I played 100 matches post Merge. Comprehensive review and suggestions before Steam release


You can easily make SVT to be at similar power level of G41.
You just need to change parameters like bullet velocity, dispersion, reload speed and so :slight_smile:

So your argumention is just cheap.

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now, as it goes for the artificial balance…

dunno what to say, i’m slighlty conflicted.

on one hand, i’m fine with it.

on the other hand, they did butchered some of my favorite weapons.

but… i know no better about that.

( if my two cents were what you were looking for )

it’s not an enjoyable experience.

even if you nerf it, it’s still a situation where you’re artificially tweaking things.

the very thing you just complained two messages above.

anyway, my point is, you might enjoy that, the casuals do not.

but we’re getting sidetrack.

the merge opts to make things balanced and mostly one on one.

there are of course exceptions, but it’s what it did and supposed to do.

as much i would like things different too regarding certain matters, opinions and biases of few should not matter on the overhal.

the only thing " cheaps " here, are the immersion complains if you ask me.

because even before the merge things were similar.
let alone you guys can create your own " immersion " through mods, yet none of you did so.

I can’t wait for german end war weapons literalry made out of trash and duckt tape to outperform everything in the game. Peak immersion.

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Because it doesn’t make any sense if both artificial balance or immersion are bad at the same time. Which is the case currently.

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Weapons and vehicles already does perform very differently from reality. So your argumentation is just BS nitpicking.

And immersion is also a BS so you are nitpicking too.

Sorry but bitching about immersion (because of recent VS weapons change) while we have FG42 for every pleb or hand fired AT canons is a bit silly.


Idk, my Wehrmacht soldiers aren’t plebs. And FG wasn’t used only by paratroopers, that’s the historical fact.

That’s the more related to artificial performance I do speak about.

But then I guess those useless volksturm guns will be of some importance to you. If you don’t care about balance, you don’t care about actual weapon performance, you don’t care about immersion.

But you’re arguing for keeping those weapons in the Low BR queue.

or even standing while firing anti tank rifles in a accurate manner :wink:

but no. you see, you’re the problem for not agreeing.

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you see, out of all the models and numbers made.

a very small, and i truly mean it, small % would be in the hands of other branches of the army.

taking ONE picture of that dead volkssturm with a fg doesn’t represnt the majority.

which would translate in… on a scale, you might not even get one outside paratrooper units.

and even then, it would somewhat look like:

you might get 3 if the quartermaster truly blesses you.

so… the immersion it’s just a made out concept just to feel sad or believing to have an argument to find an exscuse to complain about something.

which. still somewhat looks bad on you.
because if only now, after the merge you complain about the immersion, idk where you have been for the past 3 years.

( p.s. i find it funny that both you and V complains about immersions, yet both of you run the most immersion breaking loadouts in your own armies with no cohesive pattern or reasoning )


That’s completely unrelated to what I have been saying.

And it’s still more relastic to see weapon in hand of plebs than time travelling weapon which should not even exist at this period of time. :nerd_face:

I guess just another double standard argumentation.

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that’s the neat part.

i don’t have any.

you, on the other hand… you showed us planty of yours unfortunately…

Funny volksturm noises.

So to increase immersion, you suggest to artificially change weapons’ behaviour to the point where it ruins immersion. I’m confused.

I care about those things.

But immersion is out of the window. Has been for a longer time. I tried to change this but I was yelled at.

I wanted to make weapons behave more realisticc. But I got yelled at.

So the only thing left is balance. It also doesn’t feel great. And at this point I just don’t care any more.

Because they don’t perform on BR5 weapon level. And artificially boosting their performance just swaps one stupid thing to another with a potential of breaking something in the process.


I’m literally giving you a list of weapons and vehicles ONLY available in Berlin before Merge, and nobody dies from the lack of maps:

IS-1, IS-2, IS-2 1944, DPM, DT, IL-10 and fake stuff like AS and RPD, AF

Jumbo, 76mm Sherman, Wolverine or whatever Jackson thing, Thunderbolt, M1916 - ONLY in Normandy

How dense can you be to not see that the “muh lack of maps” is the same as we had for YEARS?

Americans now having Ardennes as well.

How dense can you be to not see that it makes Zero sense from both historical and “muh lack of maps” points of view?

Yes let’s aim the dumb and ignorant.
Let’s add the moon base and walkers /s

??? I literally always talked about vehicles first, check the original post lol, use glasses if needed

Weapons are important too but go second in the preferred map concept.

The test was braindead without BRs and you know it.

How damn difficult it is to understand that I NEVER suggested eliminating BRs?


Find a single game replay where I use AS, Fedorov, RPD or drive in IS-2 in Stalingrad.
I dare you.

Consider putting them on BRV like deleting them from the game.

Those who want would be free to resurrect them. But only in Berlin.

We got two shitty things going on right now. If artificial balance was properly implemented (adequately to year of deployment).
We’d only have one shitty thing.

But I guess low queue volksturms are important, since someone just doesn’t want to play a higher BR queue. :see_no_evil::see_no_evil::hear_no_evil:

Lol, so naive after so much time spent here.

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It’s easier than trying to recreate semi-realistic balance. As we can see exactly at this moment, it’s pretty shit with pretty shit immersion as well. :slight_smile:

As I have said:

and i literally listed you the weapons of where stalingrad veterans would find themselves on.

forced by you to only play berlin and claim " no one would complain ".

when. clearly, that is the opposite.

i like stalingrad no matter the opposition or stuff that wasn’t there.

because matter of fact, i got used to even before the merge.

yet i didn’t saw you being all that much up and arms about outside the mkhb.

johnson rifles and lmg, and m2 carbines are considered high br weapons.

so. no. if you want to look only to one direction and be ignorant of their br or not even considering campaigns that you didn’t wanted to consider, that’s another discussion.

but once again, there were weapons of high br despite the year of the equipment in question.
( matter of fact, pacific was literally everything. 1941 up to 1945 )


the m2 weren’t there.

and at the same time, for balance purposes, those were deemed unecessary for the pacific.

what is it then?

another " bo uh " i don’t want to see them there because doesn’t please my own immersion?

it makes perfect sense in a video game perspective.

you’re the one being dense not wanting to even aknowledge others motives and reasons.

as far as it goes for enlisted both for the casuals and " muh immersion " it’s that in a world war two game, one would like to play stalingrad despite the map.

worked so far in war thunder, ( even though, i dislike it there ) and it is working so far in enlisted too.

you’re and few others are just the ones not okey with it.

should the game act based on few individuals? or the majority of people ( that do not care ).


you tell me how dense i have to be to get that one :wink:

just what i thought.

another double standard.

your immersion sure is loose.

from what i gather, was more than just brainded.

deemd to fail ( and so it did )

to this day, i have yet to see how that system would have worked with all the various nitpicks of people like you to make it actually work for the majority.

if there is one thing i learned and Mr Tuspolis was right, the HA communtiy always have their own ideas and never a firm base of what they wanted.

from what i gather, my immersion is pretty much different from yours. and i believe even the ones of mr Adamn is totally different from yours and mine alone.

so… good luck making a game based on that alone.

which, it’s why brs were putted in place.

because unlike your or mine opinion, those are stable and work for the most part.

( in a game that it’s not historical, nor does it have to be, mind you )

are you kidding?

you forgot your entire 100 battles thread or something?

you do realize we can see your own loadouts through the initial pictures that you send right?

you completely lost it.

not even self aware :skull:



Ok, let’s say we move those 4 VS weapons. Now we still have to move like 100 more. And it will be still bad due to 2 queues.
At this point it’s like trying to firefight with a glass of water. Also “this is a game not a history book” so who cares anyway?

Im pretty sure SG was too popular because of two maps in two years or so.

Or people loved HnG for having same 5 big maps for the past 8 years or so.

Personally, I would also love to play Japan because it surely is fun to play same three shitty Asia maps all night long.