Important news about the upcoming update

Good deal, but I think you should wait a little, maybe we will see some BR changes before the removal of the shop.

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Thats a good idea although the artillery luger is looking attractive to me

I knew what you meant, I was joking :sweat_smile:

Arty Luger is fun toy but its not really that good.

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Yeah you made me really concentrate on this list my head hurt cos i couldnt find it :tired_face::grin: got me for a gooden

Yeah its nothing to do with artillery unfortunately :confused: i thought it would have armor penetration capabilities :grin::grin: Also I forgot I can try em before I buy em

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Nope, its a pistol with a large magazine and tiny bit better dispersion.

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They give you gold order for 4 day delay. I would let this bp delay continue forever if it meant free gold order every 4 days


The EMP is nice tried it but the dispersion I dont like

My personal recommandations are Pavesi 42, Cönders, Breda PG (CR), and not German guns Hyde 1935, RMN-50, Swordpistol.


Last 7days we got nothing. Dont cheat ourselves


I only ever used the Sword pistol in the zombie event its a good weapon.

7 days or 4 days it doesnt really matter. Gold order is a gold order


Well we were compensated a gold order which isnt too bad. Id have rathered a gold vehicle but sure a guns fine too :relieved:

man tough choice should i get a 3rd Erma suppressor? schmeisser mk36? or maybe suomi kp26? hmm hard to choose since other faction also have stuff but i dont really need it

or maybe a 5th yanikov smg or artillery luger hmm.

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Then create a SILENT commandos squad.

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interesting but i do have the mp40 silence in my inventory still tho i might do that

maybe a 3rd sword pistol? hmm

What do you mean “again”? Was there a GL launcher nerf ages ago? This is the only one in well over a year.

This is the same nerf people were talking about 1-2 weeks ago, when these patch notes first dropped, to be clear.

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Im going to do the wierd US silent blot action thing.

Its horrible but creates a challange I could imagine. So want to try.


I have those as well, but I was talking about the commando class :slight_smile:

What’s better than going behind enemy lines AND shooting bots without them reacting because your arms are silenced?

I’ve done the same with all factions except Japan, because df does not like Japan and never gave them silenced arms…

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ah but that the thing i give them Erma 44 and 1 erma silence at the moment

wish i could buy a 5th erma 44 tbh