How many battles per day is too much?

wanted to see who plays most battles in a day… got this result
i wont be posting names, but couple of those results are just same players on multiple days.
checked what is happening with top player, but it seems like he is just playing 16 hours a day and constantly deserting after minute or two in match. idk if he is searching for a good match or if he even plays full game.



@robihr tell us if is one of the forum at least


well he visited forum once :slight_smile:


might be a bot

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it isnt. removed all bots from results.

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True chad

i mean a outside enlsted bot programmed to join and drop(a bot of this kind would e incapable of playing) for reasons beyond me

i have 5300ish batles over 60 full days of play

that would be 88 batles per full day give or take.

since stats count since first OBT . that would be around 760 days +/-

that would be 7 batles per day for me.

without counting the matches i leave. they are alot.

7 might sound alot, but most matches are 10-15 min long…

eh i though i was playing this game more … strange

i do it too. ALOT
time is valuable, my own fun, even more.


i desert also, but when you do it 26 times in a row on most populated campaign and lose at least 45 minutes for finding a “perfect” game (that idk if he even played) i dont see how he is making his time valuable. and then does it for 16 hours in a row…

No matter how I look at it, I feel pity for the guy playing 169 battles a day on average.

Because by then the game is no longer just a time killer but the person’s entire life…

It’s an disease, no different than those glued to casinos slot machines.

… I thought I played too much with ≈4 match a day…


perhaps this is a Chinese person who is upgrading an account for sale, I heard this is a common practice with them, or several people play on this account

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thats just … too much

That’s a reasonable guess. Still, even if we consider the existence of a soft cap decreasing xp earnings over time in a prolonged match (which I’m not even sure about), I find it hard to believe that barely starting 169 matches in 16 h would be more profitable than actually playing at least a few of them in the same time…

If it wasn’t for the totally unhealthy amount of time played, I would have guessed that the guy is just roleplaying hard and leaving the match as soon as he dies once…

loaded replay of one of his matches, but he just deserted it immediately.

Cyclic joining and instant quitting looks like automatic bot behaviour, but the point is… Why? This apparently serves no purpose whatsoever.

Quitting without any action nets 0 XP, so it’s useless for account farming.

Trying to artificially boost the stats of active players? If the Devs were behind that, there would be multiple accounts doing it, not just a single guy.

i was thinking it could be bot behavior, but it would only make sense if they are testing bot for some map and they needed specific map/side. but that is way easier to achieve with custom battle so i really dont know what he is doing. i didnt catch him at all before weekend and this is updated table from half an hour ago… he did 30 more battles in ~2 hours


Its him!:

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well who is that guy ? :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

The colonel form Battlefield friends.
You don’t know him?

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