Improved Weapon Anim Offsets

Pictures explain what i mean. Suggestion is to fix all weapons that are held too low or high.

Afaik only a few ww2 guns are affected. If you know more, please let me know!

Old offset

New offset it looks some much cooler imo holy ****









didn’t they changed the cam already because it was around the neck instead of the head giving wrong impression about stuff?


Could it have something to do with the camera zoom?

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Yeah, exactly.

I don’t know how neck camera looks better than what we have now.

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Doesn’t look like a neck cam… looks like a tummy cam…

Soldiers are holding those in “hipfire mode”… it would be strange to change camera to what’s proposed :thinking:


Would be nice indeed, pistols need an offset change the most, they look so much better when it’s raised up. Forwarded it


Only if you prefer completely unrealistic camera that’s not respecting real position soldier’s eyes.

Otherwise there’s nothing nice about it. It looks silly. And it would definitely be huge step back.

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It would be better to do it.

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the ironsight view of the g41(m) is way too close, i’ll go get a screenshot in a sec


isnt that completely normal for a panzerfaust to be held that low? wasn’t it supposed to be held under your armpit?

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here are screenshots of the g41(m) offsets compared to the regular kar98k offsets, you can see it is so “in your face” that the recoil of the gun would injure the shooter’s face

on an unrelated note, why does the gewehr 41 rifles do NOT share the ammo pool with the kar98k in Enlisted? both of these rifles use the same stripper clips, its very weird that the game cannot have the ammo interchangeable with them


the g41(m) needs a sight adjustment so bad

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I’m not convinced by the panzerfaust. It looks like soldier is shouldering it and that shouldn’t be the case.
The rest looks nice.

the panzerfaust stance is correct in enlisted right now, if you were to brace it on your shoulder, you would have a very, very, very, very bad time


yes, the g41(m) is such an interesting and very overlooked rifle, yet it is treated so poorly in enlisted, the reload has never been updated like the g41(w), the ironsight view is awful, i would love for someone to show me a more neglected rifle in this game