DDay game) if you cant, well tough luck on your end.

Anyway, this is getting way off topic…

what about them? you can easily pen 75mm shermans with 50mm guns which are available at BR2, you have planes that blast every tank and you have engineers with 75mm AT gun that will kill it easily.
also BR3 flamer infantry have low range so they are easy to kill if you spot them.

not really. this is general argument that stands for all games.

i dont even need to see the replay to know that this is skill issue problem. your score tab tells the whole story.

actually this is on topic cause you didnt suffer from imbalance of BR tiers nor from premade stacks. people dont have a right to complain about the game until they actually understand the game they are playing. people dont have the right to complain that their team sucks if they also suck.

btw just for fun i watched your replay (d-day) and here are my observations

  1. you suck with tank in just about everything. driving, taking cover, choosing targets, not repairing the tank when getting hit (or abandoning/suiciding it with only 1 crew left when team already captured first point)
  2. you marked first mg42 and got killed by sniper. you should have ignored it and just rushed towards cap point. it doesnt really matter if you die or not.
  3. you spawn with mg squad and you have selected sniper. what do you do? you get lost in bunker(seriously how does this happen to 3+ year veteran)… you could have easily gone to upper floor and cleared all MG nests from enemy and even destroy them with that sniper. you could have taken engineer and gone to flank enemy with better spawn point. you could have ignored that enemy and rushed into cap (and destroying enemy rally point 20 meters from your bunker). but what do you do? you take 1 by 1 soldier and go into frontal fight against fixed MG. you are lucky that he actually sucked otherwise you shouldnt have even managed to get out of the bunker.

and to top it all enemy didnt even have any BR3, while you had 1 player with BR3. enemy had 1 premade team with first and last place (so basically it didnt matter). i will quote you for that match:

from what i saw both teams sucked, just your team sucked more.

Not really.

You’re taking a comment I made about one battle and applying it to a completely different one. That is called “quote mining” (look it up if you’re not familiar with it).

I will not go into a huge argument because you are too lazy seeing the video to get some context on what you saw.

Im simply done with you, you will be going to my ignore list.

i saw the video and commented on it. like i said skill issue.