Can you his fix Erich Hartmann’s tulip art on his plane? Its red it should be black. Or at least leave us pick our own colours. Other than that im sweet
if you gave away GO order for every BP extension, i would be totally OK with you extending BP more often…
So, grenade launchers nerfed again - yikes. So basically, nothing that was fun is fun anymore. Phosphorus grenades, ap mines, gl rifles, flamethrowers…
I feel they have an issue with you of some kind you always bringing up valid points
We need answers
Exactly. I have been saying since the AM trailer that Enlisted will become source of income just to pump into AM, and then if AM gets successful Enlisted will be scrapped. Sad
Don’t worry. There are still many World War II-themed games that you can play. The situation that Enlisted has gotten into today is entirely caused by DF. There are also many dedicated game companies that will serve us.
I imagine the update is also delayed along with the pass, isn’t it?
If you can’t meet the deadline you said, don’t say it again
Sir sorry to dissapoint you, but it’s “Red Tulip” bf 109 of Hermann Graf (as already someone mentioned it here), NOT Hartmann’s.
I just want transparency.
Generally, other players want so, as well.
Gaming companies who are being transparent and give details plus explanations about the decisions they take impacting the game they make, that players play, are well perceived and even win the support of the understanding community to boot.
But. On the opposite side, like is the case with DF who just do whatever it feels like doing without ever needing to justify itself or it’s reasons, well those companies aren’t well perceived, and often tank sooner than they would, were they merely more transparent.
But what do I know! I’m just looking at one scenario that happened so, so many times with so many companies…
They added it to the K4 not the G6 and they acknowledged my suggestion also. Im sorry to disappoint you too.
You are a dreamer. They don’t care such a suggestions. I had the same attitude as You for a while…
Erich Hartmann: Hartmann, the highest-scoring fighter ace in history, did indeed fly the Bf 109 K-4 during the final years of the war. While Hartmann is most associated with earlier versions of the Bf 109, he flew the K-4 in 1944 and 1945 as the war’s aerial combat intensified.
Walter Nowotny: Nowotny, another highly successful Luftwaffe ace, flew the Bf 109 K-4 as well. He had an emblematic red tulip on his aircraft, but it was during his time flying the K-4 that he achieved some of his notable kills.
Hans-Joachim Marseille: Although Marseille was killed before the Bf 109 K-4 saw widespread use, he had flown earlier versions of the Bf 109, and his legacy remained influential for Luftwaffe pilots flying the K-4 towards the war’s end.
So how am i wrong or disappointed
Erich Hartmann
Walter Nowotny
Hermann Graf
Hans-Joachim Marseille (though he died before the widespread use of the K-4)
Well, let’s wait one more week.
Those aces all used tulip design in red but Erich was the higest scoring so he had his in black?..
“Messerschmitt Bf 109 K-4 finished in the markings of Hermann Graf, red tulip Green 4 W.Nr. 332529 of JG 52, in May 1945.”
Erich also flew a K4 black tulip.
I dont think we will ever get it. They messaged me saying they like my suggestion and then put the art on a diffrent model which defeated the whole purpose of my suggestion and then didnt respond. Kinda sucks cant even have Authenticity or get a simple answer to any of our questions. We deserve transparency and im starting to get annoyed by this Forum. If thats what we wanna call it. Its supposed to be somewhat historically accurate. Where are the proper uniforms? Where are the german, american japanses snd soviet aces? Why cant we have Erich Hartmann, Walter Nowotny, Ivan Kozhedub, Alexander Pokryshkin, ikolai Gastello, Yakov Pavlov, Georgy Rechkalov as a gold order soldier. This kinda stuff bugs me messaging me saying we like your suggestion and what not then apologising to me about having the Swastika post closed down then adding a new K4 instead of G6 that was not my suggestion mine was the G6. Its like they purposely want to upset people. Here we all are trying our best to improve the game we all love. Theirs alot they have to answer for. Theirs alot of issues in this game and it has the potential to be the best ww2 game of all time but naaaah they rather just muck about.
Don’t ask questions, just get excited for the next product…