How would the game look like if we only had 2 total BRs?

you must differentiate between noob and newbie(at least this was definition when i was playing cs 20 years ago). newbie is newcomer who is not skilled in the game cause of his lack of experience. noob is just shit player who plays like newbie despite his experience.
so even on BR5 you will find noobs.


It would be semi and bolt action together and in the other section full auto gun

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Maybe so, but to me a noob is a newbie. And your right, there are a lot of shitty players at every level. :grinning:

I just think they need 3 strict no soft rule battle ratings. 1-2, 3-4 and level 5. With the Germans and Russians, they don’t get uptiered with level 3 squads to level 5 as their game play says BR 2-4, whereas level 3 Allies says BR 2-5, and I know that is not a misprint as I see level 5 weapons on the battlefield when I play level3 Allies. They just need to make the battle ratings universal across the board for all factions IMOP I also don’t know if all level 1 squads are being uptiered to level 3 since I have not played level 1 in quite a while, but they shouldn’t be

unless you have ±0BR you will always have people complaining about being uptiered. that is simply sad state of affairs. game is much better now cause before you had BR1 equipment against BR5 equipment in couple of campaigns.


There are so many bots in the game now they might as well just go 0/0. :joy: You may start off a game full of humans, but that is not how they finish. :sweat_smile: At least for one side.

That’s what I was thinking when robhir kept saying that BR3 would get “seal-clubbed” by skilled player with BR1 against a noob with BR3.

Getting to BR3 equipment, unless purchased, even under the new economy, means, you’re not a “noob” any longer. Not really. You’ve likely been in at least a 50+ games at that point. To even get BR3, you’d have to have researched like 18 things off of a single tree. (Not looking at the tree ATM, so I don’t know the exact number.)

I guess when taking this into account, one could still find “noobs” vs “newbies” at BR3. I still find it relatively unlikely. Not enough to explain roflstomps and seal-clubbing anyway. I do agree that a skilled player can use the tools (at any BR) more effectively. But I honestly haven’t seen a wealth of people running around in BR1 when they have BR2 or BR3 available, regardless of their skill level.

In fact, more often than not, I see the “skilled” players taking advantage by using BR3 so that they can “seal-club” with the better equipment. But, everyone’s experience is different, depending on BR level, server, time of day, etc.

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usually skilled players use either BR2 or BR5 equipment. although you have some abusers that play BR3 to be top dog in low BR match(deserting any high level match)

btw this is my experience with BR2 equipment in last few weeks:


key for victory are number of rally points/APC and rushing into cap. team without rally point(or only one rally point) is the team that will get roflstomped.

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If they are never going to go to a 0/0 match up, then level 3 and 4 go good enough together that it is a decent fit. It would be a good fit now if the DEV’s would remove the Allies level 3 from potential level 5, like they already have with the Germans and Russians. All three have decent level 3 semi auto’s with the M1 Garand, Gehwer 41 and the Russian SVT 38. Keep them apart from level 5 completely and then you can also use the 1941 Johnson, the SVT 40 and the German G43. In my view, pitting level 3 and 4 against level 5 is like pitting a carbureted car against a turbo or super charged car. :yum:

Now thats a word I haven’t heard in ages

it is regularly mentioned on forum by few people…

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Well, in my experience playing in exlusively random matches since about the second day they implemented it, this is more typical. (Note, I play BR2 all the time, with a couple of BR1 units, depending on the side).

I included one that shows a paratrooper in BR2-3 match and to save you the time of watching a replay to see the weapons.

But this type of thing…where you equip BR3 and then bail on BR3-5 but play the lower tier to give you a big advantage. It’s pretty lame.

If the BR3 crowd that likes to desert actually got penalized for making the higher tier worse to play for their (lack of) involvement, it would still make for a better game. In my opinion, of course.

Who knows? Maybe the BR3 crowd is made of exclusively of people; who never desert. But, I highly doubt it.