Important news about the upcoming update

We ask questions that dont get answered how come

I guess Iā€™m not enough ā€œmake enlisted great again!ā€ to be excited :thinking:

Oh well.


Donā€™t be angry about this. DF has always been like this.

Ah ok was hoping for an event not this ā€¦

At least there is proper communication this time and a little bit of honesty. So thanks for the apology.

But the Irony is not lost on me. You guys remove the gold order shop ā€˜for playersā€™ which made no one happy and now there are bugs so we cant even get the new BP in the worse format.

But well ā€¦ ok


They purposely want to ruin peoples days. We try our best to improve and suggest things to make this game a better place and instead we get Fā€™d about. Not happy at all.

Alas, players always compromise and a little compensation can quell their anger. Thatā€™s why DF is so arrogant and overbearing now.

Even the dont ask questions wait and see just beats around the bush to me tbh.

amazing scene:

Well, there are already 2 bf-109 G6 aircraft in the BP shop so the K4 was a welcome addition.

English forum is a good place but the Russianā€¦
Iā€™m sure that if Darkflow had added Hartmannā€™s aircraft some smooth brain on the Russian forum would have accused him of being a war criminal and Darkflow a N@ziā€¦
We canā€™t even have Rommel portrait.


Yes I truly understand their are 2 G6ā€™s. The fact they message me appreciating my suggestion apologise to me for the swastika thingy and then add a new K4 with the tulip in red just annoyed me. Then people replying to it sorry to disappoint :grin: I love this community I just dont like the way things are being handled.

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I kind of wish I could say I cared but I honestly really donā€™t because Germany and Japan donā€™t have anything which is actually worth getting a gold weapon order because we didnā€™t really get anything while the Soviets and the allies have plenty of choices.

And if that wasnā€™t bad enough the gold weapon Shop will be going away and Germany and Japan donā€™t really have anything to write home about or when it comes to the end of it while the Soviets and allies have plenty of toys.

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My parrot, you know you can pick up a Cƶnders or Pavesi 42 which are both amazing and fun to use for their BR.

In fact I would argue that Sovis only have the RMN 50 and LAD that are really good and unique while other factions have cooler things in BP weapon shop.


Conders, Beretta 1918 30, G43 kurz, mkb 35 exists. Japan has pretty lame guns but the hotchkiss is really good and sword pistol is unique


Please donā€™t change the topic like that.
We were talking about BP guns.

Nothing really helping us in the competitive department except for only having fun while Soviet and allies break our legs.

Guns which are being made redundant when this is gone and will have to probably get them from gambling and our new blood are screwed.

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By the time they get to BR 5, they are nor supposed be ā€œnewā€ anyway.

What you mean? Conders is easily the best br 5 smg after 100 thompsons, Beretta 1918 30 is only br 1 and semi auto, G43 kurz is still good even after nerf, mkb 35 can be used by assault engineers and hotchkiss has great stats for br 3 + cool reload


Also its not like the allies have anything groundbreaking

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Yeah most likely, but all factions will have to suffer from that.