How to ignore the soviet armour

First of all, thx for the info to a good friend, your help Will be apreciated for me and probably someone more : )

As You obviously know (or not) You can upgrade your weapons to make them more efficient against your enemies

Recently with My friend and i discovered that the damage penalization with the soviet armor can be easily eliminated using this trick

This works with most of the weapons sadly most of them needs to be at max level to have the damage upgrade and this cost much silver but is efficient : ) also we had a problem with the submachineguns that You need 3 shot to kill an enemy a the enemy only needs 2 not more My Friends, with upgrated both weapons have similar perfomance

Here’s a list of weapons that can be upgrated to make more damage

-bolt action rifles make a 22 base damage but You can make more efficient his one shot kill range

-M1 Beretta




-semi auto rifles as arma guerra and the gewerh are wierd sometimes You need 1 shot and sometimes 2 i don’t recommend upgrate this weapons

  • the only semi auto exception is the ZH

-the Stg 44 (sniper version too)

-MkB line (all the variants) Even the sniper ones

-kirally 39m

  • FG 42 (both versions)



-mg34 /42


(I don’t recommend You do this in mg’s exeptly the ZB)

Remember You don’t only get a damage upgrate You can also get less recoil, faster cadency…etc

I know that someone Will Say “this is too expensive” and yeah it is but You can easily earn silver (if You have premium is more faster) but is the solution that i found

If You have any question or You have another method You can comment it below :wink:

Thx again to my friend for the information you’re like the Superman Starman meme XD
images (17)

“Sos un grande muchacho, me salvaste la sanidad mental”

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Or just head shot, the Veteran way :grin:


I forgot that XD if You don’t want to do this just aim to the head XD

Be a Chad, use the PZB38 or 39 on them! Then get prosecuted for war crime.


Ohh yessss You give me a solution dude thx :smiling_imp:

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Soviet armor is ultra overrated (and definitely not worth the price, if you don’t like it visually). There’s basically no difference if you’re going to kill soldier with 2 instead of 1 or 3 instead of 2 rounds while using pretty much any full auto weapon.

Whoever shoots first always kills the other guy. Unless he has some incredibly huge skill issues.

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you will see clear problem from these graphs


No, I don’t see any problem whatsoever. Before Euthymia have revealed the fact soviet body armor does have provide 10% reduction. Literally nobody ever noticed it.

If they’d just remove the bonus now without announcing it. No one would have noticed the difference. :slight_smile: and people would be still crying about OP soviet body armors.

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Not in all situations but i’m some of them the armor saves the soldier and Yea 10% less damage is an adventage but not to much but it can be desesive for some combats

Nah we just will Say Noe Germany is a better place ( now we want more players that are focused in the grind not casuals) but this is another topic lol

Consider that this not only affects the german weapons also affects the allies ones so i see it balanced

like someone said; "if it doesnt matter, then remove it. if it does matter it is unfair advantage so it should be removed. "

this performance loss is basically downtiering weapon by 1, 2 or 3 tiers. fg42 is rifle that can potentially kill 10 players (one to down, one to finish off player), but with loss of performance becomes weapon that can only potentially kill 6 players cause it needs 3 bullets. that is basically 40% decrease in performance of a weapon.

piece of cosmetic should never be responsible for affecting basic game mechanisms.

idk what you mean with that.


I mean… The distance affects all the weapons ( damage and dispersion) so if You think it well is not a bigger problem

distance affects all weapons, but cause of body armor it breaks the original weapon balance for germany against soviets. weapon balance should be made against other weapons, not with piece of equipment available only for one nation and available for currency that you cant earn by normally playing game (outside events/BP).

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I have not heard anyone complain Soviet armor saved the enemy in the years of playing. I have not felt that armor save me playing as the Soviets as well. The excel spreadsheet mentality has limits. This is fine as is


10% here, 10% there…
“But those are meaningless numbers”
Yeah, untill you get effect of 10 such “meaningless numbers”.

I don’t say it’s already the case. But I’m not going to take a risk and give it an opportunity to emerge.

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just wait till clan arrive im sure body armor usage will skyrocket for those min-maxer

I don’t mind much about that ONE particular advantage as by itself it doesn’t do much, but…

It’s a bit… strange one faction keeps having lil statistics or mechanics advantages over the other factions…

  • Those armours…
  • Ppsh41(box) with unfair laser dispersion unseen anywhere else…
  • All Soviets paratroopers being the only ones with loadout choices…
  • Strange statistics on weapons, with the only goal to make them better than their counterparts if ever so slightly (ass 44 just there because axis cannot have best AR)
  • Things like fedorov…
  • (old) plain biased balance choices, beretta 20 rnds vs drum Ppsh41 in old Moscow…
  • Must have better things from OTHER factions BEFORE those very factions (Sherman… m3…)
  • etc.

The faction is certainly fun to play. It’s also the most powerful and the one I recommend for newcomers… but all those slight advantages together… it just feels a bit biased :confused:

The only usual excuse that keeps coming: “but KTH”. That vehicle has a lot on it’s “shoulders”.

In my humble opinion.


You’ve just become a werhaboo Joe


Have I? I only play easy mode Sovs & Usa lately… I’m super tired and want to speed the event :sweat_smile:

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