If we remove Tiger II H from the game - there would be no need to have BR5 to begin with

I have said this so many times in the past and I still believe Tiger II (p) with its only 100mm turret armor should have been the final unlock for Germany and a perfect compromise, since it meant that both 76mm Shermans and 85mm T34 could have a fair chance at fighting back.

Think about it - replacing the Tiger II H would solve so many issues…

US having no high pen AT launcher? The BR3 bazooka with an actually realistic small buff could then very reliably pen 100mm of armor.

Panthers and Tigers are already not much weaker to the long 88 and at least rival allies BR5 vehicles.

Then if we remove BR5 from the game and adjust the BRs a bit, we would strengthen the match making system.


If I could dream, I would change the Tiger II H into a Elefant Tank destroyer - a super heavy armored SPG that has the same gun as a Tiger II and comparable armor - however not only is it terribly slow, it got no turret and has very obvious weakspots, like the cupola, MG port and the chassis “Panzer IV like” view ports that are basically sideways angled 80mm frontal armor plates.


Go be a troll somewhere else.

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Personally I don’t care much for “balance”. I’m here for the WW2. That’s like saying we shouldn’t have the Me 262 because it can outclass everything. If its from WW2 then I want it in the game. Any and everything. And yes I think the Sturmtiger should be added


Well we could have both, also its not like there is a huge difference between Tiger II P and H. Both are Tiger IIs in the end…

The gap between infantry weapons of BR3 and BR5 is actually quite significant.
If you start calculating TTK and DPS, you will easily see why BRs are so important and if anything, it suffers from over compression.

Also you didn’t really think through the consequences.
You can’t just compress BR5 into BR4, that would make all BR4 equipment useless and BR3 hopelessly outmatched.
If BR4 is split equally between BR3 and BR5, that makes current BR3 and many BR4 equipment significantly weaker, people already have their line ups, weapons and upgrades, they wouldn’t be happy to have such expensive weapons ruined.
Compress BR4 into BR3 and all current BR3 equipment becomes weak.
Pick your poison, basically.

You are also very ignorant if you think that only Tiger II H is over powered.
Type Hei automatic rifle
FG42s in the new update
T20 and M2C
Tokyo Arsenal
And this is still just the tip of the iceberg.


hey as long as it gets limited fuel and a 60% chance to break down when you spawn I’m game

also it takes both the axis air slots

Has about 30s of turn time which is incredibly terrible for BR5.
90% of Enlisted dog fights are decided by turn time, ME262 would be the worst fighter of the entire game because any aircraft would out turn it. The maps are also way too small to exploit it’s speed in aerial combat so ME262 would just be a fast Ju-188.

People are just over hyping it.


Maus Demands attention!


Maus GO skin


That’s the perfect skin! :joy: “You think your brick house?? NO!! I MAUS AM BRICK HOUSE!!!”


All the factions have an adventage over the rest

Germany: tanks
US: CAS planes
URRS: submachine guns and CQB in general
Japan: figther planes

So remove the adventage and point of a nation is just disgusting

I don’t think that the adventage should be massive but it should be considerable against the rest thats the why tiger, p47 federovs got nerfed due to balance but stills as very good weapons

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People when a noob with BR1 tank can’t destroy a BR2 tank: just use a BR2 tank bro.

Also people when a noob with BR4 shitbox can’t destroy a BR5 tank: NERF ReeEe


nope nothing but us houses here.

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I want what you’re smoking

Me 262 is from WW2…

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Not significant enough to overcome skill

Lmao. I honestly dont know jow you got this impression. If anything Japan’s strength is the Type Hei Auto. That thing alone carries Japan to the point were ever since it was introduced ive only ever lost a handful of matches playing as Japan.