Important news about the upcoming update

It’s not just BR 5 where our New bloods are being slaughtered because the Soviet can pull out Panzerfaust 60 BR1 if they pay for it And that’s not even counting the body armour nonsense.

So unless I want to fight nothing but bots this game is redundant for PvP players because I’m literally playing with a handicap if I fight anyone who knows how to actually play this game and is playing with a full setup.


Hyde, BSA, T20E1, W.A.R. ect… US is swimming in cool BP weapons.


Only if you’re not fighting against sweat Lords who have everything

Thats only a small percentage of the playerbase, the real problem are the clans that allow 4 veterans to completely dominate a match.


I don’t see how a Panzerfaust 60 is particularly useful at BR1, most tanks you can see at this BR can be killed easily anyway.

Also, did you know that germans can pull out MG34 by paying ? You did not mentionned did interestingly enough.

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Hyde is good?

The BR2 Hyde 1935 is amazing, my favourite BR2 SMG for allies.


Oh, this is nice :ok_hand: Appreciate that

I didn’t mention it because the Soviets could pull out their things first and we recently just got ours.

And if the panzerfaust 60 is OK at BR1 why don’t we give the Germans one there too.

And who’s the ones who usually generally end up carrying the matches oh I forgot it’s veterans

truly a moment in time.

that it brought us not only a free gold order, but a gray :parrot: that came here for a public beating while screaming on the top of his lungs how germany and japan suffers.

how the allies howerver,


what a time to be alive.

for the trigger happy mods

this image is not offensive even though was a real image.

it’s even featured in enlisted:


Since no one actually cares about the competitive gameplay I guess nothing really matters then.

maybe you should join clans or something.

they will never shut up about it.

because most people don’t want that.
as enlisted is for the most part, a very casual game.

and as i said when you used to be more active, you literally cry about germany being weak and somehow all the other nations are stronger than it. between you and that zombiewarrior person, you sure are convincing everyone else.

some things never really change i guess.


I never said they didnt have cool stuff. I just said that their guns arent super OP like greyparrots claims

If I join a clan the game breaks and there’s no point in playing a bot game.

And if you can’t see the bigger picture then there’s no point really talking to you.

and now, he even argues about gold order weapons.

despite ignoring the coenders, kp smg, g43 kurtz and erma mps.
being almost top with no rivals :skull:


Gifts should be arriving now, happy spending of your GO and good luck in this battles with booster, comrades!


Yeah, I already received it. Thank you.

Yeah I got mine also sadly there is no gold order vehicle I thought you where supposed to send one :smiley:


Absolute trash. What are test servers for? Is this the reason the BP was extend the first time and couldn’t you have said it before. You might as well stop saying you’re gonna extend it for a week when you’re going to keep extending it for multiple weeks after that especially when the BP has so few content in it. What is 1 gun order going to do for a whole squad. Every time I come to check the forums it’s back to back with trash updates about the upcoming BP. Please stop

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