How You found this Game?

Hello guys, You wanna chill? Why not?

So lets take sit and make your post relating your history about how You found this wonderful and sometimes annoying Game
; )

Here is mine:

At the beggining of 2023 i was completly bored but completly BORED i don’t had any idea about which Game i want to play, i get bored from games like Roblox and Minecraft and started to like the ww2 tematic games like Hell Let Loose, My recomendation on yootube we’re basically based in ww2 history and games until i found a particuliar video from the content creator justgameplay about this game and i say " mmm why not" after this i installed the game and started to play with all the factions and after a quick desicion with the roulette i ended in normandy with the German faction : )

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I actually knew this game existed long before I started playing.

Back a few years ago, this game was heavily advertised. I was really interested, but was kind of put off by the hours-long download (I was mostly used to physical or 1-2 Gigabyte download games).

I come back this year after someone encouraged me to play War Thunder (which is weird in my opinion, Germans fighting Swedish in Japan?), which was a massive 40 or so Gigabytes, then I got the courage to give this a shot.

I’ve only ever played post-merge, which is a little disappointing, but hey, it’s the best World War 2 shooter we got since 2009.

(Just to add to that, I think World at War is a little overrated in my opinion).

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I had no idea about this game. My son introduced me to the game, and he actually asked me to start before Christmas (and I’m kicking myself now for not doing so, since I could have gotten the mythical Russian paratroop unit…)

I’m the one who usually keeps up with gaming news and goes to websites (duh, like I post like a fiend here) but I’ve generally avoided most FPSs - I dabbled in Battlefield 1 and Battlefront 1 & 2, but I mostly play RPGs and MMOs. My days of being uber twitchy are mostly behind me (thus the recent references to BF1942, and I used to absolutely LOVE the original Tribes game - was in a guild in that one and we’d set ups matches and the whole bit…)

Any way. I started around the May sale and bought quite a few units, so I actually started mostly in BR5 Germany. After realizing how little I knew about the game, I play mostly Allies and was busy losing 3 out of 4 games in that faction until the recent MM changes and Steam addition has finally evened out the odds.

I really really like this game as it allows people who are not the types of players who currently seem like they’re having seizures while playing fortnite…(that crap where they weave back and forth and basically never stop moving…) - rather you can pay support and help a team win in a majority of cases.

So, that’s what drew me in - being able to be competitive while not being a competitive Overwatch player. :slight_smile:


Saw someone discussing it on DC in 2020 or 2021

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Google search: “WW2 FPS game” (Sept 2021) after wishing there were a good WW2 shooter like MOHAA, or COD (both of which I hosted with “realism” mods) or BF 1942.


My brother got me into the game. We tried all campaigns together but i eventually ended up maining normandy axis with him.

We still play custom games and sometimes squads

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I learnt about this game from a tech youtuber, Linus Tech Tips. Gaijin sponsored him a few times. When I got bored with Minecraft, I got into it.

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Imagine that the rain has stopped.

When you step outside, what do you smell?

I smell the ever-pervasive rot of civilization as it crushes nature underfoot, smothering the human race with a ceaseless, endless tide of mediocrity.

I step fourth into a land of after rain, the air filled with the scent of raindrops antecedent, lingering as it fades away. The rich aroma of the forest is dulled by the mute shades of water that drown out everything with their mundane grayscale shades of odor.

I can sense the water on the drenched stone beneath percolating deep into the cracks and crevices of the granite that was birthed deep within the heart of earth from smelting heat and tempering flame. That immortal glory reduced to pavement beneath the feet of men by the great engine of industry.

I feel empty, an aura of deep discontent displacing my heart, replacing flesh and blood with cold, smooth steel. Here, now, the past intertwines with the future, creating this burden called the present. This illusion that I am witness to, thou shalt take upon the same.

Amongst it all, I proclaim: I need to find a WW2 F2P FPS game with a $50 budget for character animation to help me escape from this horror.

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A mate told me there is now a warthunder with infantry - so we checked it out back in moscow beta.

He didn’t like it because it was different from warthunder - I liked it because it wasn’t warthunder.

First person only tank gameplay is something I love, it reminds me of Red Orchestra.

Also I miss the old school AI Battlefield like games.

Enlisted is my favourite game for a couple of years now, I rarely play anything else.

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I found an ad on YT.


I spent insane amount of time playing Heroes and Generals but towards it’s end, I got bored of it, but I still yearned for a good WW2 FPS game.
My old H&G buddies recommended me Enlisted and I always wanted a game in which the player was a squad leader.
I can’t recall the date when I started playing though, maybe in early 2023?

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I am not sure where I heard about Enlisted, but I started playing in I believe somewhere around March or April of 2022. I had been playing War Thunder prior, but had not played in some time as I grew tired of it. My guess is I probably saw it on TV or something, downloaded it and loved it. I told my two kids about it and they started playing, but they both quit playing 6 or 8 months ago.

Enlisted was more fun then, I did not know my head from my butt, but it seemed neither did the people I was playing against, and I did not care if I won or lost back then. The allies must have sucked back then because up till a year ago, my Allies W/L record was only 32%, and now after 1400 games it’s up to 55%. Level one today is so much different then it was back then as it was basically all noobs, and today, my guess is half noobs and half vets who (like me) have level 1 premium squads, so every level 1 squad I would play with is all SMG’s. :blush: I really would not want to be a noob today and have to start from scratch.

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really simple answer tbh from russian badger his video alone made me play this game and that is how good advertisement can bring player (seriously they need to sponsor him again but idk if he will still like the game tbh)


Discovered it in early 2021 during the plandemic lockdown.


Same here.




In late 2020/ early 2021 I either got a recommendation on YouTube or search results, as I was on the lookout for WW2 games and played WT, so Google though it would be a perfect suggestion for me, and they were right, as I jumped in the same day it went OBT. Although till summer 23 I played irregularly, but still, one of my favourite games.


For me, I used to play H&G back in the day and I had played a lot of war thunder as well with a friend. However H&G felt too old (but was honestly very fun to play) and I was looking for a newer game, so when I saw a Enlisted video from a war thunder youtuber and thought I would give it a try. That was in 2021 I think, me and my friend played Berlin axis alot at that time, but we did not played for long.

A year ago, H&G definitely died, so me and my friend restarted Enlisted. It was during the normandy paratrooper event. I got somehow kind of addicted to the game and completed the Normandy allies campaign entirely F2P in three months or so. Since the merge I play more or less every side but honestly I am becoming somewhat bored of the game lately; not playing as much as I used to be.

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Heard about it from a youtube video covering it way back in closed beta (the youtuber might have been Quadro, I’m not sure). Didn’t really care much as it seemed to me like just another WW2 shooter. But then I saw the unique squad mechanics and that the snail was behind it (this should be a red flag to most, but as a WarThunder player, this piqued my interest).

I got on it couple weeks after it was “fully released to the public”, picked Moscow and the rest is history

incredibly heretical opinion


You do you, the game just doesn’t feel as World War 2 as people say it does (the guns are so quiet, I don’t see how anyone would think that’s realistic) and the animations are not too great.

Of course, I compare it to the older Call of Duty’s, Medal of Honor Pacific Assault and Brothers in Arms (individually, not as a whole) and see a few places the game falls short.

I don’t hate the game, it’s enjoyable, especially in co-op, but from everyone saying it’s the most detailed WWII shooter, it mainly feels like Activision focused on the gore more than anything else, which is kind of glorified (I get it’s supposed to be a gritty game, but putting gore over many other aspects of the game and having the soundtrack full of action feels like the opposite of an authentic representation of World War 2).