How to ignore the soviet armour

you maybe are onto something.

japan is currently viable for events.

4 matches, ( technically 3 ) and i made 20k points.

mostly because you’ll be doing all the work, but if teammates don’t quit, you can actually win with them. strange behavior right there. it’s like with germany but better.

japan teammates actually know what to do when it comes to defending or assaulting a point in true zerg fashion.


no, i do not think an armor gives that much of an advantage.

of which, i wouldn’t mind if it disappears or remains.
( well, that is, i guess easy for me to say since i mostly use bolties and/or go for the head )

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you just love overpowered nonsense.


all except parrot he tried to warn us


You piqued my interest!

I really just want to close event as fast as I can, so if I can earn a lot of points it’s all I need… soooo tired :sweat_smile:

errr i hope it doesn’t sound misleaeding, but, yeah, currently, it’s more bearable with japan.

even though rally points are still somewhat of an issue.

and… well, you’ll still have to do most of the killing.

but i had a positive week trying to farm the event in quick time.

cuz if you go for overplayed factions, it will just end up being a rofl stomp with little xp and lots of time sunk.

i forgot you’re playing in NA.

so… can’t say for certain there.


I remember when Tiger II P came into Berlin, and I praised the devs for having such a great idea of not adding the Tiger II H.

Little did I know the devs don’t understand balance.
Tiger II H was and still is a mistake and shouldn’t be part of the game.
Body armor the way it functions right now is also an unfair advantage.
the new Japanese shielded Para squad is pure pay to win.

There is a trend with this game, and I don’t like it.
Yes the devs have addressed many issues recently, but it seems they don’t understand balance - while they also don’t dare to go full asymmetrical faction balance.

I fear for the future of the game.

I’m not playing super well anyway lately (tired) which is why I aimed at trendy factions first… I’ll test Japan later :thinking:

well all that left is US unless the stinger is that?

you can’t be serious. what kind of troll post is this?

in before the maus :stuck_out_tongue:

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couldn’t have said it better my self.

but jokes aside, unfortunately, as said, if you play stacked factions, sure the effort might not be needed that much, but the rewards are going to be worse and you’ll have to play more games.

so, usually it’s best to play underdogs factions or averange played faction.

( well, germany from what i’m gathering is to avoid completely. )

but, that’s up to you. and it definitely changes from server regions

well, you can’t really expect a ww2 game without tigers II

it’s not much about balance ( even though, tigers II are decent, but it won’t save you from planes ) it was either TT or premium.

arguably TT was better than being premium. otherwise the thin line of p2w might have been crossed for real.

4 bullets from side arms

3 from carbines and some smgs & assault rifles

1 from bolt actions

is it really though?

like, the head is still visible.
which it’s what you’ll be mostly ( or should be ) shooting at.

you will perform worse per game score wise, but you will also get 50% xp that will probably net you more xp per time played.

events don’t count those.

but score performed.

so unless you want to make 6 to 8 matches to gain 20k, be my guest

pls don’t give the devs ideas.

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technically :nerd_face: we do have the E-100

headshots are not a viable target, neither in this game, nor in real life. Snipers go for center mass. Even in modern war, if the enemy carries body armor, so does a real sniper use 338 Lapua or 50 cal - possibly armor piercing rounds.

this new squad means:

-potentially survives a bolt action shot
-potentially survives 3 SMG shots before taking any damage
-can survive 3 select fire shots

while having no downside to it, AND while being the strongest weapon in the game while being BR4 AND while being in the hands of extra vitality paratroopers.

This is the most overpowered nonsense the game has seen so far, and since I have already said this for 2 or 3 other units or mechanic in the past, my words are not placed lightly.

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more reasons to ditch snipers.

but, in all seriousness,

wdym " not viable ".
how the hell do you play this game?
shooting around the target?

for the most part, they will be running. ( well, actually, dropping from the skies )
so the shield will be down and allows for pretty much clean neck / head shots.

sure, but this game is not a 1v1.

there are other bots, and explosions, etc.

so i’ll find it hard to believe a tiny shield that covers up half of the chest is that big of an issue.

THAT, is an argument of which we should focus.
make it heavier and more sluggish.

but that goes for all mgs.

the other thing that should be criticized, is the br being IV instead of V.
which makes no effing sense.
and could be considered bederline OP as it’s better than it’s counter part of the TT with a strong ability to para drop.

what i mean is, the weapon being strong, is not an issue. and the shield doesn’t make it more powerfull. but it actually has less reload and no weight effects. plus being paras.
it’s the combination that makes it problematic along side a lower br of what it should be.

not quite.

rocket artillery tanks arguably were and still are one of the most broken things.
or being able to change weapons to paras only for one side.

but both are very situation in term of their actual " brokeness / efficency "

imo that is.

personally, i go center mass everytime

there are games like Counterstrike, Valorant or Siege where you dont go for center mass, because the body shot -head shot damage difference is insanely high.

Enlisted only really benefits low damage SMG users to go for headshots, because a headshot will kill no matter how bad your weapon is, so aiming for the torso is the more reliable thing to shoot at - which completely sucks when you do so and someone has a separate HP pool specifically for that.

On a side note, there are shooter games that have types of multiple HP pool hit box systems like Day Z or Escape from Tarkov - and who ever has played those before knows how incredibly unreliable the bullets to kill in those games are.


I genuinely support that editing of what I wrote :smile: