If and when cold war becomes apart of enlisted

I’m a guy, Do you have a problem with my profile pic? it’s just a profile pic.


No. I just want to clear the mystery.

Are you a florida guy, or a Slavic guy?

(It’s boggling our mind)

thats literally why my name is that, i am Slavic, 81% infact

In Florida? :thinking:

I slavic guy who lives in florida

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Thanks, mystery solved.

Please carry on.

As for cold war, It WOULD naturally happen in Enlisted…

If the game survive that long, which I’m not too sure now after failed Steam launch.

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i mean if enlisted does go to ww1 first before cold war that might save the game imo (since the only decent ww1 game i know of are battlefield 1 other are kinda meh to me)

so you yeah my money never coming back sadly oof

I’m not sure.

It won’t bring enough new players.

What would is fixing the core issues that prevents player retention AND new players from joining first.

Those are:

  • poor economy, very harsh for new players.
  • no matchmaker. That br thing… it’s just a smoke screen. There’s just 2 queues it’s insufficient. Plus, no stacks balance etc.


It needs Steam… without greed. (Yeah good luck :expressionless:)

Think its a bit silly, to think they will Not add, can only add so much WWII, look at War Thunder, that was WWII, till they started adding the later era stuff.

I am ready, give me more to grind, bring on BR 6-11 :smile:

I honestly think it is silly and pointless to even entertain other conflicts at this point in the game. This game has BARELY scratched the surface of WW2, there are so many battles, campaigns, settings, locations that still haven’t been covered plus all the weapons, vehicles, planes, and even prototypes.

If this game ever moves past WW2 it won’t be for a very loooooooong time, personally I’d almost say hopefully never. But regardless certainly not for a long long time

And the state of the game itself is not ready in the first place. New conflicts would basically be a return of campaigns which they had to remove in the first place because of matchmaking. With the way BR works what does that mean I can have 99% Springfield rifles and give just one single M16 so now I’m BR 6. Will I have interwar prototypes that we have now in Vietnam or Afghanistan. There is a lot of RnD that would have to go into figuring out how to do other conflicts past WW2. Why do you think modern is a custom game.

Korea is basically just an extension of WW2 gear so theoretically it could work. Vietnam wouldn’t really work because it wasn’t a combined arms war in the same way as WW2 and even Korea, it was mostly an unconventional guerilla war. Vietnam would only really work as an event or custom like modern. Then we have to look at factions, what do we now need a North Korean faction, Vietnamese faction, etc etc. At best we could see a fictional Cold War World War 3 that could work with this game’s combined arms gameplay.


Which it wont. (I do give it better chances than the other random games out there) Guess I’m even more a fool for investing, lol. Thats the breaks?

Anyway, dumb topic, but what do I expect.

Keyword child, “wouldnt mind”, doesn’t mean I want them to do it. It is better for you, not to type anything else.

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I’m optimistic, I don’t see this game collapsing. Sure we may not get to AAA levels of population but then again AAA games like Battlefield 5 and 2024 collapsed so if anything smaller games have a stronger survival rate because they foster a small dedicated community as opposed to mainstream titles that attract the lowest common denominator who move onto the next popular thing so on and so fourth

We’ll get by

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I mean they dont allow guns in my country,too but since we had a huge war back in 80s most of the people living west of country (where war happened )own some sort of gun mostly AKs but my grandad owned a G-3 from the war also he brought with himself a dragunov but since guns are banned in my country (Expect air guns for hunting birds) that means that finding ammo for these guns are even harder and sometimes a box of ammo might have costed more than gun itself so he sold both (These are all in black market since we don’t have the right to neither own or sell guns)

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I wouldn’t be against WW1 and Cold War things if that didn’t meant Mp40 showing up in Verdun or T-55s in Stalingrad ect.
Unless Darkflow promise that these will be seperate, I will never support post and pre WW2 conflicts.


iam not against the cold war i am against
helicopter, jets, missiles, napalm ect ect ect

It’s like saying you’re not against the cold war, you’re against the cold war…

enlisted is an infantry game the cold war was not kind on infantry or tanks the air force ruled the era, either the only good weapon will be missile man and air/vehicle mounted or infantry will become true cannon fodder

I think cold war should have its unique stuff instead of being ww2 with different weapon.