Improve tanks' CQC performence or give infantry incentive to protect them

Judging by the latest news, devs try to remove gray zone as a safe space for tanks. So imo it’s only logical to compensate this by giving tanks more fighting chance in close combat as infantry is significantly stronger in CQC.
Here are some ideas:

  • 360° commander view out of hatch;

  • AI gunners for hull MGs and multi turret tanks;
    Player should have an option to choose between AI and manual control in the battle (similarly to formations for infantry squads).

  • Better cupola view;
    Current one where we circle through vision blocks is very clunky and slow to use. Free look should allow us to freely rotate 360° when looking through cupola.

  • Tank crew should shout directions if enemy infantry is close;
    Maybe it’s high time to introduce AI spotting via markings (only for player, not for team).

  • Assist points or exp multiplier for infantry within X radious from the tank;
    This way infantry is rewarded for guarding friendly tanks.

  • Notification about arrival of new enemy plane;
    A bit unrelated to tanks in CQC but it should also help to increase survivability of everybody.

  • Loud sounds of enemy soldiers walking on my tank;
    It helps to increase awerness and is quite realistic.

I know it’s a lot of stuff bunched up together but in reality it’s just a compilation. All those things were suggested in the past, often multiple times.

And before someone jumps to comments to call me tank main/spammer, I have total of 1 (one) tank slots.


Or maybe they could give a bit of point for protecting infantry near the point or something

I remember suggesting that but all I got was “it has been suggested before” which is kinda irrelevant imo cause what’s that supposed to mean? (Like ok it been suggested before so what? Did it got turn down? Are they not gonna do it forever? Need more info than that)


Personally I wouldn’t limit this exp buff only to the objecrive (or near it). If you do your job well, it shouldn’t matter where you do it (for example ammo and medic boxes aren’t limited this way).


personally I’d like to see weakening of explosion pack against tanks, I know it’s controversial one but I think it would lead to more interactive situations other than throw pack and boom, you’d have to disable the tank and maybe try killing the crew while they’re trying to repair the tank

I think TNT should be the only one to outright kill tanks as it takes more effort to prepare all this.


Strongly disagree. Tanks are hard enough to kill as it is. It’s definitely not just throw n boom. Indeed usually I have to use AT weapon to stop the tank, then under fire crawl underneath and chuck an explosion pack.
If Im lucky that will destroy it. For heaver tanks like a Panther, its almost impossible.

Hopefully the update giving us more powerful AT guns for higher ranks will be soon.

Regarding the original post, I support all these ideas. I like the idea of the crew shouting directions, 360 view out of the turret and most of all the use of hull MGs.
I have never understood why in both War Thunder and Enlisted Gaijin makes tanks with hull MGs but then we cant use them.

Some tanks should get 360 periscope so we shouldn’t need to expose our bodies to enemy fire. But that would be a nerf to the precious Soviets so we can’t have that with DF treating them as their first born son.


I think you can already rotate periscopes. Is it also capped to 180°?

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When i see a tank i see xp piñata that will explode after 5secs to give me xp + silver.


it literally is 95% of the time I don’t know what are you talking about

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Tanks certainly do pop all too easily imo.

Probably should be alot more disabling than detonating.


Not sure what kind of games youre playing.

If I throw an explosive pack it just rolls off. Or the tank just moves forward or backwards if it stays.

Saying tanks are easy to kill in this game is like saying Enlisted AIs are smart…

The art of cooking


Sorry Maggie Beer, doesnt work here.

it literally does work, vet player can make explosion pack just like impact grenade


Thank God it’s not auto throw anymore.
Old CBT detpacks were pure cancer. I refuse to use them to this day.


If you can’t cook a grenade due to skill issue / ping or whatever just use Monlotov, it’s a guaranty to force tanker get off.

and make a position preset,because when you leave for fix tank the crew screwd their positions and loader now is comander,I never order an AI fix tank,but could be good

If you J-out (leave without the crew), they will keep their spots in the tank as long as the disembarked tanker is alive. Additionally, they try to keep the slot based on their perks, but there start to be problems when: 1. they have no perks, they just take whatever slot; 2. multispec perks confuse them, so try to keep them specialized; 3. if there are ≤ crewmen than switchable slots, AI will always try to take them, so while it would be more beneficial for loader to stay as loader, he will most often switch to commander/gunner/driver.

Funny thing is that if you know what you’re hearing for, you can hear the planes the moment they spawn, often while playing I have known that a plane is coming when it started buzzing like an annoying mosquito.

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Sometimes this does work. But it’s easy to overlook + friendly plane also makes noise (so you are less likely to hear the 2nd plane).