Important news about the upcoming update

It’s exactly what they want. It’s something pretty much everyone would (will) hate which is why they’re honestly too cowardly to admit it.

No other explanation. I really asked the staff/devs multiple times: “why? Why do you remove the shop & gold orders everyone love? What are the reasons? Just tell us.”

And of course, they ignored it each and every time.

In the end, they just lose support.


Yeah, but it look like ass and in-game, Engineers store the AT cannons in their bare ass so it’s irrelevant. In that scenario, I do not want no ugly ass tracked bullshit, just get that Horch 853 'cuz that shit won the Paris Motorshow of 1935.

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The Gold order will be removed when the shop closes in 4 days???

Why Breda gun (German) disappear from shop?

Any idea with something similar for engineer?

Thank You in advance for answer :+1: :

Well yes this was announced quite a long time ago now, and has already been postponed twice.

The Breda PG (CR) ? If you already have four of them, you cannot buy additional gun.

If you mean guns, you can get the G43 kurz (weird child of an STG and a standard G43) instead at BR5 or the Mondragon 1908 (30 round semi auto with high damage) at Br 4


AT GL was nerfed before…

What does it mean “to destroy the wrecks of destroyed tanks”? Do they fall into pieces?

they literally just disappear lol i tried it

WHAT omg
They did THIS, instead of focusing on the pre-placed wrecks being bolted to the ground? Bloody hell, another nail to the coffin of this game, together with the recent nerfs


Nope, you get disappearing tanks instead

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What nerfs?

i think i misunderstand you

what i mean is enemy and ally tank wreck (not map place wreck) will literally disappear when you explode TNT on it

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We should have towing function for this instead, just like WT. Shouldn’t be to hard for them to just implement over


Should stay postponed forever :pray:


Active market like the wt please… when?


game is to small to implement something like this

but yea i would like to sell my legacy squads and some removed rifle i keep on my inventory

i would love it tbh im gonna sell all my br1 GO to someone that want it

for more than what it cost of course otherwise i wont make profit


This is very true. In Enlisted, there’s a clear double standard when it comes to balancing. The Allies and USSR are consistently given superior equipment and advantages, even at lower BRs, while Germany and Japan are left struggling with outdated or underperforming gear. Whenever the community suggests improvements for the Axis, the developers seem to find countless reasons to dismiss them, yet Allied buffs and additions are implemented with little resistance. This imbalance not only affects gameplay but also undermines historical accuracy and fair competition.

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Oh man, we know you’re new here, but just don’t listen to Parrot. That guy is insane. He’s the loony down at the pub at this point. I don’t even know why he keeps playing Enlisted either.


I kinda agree with some of what he sais tho. Germany and japan do need more attention imo.


Im not even a fan of japan but its double standards for sure.