spoiler allert, this is going to be a semi rant. and it will probably fall on deaf ears.
so ugh… i looked through the test server editor,
and apparently, there’s going to be some sort of new bikes. i’m guessing as part of an event stuff
but like:
who asked for these?
i want to make one thing clear, not everything has to be meta.
as long there are some reasons and gameplay necessity for diversity, i’m all for it.
but i can’t quite put my head around these two.
which, as i’m number 1 supporter of bikes ( quite literally ) and perhaps one of the very few people who uses riders above br II,
i’m quite confident when i say, kinda no one… asked for these bikes.
long before such bikes were added, i remember my own comments and threads : ( i know. i’m not the center of attention nor wish for it to be ) Definitive Rider class improvement 2.0 aka additional and much needed improvements for the rider class. ( IMO )
got some consistent support and traction, stating that new bikes were indeed somewhat welcomed.
such as:
kettenkrads, german bikes with mg 42s, soviet bikes with maxim/mortar etc.
granted, for the japanese, not a whole lot. but even then, captured bikes of the americans or soviets with a different skin might have been more useful. and somewhat logical.
let’s analyze the new bikes:
a soviet bike with an anti tank rifle. comes with 50 rounds to the ptrs and the usual magazine of five rounds.
the bike it self ( understandable ) wobbles when you fire. resulting in being unable to aim properly over longer distances because of the already unstable bikes. ( if you use the bikes, you’ll know what i’m talking about. where even in a small incline, the bike will lost stability and starts aiming up and down. with this ptrs, it’s even worse )
and a japanese bike with a type 11. and has a magazine of 30 rounds with a magazine pool of 530.
you wanna know something " funny " ?
all bikes have the same reload time.
so in the japanese case, you have a machinegun with 30 bullets opposed as the Te-4 from the TT bike that has 69 rounds. " nice ".
let’s be realistic.
who is going to use these bikes?
now, in fairness, the worst bike is probably the british one with only a 20 rounds mag, and 5 second reload. it’s quite accurate, but compared to the japanese type_11, it’s no match.
however, the bike of the british can be quite effective as it can use AA, anti tank cannons, stationary machineguns ( for… whatever reason ) and more.
if said bikes would to become premium and get access to the event/premium engineer, their utility would somewhat increase, but not by a whole lot. i’d argue almost no one would use them
the main point of the bike is not around the engineer.
nor… should not that is. granted, you can use it for a rally, but might as well use an apc if that’s the primary role.
because for example, take as an example all TT bikes.
they have good magazines, great rate of fire, and that’s what they excells at.
peaking corners, mowing down few squads, reposition, rense and repeat.
with only differences of being able to use the enginner for rallies. which can do either way.
and you can combine that with a use of an additional anti tank trooper, a medical trooper, a radio operator, a machinegunner or a sniper. for more of a support / offensive roles.
but i can’t see how it would function ( if not worse ) with these new bikes.
like, riders needs better toys than the ones they already have. not worse ones.
why use a ptrs when you can bring a ptrs on your own / outright an actual bazooka and drive by the actual enemy tanks ?
why use a bike with a worse mg when you have a br IV machinegun on a bike already in the tech tree?
i’m sure there must be more reasons behind. but still, the main purpose of the bike is to provide “suppressive” fire over larger areas in a precise manner. lock down alleys, and / or flank.
the british big_edward_4 bike with the bren is the only exception being the only bike where it’s usually best to snipe with it. ( kinda the weakest bike if i’m being honest. )
as much again, i’m number one support of the steel horse, in order to make riders appealing, they must have firepower to relay one.
something that again, can be done:
like, a bike with a maximmachinegun THAT HAS A WORKING SHIELD and can carry an additional weapon if needed which can be used at any time.
if i made these fully functional over the editor, the bastard child of enlisted, how come you guys only come up with short sided variants that almost no one asked for?
upon looking back, i can sort of forgive the japanese ones. so people can use one at high br, and the other at low br ( i doubt it. but never say never ).
and to be honest, i have searched for the forum extensively to see any mention of ptrs on a bike being even requested. let alone massively liked to justify it’s introduction.
sure, my expectionts weren’t high to begin with. but saying that i’m yet again dissapointed, it’s an understatement.
mostly because i may be bias saying that riders are generally one of the best classes in this game.
no other classes can surpass the amount of fun they can have. one of the most valid assets through the support role and tactical radio calls can give thanks to the radioman squad upgrades and the radioman it self. being able to drive by with anti tank and blow up tanks while rushing the flanks.
the adrenalyne of the uncertainty. honestly, everyone should go through bikes and experience their full potential. but of course, not everyone is interested in bikes. or should.
which to reiterate, bikers needs substantial improvements to be more accessible by most people.
and that is through riders type II that has 4 troopers, and could use armored cars, jeeps, logistic trucks, and many more. acting as a strike team.
ideal to cover some ground, place a rally, or generally flank.
but i’m getting side tracked here.
my point is, bikes are great, but the upcoming ones, not so much.