How would the game look like if we only had 2 total BRs?

I really don’t get the point of this. It would take to much time to change the current BR into this system, and Enlisted will end up at the same state as it was a few months ago with players complaining about fighting against extremely powerful gear.

And there’s a lot of tanks with low caliber and short barrels developed late war. No one would use them because they would just suck against Tiger 2s.

There really is no point in changing an already good system. Although I would say that the +/- 1 BR should be +/-0 BR unless there is not enough players.

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I would love that system. There’s a big, HUGE difference between BR 2 and BR3. Getting one shotted by Shermans, flame throwers, etc. There isn’t a huge difference between BR1 and BR2 (well, the tanks from one end to the other are pretty distinct) but on the flip side, particularly after the “economy” and research change, players wouldn’t stay at BR1 for that long anyway.

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2 1/2 years ago when I started, I had no idea what I was doing and I could tell most of the people I was playing against didn’t either. :joy: I also did not pay attention to whether the game was a butt kicking or if it were close as I was just into doing my thing. The bolt action rifle is fine, but I hated it as I could not hit a moving target with it, even today, I struggle hitting a moving target. If they stand still, they’re dead though. :rofl: So I was terribly excited when I got my first SMG squads since moving targets were no longer an issue.

Fast forward to today, now I know what I’m doing and know what parts of the game need to be improved. My greatest and biggest peeve is the soft rule as “for me” it ruins level 3 Allies. I know some say they like the challenge of being dumped into a level 5 match with their level 3 weapons, but unfortunately, I don’t. My thought is that if I want to play level 5 squads then I will have level 5 weapons. So, if I were one of those who say they like the challenge, I say DEV’s, do your damn 1 up and 1 down and let those who like the challenge play with level 3 squads and they can add one level 4 or level 5 weapon. Simple, pleases everyone. :wink: Anyway, if I had to start all over today, I would probably not play anymore as even level one is nothing like it was when I started. :yum:

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My view is this. The DEV’s say there isn’t enough players to go 0/0 matches, or to allow people to choose the mode they want to play in. The problem is that damn near every game is a seal clubbing. And in seal clubbing’s half the people on the clubbed side DESERTS, so if I understand correctly, they get replaced by BOTS. We’re playing against a lot of BOTS anyway, so let the people have what they want because either way, we get BOTS in the end anyway. I would be ok with the 1 up 1 down policy, but that is not what happens if you play level 3 allies as (unlike with the other factions) you can get dumped into level 5. Get rid of the option to dump my level 3 Allies into a level 5 match and I will stop bitching. :blush:

To reiterate, no matter what the DEV’s do, BOTS are going to be prevalent anyway from either not enough players in the game to players deserting when they find the game isn’t fun, so they might as well try and make us happy by giving us the matchmaking and modes we want. :wink:

For the same reason there are no 0/0 matches: not enough players online on allies side.

The start button which shows what BR you can get, is live.
I have just selected USSR BR 5 and it says BR IV-V which means enough players for new matchmaking.
But at the same time USA BR 5 gives me BR III-V which means not enough players so old matchmaking.

If you really dont want to meet BR 5 when playing BR 3 (which is understandable) I would advise to simply play another nation or BR when the start button says III-V.

(since I am no deserter, I will not advise to play BR 3 and just desert any battle that is III-V)

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When I play allies, I either play 1-3 or level 5 as I usually just skip the mid levels with the Allies anyway. Level 3 always says BR level 2-5 as my choice. So, like I said, I just skip it all together for the most part if half the time I am dropped into a level 5 match, I might as well just use level 5 weapons and end the speculation. :grin: However, like I have been saying, your going to be playing a large amount of BOTS anyway from not enough players to deserters, so there is never going to be enough players.

Okay, how about we turn BR1 into a PVE mode? Make BR1 gear even much less expensive, reduce BR1 income by 80% and let people farm their base BR1 gear before going into BR2.

They would have to improve PvE first. Otherwise it is going to be extremely bad first introduction to the game. Creating impression of totally dead game.

I remember my first few matches only against AI. I thought the game is dead. Nah, never again.


Their AI is bad. I noticed a game I played a week or so ago (on the wrong end of another seal clubbing) the longer the game went, the more I continued to see other allies just standing around. When the game ended, I counted 7 people on my team that had deserted. So, after seeing that I understood why my allies were all just standing around, they were all BOTS :thinking:. So, we end up with bots anyway in the end if the game play is bad. A lot of people here get mad at others deserting, but the longer I play, I get less mad about it and wonder why I am staying, and usually that is only to fulfil the daily objectives they give you. If not for them, I would probably bail most games as well as there is no incentive to stay, especially as I am passing more and more bots standing around on my way to the slaughter house. :rofl:

this is number of players currently in game for all 6 servers so calculate. game lasts ~20 minute on average. one fast average calculation(and wrong one cause players are not evenly divided by server, faction or BR):
number of concurrent players is 4-12k players divided by 6 servers divided by 20 minutes. that is 30-100 players in queue every minute. that is 7.5-25 players per faction. if you want ±0 you would get 1.5-5 players every minute in queue per faction/BR/server. average waiting time of 2-6 minutes for one match.

cause everything is not equally divided you would get insanely long waiting times for some server/BR/faction or be forced into bot matches.

btw when i get time i will make more detailed graph with crossplay on/off statistic and with number of concurrent players per nation.

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I would rather wait longer for a semi competitive game then get dropped into a match two levels above my squad levels rating and have to sit through another seal clubbing. NTM a quarter of the time I get started the game is already running, and I’m late to the party so to speak. :yum:

I normally choose “ANY” server, and I hardly ever have to wait more then a few seconds for a match, regardless of which faction I choose. I fully understand that there might not always be enough players so it’s filled out with bots. My point has been that the game play is going to suck, so a high amount of people are going to desert anyway, meaning that a lot of humans will be replaced by BOTS, so why not let people play the mode they want against the level they want if in the end, we’re playing against a lot of bots either way? Whomever is being seal clubbed is always going to have a high desertion rate, that much is pretty obvious at this point. The DEV’s seem to have the one up and one down policy for every faction except the allies, and it should be the same for all factions.

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equipment plays almost no part in seal clubbing. good players will seal club even with BR1 equipment against noobs with BR3 equipment.

this is bad practice.

  1. it gives you non consistent playing experience(cause of latency)
  2. it populates low server population with you, so you can easily have bad experience playing solo or with few players against full enemy team.
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This is not true at all, equipment plays a big role. Plus, most seal clubbers aren’t even that good. Because they’re doing not so good against more competent and well equipped players, they’re intentionally going to lower BR to face much less threatening competition.

There is absolutely a giant difference if a seal clubber has multiple assault squads and all soldiers equipped with medkits, water bottle, ammo bags and EPs. Whereas a new player only has the option of playing medics and not having their soldiers fully equipped.


That’s not the point, the point is if I wanted to play in level 5 I would have chosen my level 5 squads. People are going to be seal clubbed, that is what this game has turned out to be. But I shouldn’t have to play a match two levels over my squads level, when NO OTHER FACTION at that level has to. It is not about whether your good or not as I have stated that I can make due with my level 3 weapons in level 5, but why should I have to? If I want to play level 3 Allies, then I should be playing against level 3 or level 4 weapons. Those who like the challenge of playing two levels up can just add a level 4 or 5 weapon to their squad and still have that challenge of being uptiered. I don’t have to be uptiered as I have maxed out level 5 squads, but I would like to play level 5 with my level 5 squads, not my level 3 squads. That is the point, not whether someone is good with lower tier weapons. :sweat_smile:

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it plays no part when skilled player plays against noobs. he will destroy noobs even if he has BA with 4 man stock team. maybe he will not destroy them with same effectiveness, but result will be the same.
if you are talking about noobs with equipment against noobs without it, then i agree that equipment plays good part.

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But skilled player is not average seal clubber. Average seal clubber is classic minmaxer but without skill.

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You got that right about the seal clubbers. There are some games I could not have played any worse then I did, yet my side, despite me were on the good end of the seal clubbing. :rofl:

well it might be just my bias cause i dont see difference when playing against BR1 or BR3 players with my BR2 lineup. when majority of players absolutely suck, their equipment doesnt really matter.


I don’t think your going to find a lot of noobs playing level 3 unless they started right off buying premium squads. So, most noobs are not going to be greatly uptiered into a level 5 match. That being said, a noob starting off buying all level 3 premium squads is quickly going to get annihilated in level 5. :rofl:

Yeah, it doesn’t play a big role in Enlisted as it doesn’t require much skill. Most of the time you just shoot braindead bots.
You just have to know what to do to win, but you are not required to actually have a skill in fps games.

That’s probably why it doesn’t matter that you get exactly the same rewards for playing any BR, and that the game doesn’t encourage people to tend to play higher BRs.

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