I played 100 matches post Merge. Comprehensive review and suggestions before Steam release

I interpret meta as “the most optimal way to play the game”. Be it the most exp/match, kills/match or whatever.

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That’s how I play low BR. I’m working on unlocking the Johnson MG(BR4) specifically to unlock Machine Gunner 3 so that I can send them to fight in the Pacific with BR3 Brownings :grinning:

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This also very true.

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There are two interpretations of meta:

  • “Most Effective Tactics Available”

  • “finding ways to play the game against the intended design of the game.”

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I don’t want to burst the bubble but after playing 5 games today i can say that the game is full of bots.

That’s exploits, isn’t it?

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If that’s what is being referenced, then yes.
But you have to make sure you’re talking about the same thing when talking about “meta” or people will talk past one another


Started like 3-4 days ago for me
This why need event, keeps people chasing something, esp if there max tree and whales :smile:

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This happened way too often to me here. Lack of social skill doesn’t help.

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I support you on everything except for vehicles related to the Pacific or Tunisia only. We would find people who would use the means only as a “discriminant” to play that campaign where they know the maps. Personally I would directly remove seaplanes and amphibians, as we have seen that small boats for fording rivers both in Tunisia and in the Pacific are much more effective. And I find it absolutely right that Stalingrad is excluded from BR4-5. Personally I would make it a BR3 exclusive map, but that would increase the queues. I hope they increase the players so in the future they could add BR6 organize the queues in BR1-2, BR 3-4, BR 5-6 and relegate Stalingrad to only 3-4 and add new Soviet maps for BR 5-6.

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basically my thoughts.

well i am not really happy with the game… if there was option for neutral review i would leave it as such on steam. there are many problems in the game and instead of fixing them, devs are distracting players with hard grind fomo events so that players dont complain.

technically it is correct… for non combat personnel… or as secondary rifle for grenade launcher.

well germans were outnumbered 2:1 on d-day, so you are trading one historical inaccuracy for another…

  1. I said I am aware it’s not record breaking, just a round number to post feedback on.
  2. I was on vacation for 3 weeks, sorry I was enjoying life :slight_smile:

BR4-5 Stalingrad is good

Berlin maps are bad.

Stalingrad maps are good, very good except for tractor factory.

Making the BR’s ±1 would make the entire game dull and monotonous. Part of the fun of Enlisted was the sheer variety and randomness between matches when it came to equipment used by both your enemies and allies. I don’t want X vs X on X map and nothing else ever

But then how do we get things like Kar98k’s in Normandy? They existed there. The German army never stopped using them. They should be able to naturally occur there

Also your number 3 at the end there, that’s the Preferred Map System. That ship’s sailed. Should’ve helped advocate for it against the War Thunder: Infantry Edition criers

BR should be ±0

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Agree with +/-1. I don’t think BR6 makes any sense right now.

Wouldn’t it be better to wait until maybe there is another map to use in its place? Many of us are unbothered by the inaccuracy that seems to eat at you and we also like some map variety.

Too complicated. People won’t know why they’re stuck on the same maps all the time.

Again, you’re going to limit maps which many people don’t want AND many won’t understand why it’s happening.

Yes and yes.

This will probably anger more people than it pleases

NO! This was a good decision and there’s no good reason to change it back. American players should not have to grind for a year to play in the European theater. It would give the game little chance at success in the US market with new players. Just… NO!

OK with all of this.


OK. And leave Stalingrad as is until done.

No thank you. I prefer how it is now.

404 matches since merge. Probably too many to be reasonable.

I’d love for BR3 just to get it’s own queue.

Playing BR3 makes no sense unless you want to run the gamble of the unlikely chance to be in a BR1-3 match where you’ll have a big advantage armor wise and be able to sneak in some medicore semi auto rifles/flamethrowers. However you’ll most likely put with BR4/5’s and subsequently get mashed while the team you’re on will hopefully carry your underequipped self to victory.

The game really needs to incentives to not just run BR2/BR5 meta’s.


I won’t lie.

The game was never properly historically accurate and the progression is still scuffed.

More than before the merge.

This. I only have BR2 and BR5 set up (aside from BR4 Japan). No reason to bother with anything else right now.

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That was always the case before the merge - top Soviet stuff was only in Berlin.

And nobody died of boredom.

Now suddenly Berlin + Zeelow is not enough?

Pff I don’t buy it.

Remove Stalingrad from BR 4 5.

It’s not making more queues.

The way I see it working is the game checking if there is a Pacific/Tunisia lobby gathering in similar time points, and preferring the lobby which better suits the lineup.

Having unique nations that don’t go all the way to BR5 is fun.

If DF must have every nation up to BR5, then better don’t add french6 Italians and British.

Yet they somehow won the war with PPSh and PPS.
They coulbe buffed to match STG ttk and fake stuff removed from Berlin, potentially.

Yeo it’s called personal opinion.

Incredible. Take this trophy :trophy:

Let’s say now you have two BR presets, for BR2 and BR5, 20 soldiers per each preset.
And you want explosive packs for every soldier.
In the current system you’ll need 20x2=40 explosive packs even though at any given match you’re only using 20.
I propose to have the ability to share equipment and link it to many soldiers but use it when actually going to battle.

PPSh and Tommy existed during Stalingrad.
Current Tiger 2 and STG, just like MKB, didn’t.
That’s the difference.

Where is the poll?

It’s all fake.
The battle of Stalingrad ended in February 1943, way before MKB, MP-43, STG, Panther, Tiger 2, IS-1/2, etc. were ever produced or designed, let alone fake stuff like AS or RDP.

Hence, Stalingrad should be removed from BR 4-5.

Well, no army ever used using bolt actions.
The Soviets were using Mosins in Berlin as well.
But in the game Berlin is fake spam of AS and RPD.

After all, you can always equip some Kar98s to your BR3, and hope that others do the same.

Honestly I would be fine with low BR for Normandy and Ardennes if if wasn’t Seagull + A13 vs Italian Semovente and Moscow biplane… at Bulge.

I’ve been advocating against warthunderization here for 3 years.

And that test was also stupid: Tiger vs Stuart was never going to please people, we needed preferred map + BRs.

Why mess something up and then wait until a replacement is ready?

High BR Soviets were only playing Berlin before the Merge and high BR US were only in Normandy.
Nobody died of boredom.

Preferred map system on top of BR, not too difficult to explain to people.

Well fortunately Moroccans and SAS squads already get warm clothes in Ardennes.

It’s only logical that if you buy a German squad with snow camo white uniforms and face masks, they won’t be using them in Tunisia.

But Eastern Block players need to grind for a year to play Berlin, USSR’s peak moment.
Which is also logical.

Stalingrad on high BR and Normandy with Ardennes on low BR are glaring problems right now.

As pointed out, MP-3008 and T-34-85 were only in Berlin.
Not in Tunisia and Stalingrad respectively, as they are now.

The devs surely were making an effort to respect history.

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