I played 100 matches post Merge. Comprehensive review and suggestions before Steam release

:melting_face: I was replying to the comment from @robihr that I care not only about time travelling but also front of usage. Like FG in Tunisia or Tiger in Stalingrad, which technically existed bt that time but were clearly not used there.

  1. Engineers are needed for gameplay.
    Sorry, this is just a dumb argument.
    Going that way you’ll start saying “why do you have more than 1 life?”
    Tiger 2 in Stalingrad serves no gameplay because it has Berlin and Seelow, Normandy and Ardennes.

  2. I never said that I care about “immersion” to the point of which regiment received which weapons.
    After all it’s a game.
    I always cared about fakes, prototypes and time travelling.

I really need to spell it out step by step?
A. Stalingrad removed from BR 4 5.
B. Normandy and Ardennes removed from BR 1 2.
C. Pz IV J buffed snd moved to BR 4, Pz IV F2/G can do its job just as well, and they work for most if not all maps.
D. Volkssturm weapons removed (moved to BR 4 5) as side unlocks for collectors.
E. Adaptive camo for all vehicles.
F. Seagull and LVT increase probability of Pacific without eliminating other options.

Boom. This game has become MUCH more WW2 friendly without ANY sizable impact in you or any casual Jimmy who doesn’t know jack shit anyway.


double standards.

got it

which… you also use

but… playing stalingrad with tigers 2 is an issue because… ?

isn’t also because it’s a game?
and others people would like to do just that no matter the equipment?

so, they shouldn’t and cannot. but you can dictate what others do or shouldn’t do.

got it.

which… by definitions, are nitpicks of yours.

is it really necessary?

i’d argue not.

because it’s a game, i’d argue all maps should be playable among all brs. no matter high or low.

the only exception, i would make no soviets on d-day or germans on the pacific.

which, i don’t mind if it would happen, i wouldn’t like it, but makes no difference to me.

because if i want " muh immersion " or historical stuff, i’d do them in the editor. matter of fact, i just did that.

… why?

because of your own nitpicks?

yep. all good with that.

but then again. people demand premium to be used in other campaigns too.

i wouldn’t mind using volkssturm everywhere, but that’s kinda my own bias.
and then again, some premium units do not change their uniform based on campaign. at least, not anymore.

first of all, that’s false.

you’re effectively changing for your own liking where stuff goes.
you’re even suggesting to entirely remove or move vollksturm weapons.

despite, i would like to remind you that enlisted is another ww2 game with dubbious historical identity ( just like your own immersion as far as it goes for what’s okey and not ) that aims to be casual and be played by the most amount of players just like war thunder.

that’s quite rich coming from you. not gonna lie.

because it’s a game, and devs allowance is what it’s going for.

not gate keeping it for a handful of few.


you are mistaken on mechanics of the queue. it creates games sequentially not simultaneously. you can have 20 games created sequentially in 5 seconds, but not 20 games created simultaneously. this is difference.

like i said you would need to nitpick absolutely every weapon and map for this to work. e.g. fedorov, springfield, m2, m3/m3a1, specific variants of the tanks/planes. then we could add gold order weapons like conders who would be absolutely nowhere.


Mhm sure.

Find me an example of how engineers and stg in Stalingrad are the same gameplay value?

One is a mechanic, the other is simply time travelling weapon.

Because they were never there and they serve no purpose, having other maps, where they were.

There is no reason to add ridiculous bs where it doesn’t need to be just because.

Seriously after a couple dozen posts you still act surprised that all opinions are obviously my own?

It’s all still available, just in different decorations, no reason to get mad.

If that’s the case, I would love an optional tick I could activate: extend wait time but put me in correct theater.

I’m not saying that every single weapon needs to be adjusted, most of themare acceptable or tolerable.
And they could receive adjustments in due course over some time.

The A-F steps I described above would instantly address the worst offenders and make the game significantly more authentic feeling.

Gotta say, that topic is older than I thought

beside the point that they don’t, affect gameplay,

what sort of immersion are you into then?

so mindblowing that using engy is okey, but ready to be up 'n arms for tigers or stg in stalingrad.

you can just admit that you’re butt hurted about the historical autheticity that never was there to begin with.

neither BA-11s were in moscow. yet, here they are!
neither g41s were in moscow. yet, here they are!
neither were M24s, jumbos etc in normanfy. yet, here they are!
neither mkhb were in stalingrad. yet, here they are!

been there, done that.
thousants time. same results.

so… it seems you’re still laching on the past.

for your own sake, it’s time to move on.

oh yes there is.

it’s called gameplay and freedome of choice.

the very thing enlisted is all about.

and guess what. you can make mods to prevent that from ever happening.

well, not really.

i’m more surprised how you refused to admit it, and still holding on despite ovviously disregarding the motives and various reasons on why that will never be implemented.

i’m doing you a favor than anything.

p.s. you called it " comprehensive review and suggestions before steam release " yet those are more downgrades and taking the game to it’s dying previous state. might as well ask for campaigns to be back while you’re at it.

except, you’re minimizing their uses.

where quite frankly, are great where they currently are.
weather they end up in tunisia, or else.

it’s more of a " you think " that they go where you don’t want them to go.

honey… the world doesn’t evolve around you.

i see.

well, op would never agree first and foremost.

second of all, i still stand by my own points there as it’s either not really beneficial for new players, and can be somewhat abused by veterans.

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Yeah, no. Variety is never bad thing infact could open rest of maps to br 3-5.
Entire map lock at this point is just dumb.

Put a paper with duct tape top of killfeed if they are bothering you.

Except removing quite chunk of gameplay with restricting maps according to BR.
Just to please few people that simply cant get over the fact that this isnt exactly a HA game :person_shrugging:

Quite sure even jimmy can tell somethings wrong when hes restricted to play just few maps so some butthurt bob at forums dont get upset of the jimmys equipment :person_shrugging:

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Yeah no.

Gameplay is engineers, medics, tank, plane.

Tiger 2 instead of Pz IV is not gameplay.

It’s bullshit.

Yeah no.

Big fat NO to Tiger 2 in Tunisia.

If you want bright and shiny things and any map any pew pew so much, Fortnite is still f2p last time I checked.

are they really? or is this your subjective opinion? cause i saw post yesterday complaining about springfield at normandy… i could also see people complaining about m2 anywhere else except pacific, m3/m3a1 would not get into tunisia, certain vehicle/plane models would be banned from certain maps like italian planes in normandy/berlin and good luck if you choose combination with impossible weapons that bans all maps in one or the other combination.

research tree, BR and map preference dont go hand in hand.

except, offers gameplay value as it’s a map different from others.

with different points, layout etc.

so it’s not bullshit.

what sort of fortnite are you playing with tigers in tunisia etc?

you sure know about it don’t ya.

p.s. enlisted is also f2p.

which for the same reason, doesn’t have alot of people thinking like you that everything should be segregated.

heck, devs banks on the complete opposite.

what’s even funnier, is that you have an editor to do what you demand devs to do, know that they won’t do it, and still complain about it through out months with the same point yet i bet you never even opened the editor once.

where you do have the chaces from devs to actually do whatever you want.

go figure amirite?

but no. jimmi is most certainly the problem.

Every opinion is subjective by definition.

For me about 75% of equipment fits the suspension of disbelief.
PPD-34 is in Stalingrad/Snowy USSR, Arisaka is in Pacific, Panthers are in Normandy/Bulge/Berlin (Stalingrad should be removed)

So for me the offenders rating goes like this:

  1. Fakes (New Japanese wooden mockup tank) - unacceptable
  2. Never adopted by militaries (AS / RPD)
  3. Late by a month or so (Jumbo Normandy)
  4. Ancient but at least it existed (Springfield) - passable

And I think most of the weapons feel right or at least tolerable.

Not banned, preferably sent to proper maps.

Again this depends on how lobby creation works, but even if I could just control my own queue time, I’d click “wait longer but put me in a proper ww2 setting”.

seems they dont really care about your feelings tbh

Ah yes, go play something else.
Sir casually chose by far least realistic / HA ww2 resembling game you can possibly think and now moans how it should be made to your liking.

Good luck don quijote.

While I disagree with most of your views on how Enlisted should be - or see them as unrealistic - I appreciated that your original post was well written and straightforward. It’s unfortunate that overnight it’s devolved into calling people dumb and telling them to go play other games if they can’t conform to your corner-case views.

So, what about this? You can go play HLL or Squad 44? I’m not saying you should, but it’s less absurd than you suggesting that people who disagree with your (less than mainstream) views should go play fortnite instead of Enlisted.

Many of us can then continue enjoying Normandy with BR2 when we want to.

We can not have to worry about one weapon causing us to end up in Tunisia only.

I don’t see any Tiger 2s in Tunisia so I guess it’s your baby cries that are being ignored huh

The A-F steps I described literally cal be done in a couple of clicks and will hurt exactly 0 people yet make the game better.

Too bad you can’t see past your seething.

Sure not yet, havent exactly been suggested much.
But im all aboard for it.

  • less maps to play for starters, id say it hurts more people than the few that pretends this is some sort of historical accuracy simulator.

The irony

While it is indeed unfortunate I would like to highlight I never attacked anyone first and always try to keep it civil until the other side goes overboard.

You might see that with people who are polite I converse in a polite manner as well.

That’s definitely not as bad as “corner-case” or even “radical” or “game-breaking” proposals being thrown around here like all maps for all BRs. This would literally defeat the purpose of making a WW2 game, if you ask me.

I never suggested anything locking a player to one theater, only increasing the probability of the correct one.

Thank you for commending my post structure though.

You don’t like Engineers?, so you never built a rally, and just shout at other people to build one, or you just spawn at main point like i do, instead of use rally’s?

Immersive breaking things?, i thought game was based around the Engineer class?

So lost

you’re just reaching here.

i do place rallies if that’s what you are wondering.

point is.
am i cool with it that this entire gameplay arounds engineers?

not so much.

nor should someone who actually uses " muh immersion " as the most important thing ever to undermine even other’s people suggestion and solutions or explanations.

the game was based around " war thunder with infantry " and AI squad function.

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