I played 100 matches post Merge. Comprehensive review and suggestions before Steam release

OMG! Thank you, Thank you all
I would just like to start by thanking my parents, my coach, and all my fans for there support, and to @Veekay45 for this wonderful this trophy, will cherish it forever. :smile:

Can you get it engraved before you post it? thanks :smile:

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I did grind the berlin before merge as germut, mostly bot games with quite long que times.

Didnt really see them in berlin that much

well if there ever was any effort it was so minimal that its rather easy to get rid off.
Nothing of value was lost.


before the merge top tier players were also on stalingrad.


AVS and SVTs were top tier and those people who didn’t played berlin sure would still like to play Stalingrad.

especially due to the lack of other maps.

Yes you are.

you’re adding " rules " that would then the matchmaker have to take into consideration for each player,

what would happen if i then have more volkssturm weapons yet all vehicles of tunisia mixed with some carcanos? will i be a volkssturm or considered tunisian?

" does he has X or Y? send him to campaign B & C ( but not A & D ) "

good luck with the 50 50.

all to say, it is kinda needless as you are there to play a game.

the averange player does not need to get tangled with your nitpicks and issues with historical details.
because you refuse to let go.

every japanese player ever said that.

yet, here we are approaching br 5 with fantasy tanks.

you’re kinda asking for it.
you know that right?

( i mean, that is what they will do anyway. reaching everything up to br 5 )

that, my friend, is called delusion.

just because it bothers you, doesn’t mean it must be changed for everyone else.

you’re laching on too much on the historical settings when this game never has been historical, never will be, and the signs are clear that it won’t be.

unless you make it through mods.


Great analysis, you speak what most of us feel about the merge.

Your points should br the main focus on game development.

Remember when we talked about potential “reserve type squads” and changing some cheap weapons into " reserve type weapons"?

So that folkssturm gear would not gonna show up in early BR matches - while still being useful in max BR, because those squads would have higher numbers?

Would fix this issue for good.


not really

that’s less than ideal for those people who plays regularly with volkssturm weapons without even know it.

even the first rifle that you get it’s a volkssturm rifle.

damning new players, or people that are making their way to the top getting thrown into higher br i hardly see how it would " fix the issue " for good when it creates several more.

In my opinion, there’s zero need for volksturm equipment at all. There are more negatives than positives currently.
It should be removed from tech tree, thus remade into legacy equipment.
And it should have BR4 and BR5 because it belongs to Berlin.


like what?

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Extending grind with useless shtts + ruining any immersion on Moscow/Stalingrad maps.

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Vg 2 → the only grindable german rifle with 10 rounds

Vg 1-5 → the only grindable german semi auto rifle with 30 rounds

Kriegsmodel → … cool sound and that’s about it. from a technical stand point, worse german rifle

so far, 2/3 for the volkssturm points.

so… i’m not sure removing stuff just because someone isn’t " immersed " enough is a valid argument for both developers and those who wants to use them.

but of course, a matter of opinions i suppose.

Back in the day I had an idea to make everything cost spawn points (resources), similarly to RTS games (NOT maintnance). This way you could spawn an elite sequad with 4 well trained and equipped soldiers or a shitty militia mob.
Sadly ppl didn’t like it because “rEeeE I caN’t SpaAm thEbESt weAPonS!!!1!”.

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if they had pitchforks and torches i might have agreed :smirk:

but well. we discussed about that in your own topic.

( funny numbers and dopamine wouldn’t go up for casuals… that way )

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IS-1, IS-2, IS-2 1944 and fake stuff like AS and RPD were in Berlin. Nobody suffered from just having Berlin and Seelow maps.

American top stuff was also only in Normandy since forever. Nobody suffered from just having Normandy maps.

No, it’s just priorities when they are possible.

When there’s no Pacific match being created within 2 minutes or so, the LVT and Seagull would again go to Tunisia.

I believe vehicles are the biggest eye sore. They are large.

It’s not “do not send to A and D” it’s “preferably send to B if possible”.

Right, let’s target mediocrity and ignorance, great take lol

It’s personal opinion and common sense.

Unlike others, I never claim that 99 or however much percent of players “want this”.

It’s a forum and this is my vision.

MP 3008 was only in Berlin, LVT was only in Pacific, Semovente was only in Tunisia.

Now debunk that.

Not throwing new players to Berlin, not requiring millions of XP to research, just fun side unlocks for enjoyers.

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Nobody is using it because the 10 rounds is literally the only good thing about this rifle.

I am not sure. But I am highly suspicious they have nerfed this weapon with merge update.
I literally tried to create BR3 lineup 2 days ago. VG felt like piece of trash. So I end up using G41.

Completely pointless variant of K98k that do not even have bayonet.

Btw. i like the fact you don’t even bothered to mention Mp3008, one karma point for you. :+1:


Except… partial stalingrad equipment was regarded for today standard, high br equipment.

which once again, they either had berlin, AND stalingrad.

granted, couple of weapons of berlin weren’t present there. but a good chunck were.

except the pacific was also high tier?

remember? m2 carbines?

how dense do you want to be trying to disprove miserably such claim?

stalingrad is fine where it is until we get more maps.

or, it can remain there too.

makes no difference to the casuals.

so it’s a yes.

which… the only that has a problem with it, it’s among one of us.

and it ain’t me.

so you just changed your mind and instead lached on the vehicles now?

dude. can you be at least consistent with your own arguments?

but no matter. i doubt it makes ( nor should ) any difference.

which we saw the first test how that went…

because i’m calling it like what it is.

the first you accept that, the better you’ll be instead of becoming grumpy and demand 100 changes that won’t come any time.

you know, you could use that eager and time behind midding. it would partially solve what you are looking for.

you don’t seem very thoughtful or very objective about it.

i can debunk BA-11s or g41 never being in moscow, or M24 and jumbos in the normandy landing though. the a13s, the entire luftwaffe in berlin or normandy.
or even the mkhb and the dicker max in stalingrad.

just because few tools are in the right place, doesn’t make it all for the rest.
especially since it’s the opposite.

lol, you can find more historical errors than actual historical details.


the merge aims to provide equipment. balanced with the opposition.

you’d be a fool to think there would be someone to take those as a side unlocks for enjoyers while categorically murder those weapons by moving them where they cannot compete.

as much as i do it, it’s not a measure not a sign that everyone else should.


i forgor the mp 3008

about that one, it’s… not bad. not great either.

just a slightly worse sten ( somehow )

so that’s a 2,5 out of 4.

it is valid equipment for the br they are.

not so much on the higher br.

Just because devs were lazy to rebalance equipment so it would correspond to their respective year of deployment.

We already have heavy artificial changes in matter of vehicles, so I don’t understand why they’ve chosen to completely ruin any immersion this game had.

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lol mk.II

that’s the thing.

balancement =/= putting equipment based on their respective year.

that’s precisely how you would cause unbalancements.

SVT at the beginning of the war opposing germans with just mp40s and not even g41s ( at least, not in moscow )

( or… good luck to the japanese lmao )

that, my friend, is not balance.

so you can’t just shift between balance and immersion just to fit your own narrative.

immersion is pretty much subjective as i’m being told.

so i can’t really say much about that.

but for those who seek historical accuracy and historical immersion, they are just blind and pretend otherwise.