Improving graphical effects

JapTiger is coming apparently :face_vomiting:

I wonder how much lower this game can be destroyed by its own Devs

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its something i would also love to have🙂

How many did you get in your “Things PC gamers need to turn off bingo”?


While playing, my son watched for a few minutes and asked me why am I using a hammer to build a sandbag wall. I could not reply. :slight_smile:

Can you add some basic animations next maybe?

  • sandbag wall not built by placing 2-3 bags but by hitting with hammer
  • when I replace an unfinished drum mag on the MG, that is visually dropped to ground but in fact stays in my inventory, I can reapply it

Also it would be nice not to watch the opposing soldiers “internal emptiness” when going too nearby, but I guess that’s not only graphics and hard to fix properly. Or the weapons stabbed through walls.
Or the stuttering I recently (last half year?) experienced on my old 1660.
I’m sure this list can be extended so feel free to comment.

Regarding current changes, going a bit sarcastic: are these soldiers all wearing glasses or why does the snow collect on the screen? They have no eyelids to blink? (Ok I can accept, it may add a bit of immersion.)
And now we’ll have the muzzle flash of M1 Abrams accompanied by lens flare of J.J. Abrams. As it looks like a competitive disadvantage, will we actually turn it on in game, except when creating videos?

Optimizing stiff movements, adding more destructible terrains, and fixing unreasonable volume collisions. I guess these are what people would prefer to see.

Collisions and destructible terrain is not graphics-only either I guess, my perception is that gfx guys have more time to add seemingly unimportant stuff than others.
I don’t know whether it’s doable but I’d love to see further away from planes. Even if people would look like 3 minecraft pixels, it would help a lot in determining targets early on, not when it’s too late to adjust. Currently the only hack to help if team is not on top is to press V repeatedly and hope to catch a tank marker from 1900-1500 meters. But that’s so lame.


Warthunder employs a mechanic that artificially enhances Plane silhouettes at great distance so you can actually make out a shape. I am keen for the day this is included/improved in Enlisted, and enhanced draw distance.

I wish to see at least “fresh” (recent) smoke, muzzle flashes and explosions to be visible from far away. Like when the sun is reflected from some surfaces - you don’t see what is there 2000 m below, but something you definitely register even that far away.