Hello and welcome to My section in the forum “imagine if” where we are going to discuss if x thing is added, removed or reworked in the game.
Today topic is not about factions or weapons, today we are going to talk about the medic class. which was introduced in the old stalingrad campaing.
But there is a little problem… oh wait the medic is just a assaulter class but this one can actually place a medikit bag and revive your mates… thats all? : (
If you think that the medic needs a buff or a rework you can post idea here, actually the medic is a good idea but i see that actually dont fit propely in the game you don´t think the same? then let´s see your idea for this soldier class, I´ll waiting for your opinions below : )
Also don´t forget to suggest me more topics for future pots it will be trully aprecciated by me : )
welp medics have a base kit problem and his the ability to heal , that ability by himself is pretty bad in this game due to soldiers having 10 hp (13.5 with vitality) meaning that they will get killed with 3 bullets or less(bodyshots). u can buff them if u want but at the end of the day they will remain as a budget assaulteer with no real utility cuz u cant even heal ur target at max hp and using the medic bag to fully heal can take +20s wich is no optimal nor fun , to just get onetap.
Give us the option to call out “I need a medic” when needed.
A white medical cross icon then appears over your soldier, just like the ones when a player requests a rally point or ammo box, asking help from a medic.
(there already is a blue cross icon visible for the medic when any soldier is wounded, but this suggested big white one is more noticable and visible from larger distance)