improve rider class and add the ability to add more soldiers, while giving them new vehicles
you are admitting they are broken
add fire power
add armor
add soldiers
add stability
thats no longer a rider thats a scout or recon
you see, the reason why rider failed, it’s because people don’t fully understand them lol.
what i mean ( not you in particularly but in general )
which, if anything, it’s more of a situational class.
but above all, it actually require a brain to use it.
and not just rush the point just to get wiped out and then complain.
but… that’s their very feature.
very useful in conquest.
or the first point to get on the side and place a rally.
or even flank and destroy tanks with it.
speed is an essential component of the squad.
they are not.
there are usually corridors.
if anything, berlin and d-day is more challenging to use this class for their uptmost efficency.
… because the bike is the tool.
or rather, the vehicle concept.
it’s more of a support rule.
- secure the landing zone of friendly paratroopers
- support friendly vehicles.
- get faster to flanking positions
- laser gun to take out from a greater distance enemy
i mean… i hate to be condescending or a smart ass. but i don’t think it’s the bike issue if you are the one driving into them.
the fuck?
find me a picture of a bike with an actual auto cannon.
ugh… if you place your self in a position where the dead arcs are going to get your self killed, again, it’s not the bikes fault.
you know what i’ll say.
no. ( and yes )
first of all, bikes and tankettes have a very different role.
which i will agree that could be used for the rider class.
matter of fact, the rider class needs no changes, only improvements.
such as
- let this be an in depth support role by allowing all type of radio calls ( supply canisters, smokes, aircraft call, rocket artillery etc ) to increase their firepower and fully cover the " support " role.
ultimately, since not everyone is suited ( or really comprehends ) how to use this class, to get two pidgeons and a stone,
i think;
- add armored cars ( & tankettes ) would be a great introduction so we get iconic vehicles ( such as the armored m3 car, the 222, ba 64s etc ) as well as making the rider class more appealing to people while avoiding having to add a new class for said armored cars.
- change AA vehicles to go underneath the rider class
hell, even add trucks with ammo, medkits or engineer resourches.
but i don’t see anything inherently wrong with the bike it self.
( outside the part where you can’t unflip it. that’s dumb )
however, more options are the way to go.
if anything, circumstances makes it less appealing.
such as the fact that free to players are not going to chose a bike over a plane or tank.
( mostly because they don’t have much of a choice ).
the radio operator should be a focal point together with the bike.
and well, more that i addressed here:
challenge to use to utmost
i am sure you are a souls get good
i don’t say put one br5 into my br3 squad to get good
why the game is hard enough why make it harder
dead arcs my fault, so you must love tank destroyer without turrets they have plenty of dead arc that skill can overcome
( outside the part where you can’t unflip it. that’s dumb )
if its a bike and nit a trike (fully loaded bike with side car)
yeah that is easy to do it combat in say the desert on sand
where both sets of tires are sliding
as for driving pot calling kettle
i have four slots in which i can bring
a tank
or rider
out of dozens maybe even a hundred or more squads brought into a game are riders
1-5 on average
apc similar speed
mobile rally point
full squad
engineers can build
mg nest
at gun
aa gun
tank good speed
ability to swat tanks and infantry
turret for proper arc of fire
as for skill if i had it i would take a fighter or attacker
greater speed
no fear of terrain, cannot flip
biggest enemies other planes and aa
massive bomb or rocket load
so yes it could be a choice say above medic or attack and fighter
but unless i had like seven to ten squads no
as for tank killer, i guess
paratrooper killer only if they are bad at being paratroopers