Thank you, but I did not get one… Do we have to do anything ? I completed the 30 levels and did not get anything (I had completed them earlier)
You better fix Camo changing for different Maps so we finally have appropriate camo, i.e desert for desert and winter for Winter, allowing us to buy and custoimize different camo for different Campaigns.
You know same goddamn system you got for soldiers.
It’s about F time you fix that already.
I couldn’t give a flying f about ‘‘New’’ BP when we missed fundamental parts that are much more needed. Battle Pass could’ve been fixed later
No I just Logged on and it came up on screen.
Good old Silent Bob
Yup, I just log out and log in again and I got my GO
Thats good news Commander!
I do agree the camo situation needs attention. Who wants to fly a dessert or jungle camo vehicle in a winter map The smallest details have major impacts.
there are counters or stronger counterparts for most of those weapons
is more than enough that checking those things by using the tool that df gave us to test everysingle weapon, or being more nerd like anc check its stats on the spreedsheets.
event soviet tommy, and the premium us para squad, are able to counter it if used well.
both can be easily overperformed by the PP shpi, and same could go to PPD bradmit aswell.
LMG gorov and the event federov
hell you even mentioned that those guns are almost top but still “”““almost””" Cuz all the stuff i mentioned are the top GO
besides this disscusion…
i will miss the GO shop…
That does not mean that German BP weapons are not got or not worth getting.
At least they are different from what you can find in the tech tree.
Also, the Kp-26 is BR3, not sure if comparing it to BR5 and Br4 Smg is relevent.
Gorov is no more than a soviet FG42-like with a sight partialy blocked by a top-loaded mag. The event federov is meh at best, at least for me, the 3-round burst goes all over the place.
let me tell you that federov have an almost non existence damage reduction across the distance 1.0 (per 100 mts) and if im not wrong that thing have a even bigger damage than mgs
ppsh-41 box could easily overperfom almost everysingle smg on the game and probably this is not an exception (at least low br stuff)
when i tried that gun it had nonexistent recoil :_: like if you were using a fully upgrated pps with all the recoil perks
if you want to grind bots yes… since that weapons are not made for pvp due how most of it performs (obviously there are some exceptions like the RMN-50 which are OP, until new update arrives)
ah yeah the t20 without a bayonet and the BAR with a stupid amount of visual recoil
Still better than any tech tree BAR
BAR’s sights bumping is almost to none tho… While WAR is like it gonna smash your eyes. Not counting early BAR variants having way larger aperture sights for some reasons.
Thanks you very much sir
Yet again i must agree, the more the merrier
brother have you ever wonder how would they transport the 17 pounder? the vehicle on the bottom is the one they use for towing heavy equipment’s. Also it didnt make sense for the Japanese to not have amphibious APC on the pacific, its weird
Honestly what I hope for is gold order weapons will come back for sale again once per year during the game’s birthday.
Otherwise we’ll either be stuck with getting them through loot boxes or a marketplace style system which i’m definitely not looking forward to dropping 4 figures just for 4 of the same gun similar to crossout relics for example.
I heard war thunder’s marketplace has a similar case of insane prices…and from what I remember there were hints of a possible marketplace in enlisted as well.
I have already bought all the gold order weapons for all 4 nations,and u give me a new gold order?