How would the game look like if we only had 2 total BRs?

Just been thinking, what if there is only “BR1 as in early war” and "BR2 as in late war?

No more ±1BR stuff. What do you guys think?

Because I feel like not much would change from the equipment being used - new players still wouldn’t have do deal with high BR gear and vehicles from veterans. Maps would then also be set as early war and late war maps.

Sure current BR1 and BR4 gear for example could sadly turn into placeholder unlocks, however people don’t really use these weapons for long anyways.

Depends I guess? If the equipment are within their timeframe only then it would be kinda similar to campaign system.

If it current then nothing changes imo

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Like Moscow and Berlin I guess

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People would be constantly yelling for limiting, nerfing and restricting meta stuff. It would be a never ending cycle of biased crying.


Kinda yeah, maybe without the super late unlocks like MKB and such, but early T34 vs Panzer IV F2 vs Sherman isn’t too crazy to deal with as a new player, just unlock a AT weapon that isn’t a anti tank rifle and you are good to go, would also make it less complicated to add AT guns for early war and late war.

So like i said, nothing would change

Yeah, maybe. But it could be always worse.


Well I mean you got a point, right now most balance discussions are about BR5 gear, because thats the final unlocks so to speak.

Most people don’t think about complaining that BR4 US MGs might be underpowered against some other nation when we get up or down tiered anyways.

So you would indeed have two final unlocks for each BR that would need to have proper balancing. Still, Meta adjustments are difficult - however having 5 separate BRs is without a doubt the more complicated system.

Well, to have just two BR levels would basically mean eliminating level 1-2 matches. If you choose allies and all level 3 squads, your already subjugated to the possibility of level 5 matches, where your level 3 German and Russian squads your not. Since the DEV’s refuse a 0/0 BR setup, then there should be 3 BR levels.

BR 1-2, since Noobs with level 1 weapons should not be forced to use them against level 3 squads. (No chance of being placed against BR3).

BR 3-4 as to be honest, there is not a heck of a lot of difference between 3 and 4 weapons for the most part. All semi auto’s are 100% semi auto in BR3-4. (No chance of being placed against BR5).

BR5, since all the weapons are superior to all previous levels, this should be a stand alone BR. (No chance of being placed against any other BR rated squads unless they have at least one BR 5 weapon).

DEVS would say, “We don’t have enough players for that”. I say BS. Since 1/4 to 1/2 the teams desert anyway, your still playing with bots in the end, so their “not enough players excuse” BS is irrelevant.


Not entirely necessarily. No one says that those “early war” matched would need to contain BR3 stuff to begin with.

We could pretty much split current BR3 in half.

BR1 - BR2.5 vs BR2.5 - BR5 so to speak.

Alot of BR3 gear fits better into BR5 instead of BR1 anyways.

Or go straight up to BR1 - BR2 matches and BR3 - BR5 matches.

This is my complaint. Why are allies subjugated to a level 5 match when playing with all BR 3 squads, where Germany and Russia are not. I don’t play Japan, so I don’t know what they get if they choose BR 3. I scratch my head as to why the BR discrepancy. Both should be 2-4. Both the Germans and Allies have the possibility of playing against two factions, where the Russians and Japs only have one. I know Russia is also 2-4 but with only one faction as an opponent. So why is allies the only ones with a 2-5 possibility?

So that final early war BR unlocks would be:

MP40, G41, MG34

20 round Thompson, M1 Garand, BAR

PPSH41 Stick mag, SVT 36, DP27

Germans having the best MGs, Soviets having the best SMGs, both Soviets and US having better semi autos, US has medium SMGs and MGs.

I think it could work - especially since MGs have decent usability nowadays.

Well I don’t include Japane here neither- since I don’t play them enough to understand their balance

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I only have the beginner weapons with Japan, and only have 11 total matches played with them, and a 45% w/l record. :rofl: I have over 1500 matches with allies, over 750 with Germans and around 275 or so with the Russians. I do have the special radioman squad with the Japanese from the contest a couple months ago, so, I do have more then just the basic guns.
ScreenHunter 998

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like it did after the merge with only 2 queues…and it sucked HARD


Imagine you just start playing the game and have no idea what you are doing. You are overwhelmed by UI, by controlling your squad and fighting enemy squads instead of singular fighters like in other games.
Meanwhile your opponents are armed with semi-auto rifles that can delete you faster than you could understand how to shoot your starter bolties.

Yeah sounds fun, if that was my starting experience I would have left the game after 2 hours.

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Excellent idea, lets just completely undo one of the major good things that happened with the merge. Make 75% of the weapons in the game invalid again and put low BR players with nothing against what would have been BR3 players.

This is a lose/lose, either new players get to deal with BR3 or BR3 gets removed from any relevancy at all.


This is just pre update bracketing BR1-3 and 3-5 ie 2 Tiers, what ur asking about.

What would it look like? Well like it did 3 months ago, with players constantly complaining about lack of fine BR increments (+/-1).

We got that 2 months ago and we’ve all lived happily ever after.

For the most part anyhow.


Well, I only play BR2 and BR5 so it’d probably be that

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BR4 stuff really shouldn’t have to go up against BR5 shit imo, it’s so braindead.