Improving FPS and simulating the wind on paratroopers' clothes!

Hello FSR 1.0 and 2.0 work in diffirent principle.

FSR 1.0 - Use spatial upsampling tehnique which mean no ghosting artifacts, where the performance is on par with other temporal techniques but without ghosting.

FSR 2.0 - Use temportal upsampling technique, which means that ghosting can occur, but u can achieve more FPS(performance) than other temporal upscalers.

Wow, i haven’t used mine for a while, wonder if it deliberate, so we don’t land on roofs?
Used to be able to land pretty good on that church in Pacific map, but those SS indicate, i would end up not on the roofs.


Honestly, when it comes to paratroopers. I really can’t tell what’s a bug and what’s a new nerf.

All I can say is that paratroopers are clearly becoming just gimmick.


Oh! I’d be mortified! :stuck_out_tongue:

Those effects would probably not be enabled with low settings like on potato consoles and very old pcs, thought… But it’d be very nice for those who can! :smile:


Low br german paras

I’ve been having teammates blow up my para boxes recently :skull: so if i can’t get to my box in time that thing is toast… every time i bring up the fact the Fg K. Paras will not land with box I get told its a “feature” or “historically accurate”.


It affects only the german italian paratroopers, or at least I did not notice that problem with the US/British/Soviet ones.

when can i get my bundle pack? i can wait no longer, please give me the major update asap


German low BR paras are already there, they’ve just got a BR IV sticker slapped on somehow.

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Wow yes wind effects on clothes. Totally useless thing that nobody will notice even most of the time. Maybe figure out a way to make tanks drive properly and not feel like it’s driving inside a concrete ditch. And the AI getting stuck now in every damn building.


I am just glad they are working on the important things like this. :face_with_spiral_eyes:7

At this point it’s intended so the Soviet and allies can enjoy their paratroopers and terrorize the new levels while the veterans stay at end game

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Where news???

So, how much does it takes to download?

It downloaded in 5-7 mins for me

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At 10mb? Looks like they left some things in the oven.

WTF surprise anschluss update

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Sadly it’s just the new updated practice map


W Update, hope in the future you guys are enabling DLDSR from Nvidia.