Important changes after the second test

Yup. I will wait till i see the new equipment BR ratings, but now i see this version as a down grade. Hardlock is good, BR is less flexible and br 3 = P M S T N B is the part we didnt want from the test


Yes, there will be two rooms.
But I’m thinking about weaponry. It’s about newbies, Captain America, Superman, carnage, growth curves, resource consumption, doomsday preppers, stockpiles, and so on.

You know i have an idea depending on what they do with pistols us disgruntled ‘‘vets’’ could farm newer players by equipping all of our squad with bolt rifles and give them high capacity pistols lie the arty luger/m712 or high powers for the allies and farm newer players.

An arty luger can easily farm a 4-6 man squad with 1 mag if used correctly.

my 2 cents:
-was getting really weary about this whole major update thing, waiting for months and months feels like i’ve wasted hopes and money on this game; I personally approve of the things said in this latest notice, very much so!

-the 5 BR system seems about as good as can be hoped for until the game blows up and there are many more players that allow matchmaking refinements, I love that they didn’t stick with the bullshit weapons for campaigns idea
-weapons need to be carefully balanced by tiers, but i don’t think it’s a very very challenging task
-the stalingrad engineers compromise sounds fair to me, as a stalingrad pack buyer back in early summer with the FOMO promotions going on then

About the merge in general:
-there will need to be a button per squad to unequip every item under a selected battle rating, to quickly strip items over a set level then you can quickly fill the slots with items of the BR of your choosing

-there need to be filters for weapons per BR, on the weapon selection screen

-squad emblems should have a specialization (inf, eng, assault…) icon and tier icon (I, II, III) clearly visible and ability to show only whatever type of squad you want, after the merge people will have dozens upon dozens of squads. Even weapon upgrade trees assigned to squads need to be shown clearly, to know which squad to grind in order to upgrade which weapon

-there should be a couple of standard uniforms to be chose from for free in soldier customization, maybe unlocked at a certain level in the tech tree; with that, a button for “randomize look” for the soldier/squad - with limitations on matching item sets or something

-there needs to be a “unequip all equipment” button to unequip everything from soldiers in reserve, along with the button i mentioned to “unequip everything” or “unequip equipment over X tier” for each squad individually

-special mission trees could and should be set up for grinding past event squads, maybe 6 months or 1 year old squads get a mission tree with missions like “kill 20 soldiers without dying”, “destroy 5 tanks in a game…” or just like pay up 1 million exp to unlock past unique event squad; unique weapons also maybe, idea being that it’s a lot of grind, gives a sense of purpose once you grinded the gear you want in the tech tree and rewards you at the end.


This is all fantastic news!!!

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I think that scrapping the idea of preferred maps is a mistake. For example, on Normandy:

  • Maps like D-Day, Ver-Sur-Mer, etc are greatly liked, but pop up fairly rarely. We would like to be able to access those more frequently.

  • On the flip side of it, there are maps such as Gar-de-Saint-lo and Steel Mill that are really annoying to play to start with (they could definitely use an overhaul to map design in my opinion, or at the very least better engineering interaction), but with the merge guaranteeing that it will only be higher grade equipment, is going to be FAR worse.

My point is that I’m not asking for it to be made where you ONLY get the maps you like, but to make a preference option that would make it more or less likely to get those certain maps.

Splitting the game into two groups sounds ridiculously bad. It seems the majority of heartburn comes from people who are just starting out with bolt action rifles and don’t have the squad infantry skills to outmaneuver enemies with semi-autos.

For historical accuracy, I’m sure you’re aware that the M1 Garand was GI in Normandy. Maybe simplify this for historical accuracy and give the starting Infantry squad ONE semi-auto rifleman as squad leader.

I’d greatly prefer that as a balancing solution to attract new players than literally splitting the game in two.

I probably wouldn’t have stuck around at all to play at the bottom if when I jumped into the first battle of the game EVERYONE had Springfields and Kar98ks slowly plinking back and forth at each other without an MG42 heard at all.

Once I figured out how to pick up weapons from corpses, I started following the high powered assault squads to provide cover fire until I could scrounge more useful weapons. I just assumed this is the way the game is supposed to be played.

I wouldn’t say that it plays historically accurately (landing on Omaha with an F-ing Springfield is a pretty glaring inaccuracy) but jumping in feels like dropping into a war zone as a reinforcement. You have to figure things out in order to move forward and that is at least SOMEWHAT realistic for a video game.

Are people complaining about that?


A good compromise for those who bought the Stalingrad Access Pass. Maybe add a Gold Order to replace the squads we will get automatically?

As for the US and Japan, unless there is some experimental/prototype weapon for them, maybe consider giving them access to SMG’s as well?

I really hope that these Event Engineer Squads include a full 6 man squad and not 4 like Premium ones.

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I will politely disagree with you i don’t want iconic weapons being locked out of their historical theaters just because of an arbitrary BR locking them out of it.

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Yes, especially for those of us who have BOUGHT the FAP.

Yes, like the Italian paras with flamethrowers.

Good save

They are???



depending on what side you fight on i can see it ye. Germans generally have fun on those maps weather they win or loose.

The Normandy destruction defenses as Allies tend to suck. I also don’t mind Steel Mill but I dislike the Power Plant map. It comes up far too often. I could do with 2 or 3 more D-Day/Breakout maps or a Bocage map.

I wouldn’t mind being able to “hint” to the game that I’ve played Power Plant and Steel Mill enough and if there is another game available, please put me in that one.

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I think this is a fair compromise. The Stalingrad guys might complain, but the rest of us understand that there are no easy solutions here and a bias towards the larger player audience is really important.

Other than that, I love the new MM system concept. I very much look forward to what BR’s are going to be assigned to what.

With all this being said there are a couple of things I don’t see here that I think really need to be addressed. This all pertains to uniforms.

What will happen to uniforms in the future. Now that we are seperating the maps from the BR how will you handle customization. I understand you don’t wan’t brits wearing shorts in Normandy or Germans wearing shorts in winter maps. However, a lot of the customizations that were purchasable applied to many campaigns. E.G. you could do peadot in Tunisia and Normandy. Why did we have to buy both? Furthermore, the Premium squads have unique uniforms. This should apply to all environments. I look forward to a more robust uniform customization system as we move forward. What we had in the current merge was unacceptable to me.

The D-Day map is always a lot of fun as an Ally. It only sucks when there isn’t a good assaulter with you(I play Sniper/Artillery/Assault Support) to take the first pillbox and get everyone off the Beach. It’s only happened once, but it was really shocking to have it happen. Once you can get off the Beaxh and troops onto the Bluffs, it’s lots of fun

IDK, Other than tanks I don’t see any reason for more than five. Maybe we can expect more Rating 1 vs Rating 1 and not rating 1,2,3. More precise to say.

me either


Maybe not this EXACTLY, but I think your heart is in the reight place.

Your post was a delight

I still am not quite sure what problem is trying to be solved. I know that thr Tunisia Campaign is considered a graveyard, but what is wrong with the Normandy and Pacific Campaigns that needs fixing?

It seems like these changes might break them.

Honestly, (from the US perspective) I really like Ver-Sur-Mer. D-Day, not that much however…

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