Improving graphical effects

Why do you care about image quality and graphics? They’re already beautiful enough.

I wish the smoke that appears when a bullet hits a wall would be more realistic.

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I loved the more realistic adjustments to war injuries! :muscle:

What the Hell the Graphics ‘‘improvements’’ are all effects taht make it look like movie recorded? WTF
Aren’t it supposed to look like you are a soldier and you see through his eyes IRL??? Makin graphics make more realistic and true to nature…

The fck adding film grain filter?? I don’t walk around with filter on my eyes…

I was joking last Post you did about better not be graphics update features no one give fck about. I was joking about leaves but you went further and add Film filters? WTF cmon

yeah but you every time set it up yourselves.

I’m asking for historical matchups and more realistic gamepace, better represented tech trees.
Italian and UK separate Trees.
Being able to choose atleast Theatre of Maps like East Front, West Front.
Vehicle Camo changing according to season and time depending on Map.
and while you at it lower the cost and add more options for customization, especially vehicles decals and stuff to put on them (Not Unhistorical trash though!).
And also separe Tanks, Armored cars and SPGs in separate roles with their own lockout so we can have tanks and SPGs same time in team adding to vehicle value and rate there BR according to role, as in Puma is top of line BR 5 Armored Car and not a BR 2 tank!

And most omportantly make BR take Year aswell as Tech lvl/strength into consideration
BR together with the Map (in effect Year of service) so we have historical matchups better represented

You know things like this!

NOT film filter as if filmiong a TikTok or what the hell is this upposed to be?!

This’ll benefit all 6 of the players who have a 50 series card, but still no update for AMD upscaling?

Any news on FSR 3?

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About 500 meters there some rendist who are not render so we can see the enemy tank spawning from our spawn

If developers read gaming communities they would find out that grain flair, motion blur, depth of field, head bob, and lens flairs were one of the most universally HATED special effects in the players’ responses…


Yeah I try the head bobbing and after 2 sec I experience it I turned it off for a simple reason; it bad for aiming when the camera giggle and motion blur make the game look worsth

idk why you want frame gen. this feature is shit in FPS games.

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Who cares about frame gen, I just want FSR 3.

It’s been out for so long that FSR 4 is coming out and we’re still on FSR 2, come on Darkflow


I cant lie … I do like the new features to the game and even more that you can switch them on and off. Can you please fix the bugged FW-190s that stray left to right when shooting that would be awesome!! The new features are really cool tho Good Job!


I can never understand the dumbfound logic in graphics options and effects being optional. WHY the hell would you have effects on that impact your performance and hinders you at being competetivie in match?
Why would you choose a handicapp when others don’t have it on?

Games that have PvP should have all stuff on for everyone at all time, otherwise it’s unfair advantages.

Just somethign as basic as vegetation on ground and in scope being removed on lowest graphics options, that’s a fcking BIG advantage.
How this becamo a norma and accepted is beyond me. If anyhting on lowest option should be big f black blob where the bushes supposed to be, not removed and give mor view compared to higher.
ULQ WT situation u know.

I for one think it’s just plain wrong.

ANd alsow why have to cater to shit specs still? If you can’t afford a decent modern computer why the HELL are you even considering wasting time playing videogames? Get out there and WORK!

You sshould skip wastin time and money on having to make graphics work with potato computers and let the game advance unhindered

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Some people would turn on motion blur and raindrops on the screen effect and blood as they might fond it challenging and some players like to have more of a challenge. I get the game should be the same for everyone that does make sense make it fair make it even.

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The blood from a wound should soak through the clothes as one big shape, not leave scattered droplets. That’s the kind of scattering that is supposed to happen when a liquid scatters in air and hits a surface from a distance


I like chromatic aberration. I think games look very dull without it

“There are things coming for Japan”



How can I access those new visual settings on PS5??

For the love of God…

Please send the guys from graphics department to bugs department pls…


Since we get some kind of filters now, i think a lot of people (including me) would like to see a color filter which makes the game colors look a little more “harsh” or “depressing”, since Enlisted got very bright and vibrant colors, which dont always support the atmosphere of brutal battles like Stalingrad.

(I am looking for a way to make it look more like that since months now)



It comes down to personal preference. Worked well for me in cyberpunk

Devs, please improve render distance

Seeing triangular wheels and empty house carcases when using binoculars is appalling