If we remove Tiger II H from the game - there would be no need to have BR5 to begin with

Well FG42 ll (in the test server) and T20 have a similar performance compared to hei, and also have You ever seen the japanese fighters? Their turn time is just insane thats the why i mentioned them

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Talking about skill on BR argument is just irrelevant. BR is just about the performance of the equipment, not about skill.
You might kill a BR5 noob using a BR3 semi auto rifle and thinks skill can overcome everything. But what if your enemy has better skill? Now you are in double disadvantage.

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Well I right now think that BR4 firearms are pointless.

MG42 vs Mg34 = no big difference

Semi autos don’t belong in BR4 anyways.

Many SMGs are already in BR5 that no one picks

there are no BR1 MGs

Rocket planes have been nerfed and again buffed in the past so many times, its not like they must stay the way they are.

  • I honestly believe that you could easily move gun categories into:

BR1 = Bolt actions, very bad MGs, very bad SMGs

BR2 = good bolt actions, bad semi autos, decent SMGs, decent MGs

BR3 = good semi autos, best SMGs, best MGs

BR4 = assault rifles, battle rifles, trooper lmgs, select fire rifles.

I don’t see how semi autos have enough difference in performance to justify them being in 3 BRs, same for SMGs and MGs, also there are already no BR5 AT launchers. Also things could easily then still be fine adjusted with buffs and nerfs.

We have many fantasy stats anyways, STG44 and MKB would in reality pretty much have the same rate of fire around 500 rpm. Select fire guns could be nerfed with much higher recoil - you dont use battle rifles in full auto anyways in the real world. Low BR SMGs could have lower damage then their later unlocks. Higher BR MGs could have better movement dispersion stats.

There are absolutely alot of things that could be done and 4 total BRs would still make sense - the literally only thing I can’t see a solution for tho is simply the Tiger II H.

Youre right and in the small air boxes that Enlisted has turnntime is the Meta but a figterplane with very limited strike capabilities cannot turn the tide of any match.

ie. Nothing changes if you have a Zero, J2m or Ki-84 in the air. Even if they manage to survive all thei areal engagements.

What is a “Trooper LMG”?

I still think you will always need a level 5. I don’t play with tanks, but there is such a big jump from level 4 to level 5 in weapons that I think, and have always said level 5 needs to be a stand alone level. Level 3 and 4 there is not much difference, and level 1 and 2 not a huge difference, so really, IMOP there only needs to be three BR levels. 1-2, 3-4 and 5.

DF says, 'but we don’t have enough players to do this kind of match makin". :rofl: BS, most of the games are one sided butt kicking’s anyway, and a good portion of people desert the butt kicking games, so in the end, your going to playing with or against BOTS anyway, and there are plenty of them. Sure, they are dumb BOTS, but there are lots of them to pad your killing score with. :rofl:

So you would basically just down tier MGs

No would use Gewehr41 or Type Otsu anymore but that isn’t even the end of the world, worse that BR4 semi-autos would face BR2 bolt-actions. Ppsh41 and Kiraly absolutely decimate BR2 that has MP40 equivalent.

This is all hypothetical - Kiraly BR3, and MP40 BR2 isn’t crazy… sure Kiraly is the much stronger SMG, but in my book a simple MP40 beats every BR4 semi auto with the exception of some gold orders anyways, the gap is already much bigger.

BR doesn’t matter, so why talk about it at all?

Maybe in your dream.

No, no it just doesn’t matter. I played before Merge. I loved every second of the game. I never felt like I was completely outclassed and helpless because of what weapon my enemy had

Like people use it at BR3, i pick the Armaguerra over a G41 both don’t kill against full meta in one shot anyways, plus the Armaguerra reloads much faster.

i pick g41 over amaguerra any day unless im doing pure br2


just add random breakdowns of German tanks

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Dumbest shit heard today

The Tiger 2 H isn’t the only extremely powerful thing in game, so besides making balance worse I don’t see what removing BR 5 would do

They never got nerfed once btw, Fedorovs got a buff since its first introduction, and the Tiger 1’s HE was buffed a while ago, so i don’t see why you’d say this

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Germany is in the trash, leave alone.

It won’t solve skill issues.