Please don’t push our luck.
Our luck ??? Our luck ??? I demand my baguette tank
im willing to give my stupid Super Pershing skin for it !
things must be screwed to see parrot disscusing once again :_:
Everpier M10? It has really interesting history behind it. Sadly i wont be able to get it
So is our compensation worth it gang? Im gonna log in and check what we got.
Me also only if we had 1 gold order vehicle …
almost they given us a weapon but no vehicle to drive how I’m supposed to go to work to my Maginot line…
I mean when it comes down to it about variety I would say is that Germany has a a lot of variety of gold weapons especially since they also have Italian weapons and moreover yall have 4 burst and a BAR I would say is that some guns should have there BR changed as it puts them at a disadvantage but overall some Germans GO weapons are kinda more fun to use then the Japanese and Americans
thats so funny but its true!
I bought an EMP that makes a psssst sound. I don’t play Germany these days, but will use it when the German playerbase is like 1945 again.
Our luck? Your luck! I wish they would update the game right away instead of this Gold Order! We don’t want this kind of lousy luck at all!
I only run Germany as I genuinely admire their tech. I hope to see Germany get some loving. Im not a fan of Japan at all but looking at their tech and army they need alot of loving also.
I honestly dont know what to choose for germany with my gold order
Type hei (late)
Jokes aside, it depends on your favourite BR.
Does anyone kmow if the set if suppressed weapons are any good? Its an Erma EMP and a CZ vz. 27
I cant see it on the list
Because that is a Japanese gun XD
i mean germany