Improvements of vehicle customization

Hello bajtársak and fellow forum dwellers.

Enlisted offers amazing vehicle customization options, but relatively few people customise their vehicles. Ofcourse not everyone plays with vehicles and there are people that turn away because they don’t wish to spend money on it.
Then there are people like me who aren’t afraid of spending some money on cosmetic changes, but even players eager to spend their money are discouraged by a few simple problems.

Camouflage of vehicles not changing with the campaign.

Soldiers´ uniforms change with the campaign so soldiers are always dressed for occasion, we don’t see men in shorts in the winter or gloves in the desert. Sadly the same cannot be said for tanks.

This cute little A13 has desert camouflage by default, it looks great in Tunisia.
But A13 also shows up in the jungles of the Pacific, the shores of Normandy, on the frozen hills of the Bulge, all in desert camouflage which is not very tasteful.

To solve this, vehicles´ camouflage should dynamically change with each campaign.

Not just tanks but APCs and aircraft as well, there are planes such as bf-109 F-4 that have a fixed desert painting which should automatically turn into winter in Moscow and summer in Normandy ect.

The price of customization

I’m not afraid of spending some money on the game, servers must be paid for and the developers need to eat too.

But the price has became unrealistic after the merge, just buying basic things like a unit decal and number for the tank alongside a camouflage costs 500 gold which scales quickly if you have other tanks. Veterans have at least one tank on for each BR for each faction and possibly APCs and aircraft too.

Having to buy things multiple times for each campaign would make it impossibly expensive.
That is why camouflage and decals should be a single purchase that can be used indefinitely once purchased.
This will encourage more people to buy more, even whales will be happy since now they can buy a different camouflage for their tank for each campaign.

Basic winter, desert and summer camouflages should be free for players since the whole point is making the game more realistic.

Better selection

APCs lack customization completely while aircraft cannot be repainted which is a real shame, all vehicles should have some customization options.
Also early war German panzers only have very basic camouflage options and many BR2 and 3 panzers show up in early war places but in late war camouflage which should be fixed.
All factions could get some more winter and desert camouflages.

Thank you for your attention



however, beside prices, and no cosmetic presets like squads for vehicles in other campaigns,

i don’t like that you can’t really place many decals to make historical markings.

hence, i’d argue the slots should be increased:

and, add a slider of condition of the paint.
to have it more shiny and clean as factory new, or rugged and battle worned.


DF already promised tank numbers so I want to wait and see about that, but currently buying numbers to number your tank is just impossible.
I own a total of two “0” which is use as victory markings on my Tiger’s cannon. That is the only use I have for the single digit numbers.
4 slots are not enough for both unit decals and tank number if I need to place 3 seperate numbers on my tank.

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did they?


i’ll admit. i have been procrastinating over the editor. and completing challenges for the new bp loosely.

so not really in the loop lately.

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Well, it’s been a while I saw that so I can’t quote that though.

Veekay won’t shut up about it so he may remember better.

No shame in that, I spent more time on farming new BP than Im comfortable with.

My dream would be custom numbers so I can number my tank 501st after the bois.


They should also change the British pacific uniform from a weird mix of dark brown tunics and light brown trousers to a full khaki uniform at least in my opinion

A slider would be such a huge improvement

you mean camo and stickers
very amazing

That is still more than Heroes and Generals or BFV allowed…

Also the lack of standard decals such as red star, white star and balkenkreuz is horrible

Most of my tanks look incomplete due to this



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