How to improve nav mesh?

How to improve those paths? i’ ve already tried adding renderists and terraformig on top of dorways amd it didn`t help

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Send us the scene.blk

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scene.rar (779.7 KB)

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I will be honest here, i have no concrete idea.

Most of the time, the gap is either too narrow, or short. But in your case i don’t think thats the problem.

For example it works here just fine:

But on your map due to the asset placement(?) it does not:

The method you used to create this map is very space inefficient, and placing several assets into each other will certainly not help navmesh generation. Also i wouldn’t use the remove function as it’s going to bloat scene size. Instead place your map where there is nothing, or use terrain patches and place the map in the air:

I will give you the prefab for it.
terrain_patch_large.blk.txt (553 Bytes)

Also avoid Z-fighting.

Enlisted 2024.02.16 -

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the idea was to make map with point of symetry. to design it in that way i had to make outline of church and rotate it 180degries. the easiest way to make that outline was to place walls inside and outside of the church since scaling the width was super annoying becouse of need to reset rotation to change scale properly (mayby there is some way to scale it easier way?)

this version of the map is ready for gameplay testing (exept for navmesh) all the overlaping walls will be removed or replaced with nicer textures after the tests. i intentionally left the map it that state so it will be easier to aply any changes if needed.

Z-fighting accurs becouse walls were placed on both sides of the church by placeing wall on one side and than copimg and moving it to the other side without changeing the hight. to fix it now it would mean to select all overlaping walls and mowing them in vertical plane a little bit which will be doable but annoying to do.

during the development i was worried that removing the assts could introduce some problems. now im sure its affecting file size so i will prefab the map and move it to difrent place. i still have copy of the map with guidelines for terraforming so it wont be supper time consuming
there was also another problem. for some reason when lunching map on NA servers (both europe servers worked fine) map was loading with buildings that i removed. NEED HELP! custom map is layered with orignal buildings

i have one solution idea. after moving map to diferent file to empty location (i will probably use tunisia map becouse it doesnt have this time variants that change lighting) i will render the navmesh. then i will make a coppy of the map and in every location that navmesh is broken i will replace buildings with simple walls then render nav mesh again and copy navmesh file to the accual map


  1. is there a way to scale renderists in more eficient way?
  2. where do i copy your prefab?
  3. what do you think about my solution idea
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so i copied the map removed church and render navmesh than i copied new navmesh to original file and here is the result :slight_smile:


is there a way to scale renderists in more eficient way?

Yes. Press X and it will switch from global to local rotation mode. ( I cannot explain it better, try it.)

where do i copy your prefab?

Enlisted/userPrefabs . Create the folder if it doesn’t exist.

what do you think about my solution idea

What i usually do with complex maps is i create a seperate map for navmesh. I generate the navmesh there, and copy it to the regular map. Navmesh map only has the bare minimum for AI.

Making a fair map where both team have similar positions, covers, etc is difficult. You will have to experiment to achieve symmetry.

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thank you for replaying to all questions

oh so you did it the same way, i guess its the only good option

map already is completly symetrical, even church is 100% symetrical due to all walls i added so nither team will have any advantage.
the biggest issues tha might accur balance waise is that some positions could be to hard to push/defend or that map is too small. but gameplay tests will help with either.

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aditional question how do i make rotating more precise?

Press ALT when rotating.


You can make screenshots by pressing Win + Printscreen on your keyboard. And then they will appear in Images folder. Or you also can able paste screenshot using Ctrl + V.

Why isn’t the terraform not connecting or linking to original nav-mesh? The terraform from the looks of picture 094935 will not readjusts to a foreign or base nav-mesh. I call it foreign because it’s added from a library of patches or caps. When the terraform registers the patch or cap some serious recalculations could instantly take control of patches surface to connect the patches splines within the first row of nav-mesh points. That connection is really demanding, but it would allow troops and soldier an escape route. Where every blank and need nav-mesh there should be a nav-extender to connect to the added path or surface. Seems that would too be restricted to patches and caps only or boxes and all other ground planes.

In the Create Entity section I found a cave nav-mesh render box. It helped add the nav-mesh on the areas which were needed when soldiers were running through caves. Try added the cave entity, scaling it in those location for your mission.

neat i will try that ass well

nav mesh still works its under the terraforms, lines are conecteed just hidden under ground bots still navigate correctly