Enlisted stats- postmerge edition

Do you mind making a quick summary of your observations in the OP? (like how its tracking in general compared to pre merge. I figure you know the data and have already made some conclusions)

i put preliminary observations up there. will post more tomorrow.

i still need to double check data and couldnt do it before cause of long ass queries you get when database becomes too big and you run unoptimized queries on weak hardware (overall i spent waiting 5-15 minutes for a query that should have been over in few seconds).


Are they actually playing the game though? You don’t have to play a match to log in and collect a reward. From your statistics, I counted 180,594 total games post merge, which is 64,626 battles less than the 245,220 total battles in that period 1 category. Keep in note that the deserter percentage is higher in the post merge category except in the Normandy campaign.

Overall, we are a little over a week in and it is still considered new. Due to that, the statistics aren’t going to show anything drastic until that newness fades. So it’s still too early for any side to have any sort of “I told you so” moments.

It’s called addiction lmao


Lol, can’t you read his info? He got the data from the replay site. So they must played a match.

It is normal, since there are more real players per match so there will be less total battles.

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period 1 category has ~8 days, while merge and period 2 have 7 days. also number of battles is compressed cause of the merge. there is more human players per battle than before (thing that merge sought to achieve).
also look at total human players alongside with total battles. post merge you have 180.6k battles with 2.95 mil non unique players in 7 days, while premerge you had 245k battles with 3.03 mil non unique players in ~8 days, or 231.4k battles and 2.74 mil non unique players in 7 days.

well there have been numerous posts about quitting during the week, with people talking how their numerous friends quit and uninstalled the game. i am just wondering where are those people with their friends who quit the game?

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Sure, however, I’m sure they still tested the update so that would pop up with the replays. Regardless, some people are probably just saying stuff to get a reaction too since they’re displeased with the update, since most people who leave wouldn’t say anything.

In the end, people have put a lot into the game, that being time, money, or both (of which I have 3 years and hundreds of dollars in it), so there’s a sunk cost fallacy going on to where it’s like an abusive relationship (look at World of Warcraft). So some players won’t leave, out of that sunk cost fallacy or out of optimism that we’d get a mode catered to us and everything will be ok, and some probably will leave.

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Can you track respawn number per player per match? Plot the distribution against scores?
I’m just curious if it’s me being salty or ever since the merge half the games are full of absolute deadweights never ever pushing the cap zone. You open the damn scoreboard and 20 minutes into the match like up to 5 people per team have basically no respawns. Makes matches feel like pulling teeth to me

nope. i cant even track who won, not to mention details inside the match.
you only get basic stuff from replay info like battles, maps, players and their distribution, bots, player platform, match time etc.
cant even track server that match is played on (would be super useful for analysis).

i even tried to see if i could read anything from replay files easily (like end game score table), but that data is unreadable.

the clearest variable to see the success and eliminate background noise from the data is:
overall time played by real players before the merge and overall time played by real players after the merge.

the other variables people discussed here are not helpful or depend on comparison with other variables.

what are those numbers?


not possible with replay site info. i can only get you players in a match and how long that match lasted, not how long player played in certain battle which would be requirement for what you want.

i would disagree. number of unique players is important, as well as number of non unique players. data that tells that people play more battles per day post merge then before merge, but there is also more desertion.

i will provide more data, but now i am optimizing database so i can actually get queries in decent times.

we may be addicted

but we’re less likely to pay anything as long as we’re unsatisfied/unsure about further game development

which is more important I guess

Idk about you, but I already pre ordered apc bundle.



Lol…its needs alot of refining…refining that was predictable 6 months ago…

…but halftracks :smiley:


I think the biggest problem is general unwillingness of devmans to simply punish egregious stacking. The matchmaker sometimes seems unhinged too. It does not even TRY to balance matches skill or gear wise. As a player you dont really even get feedback on how to unstack really. And sometimes play all will put you on the hyperstacked side anyway lmao. There are real problems in the game, but a LOT of them become infuriatingly game breaking when one team is just dramatically weaker
There is no way to even tell which side needs help, let alone any enticement. No, you are getting punished by half newbie, half actively-worse-than-bots teams (anytime i open a scoreboard and see like FIVE sniper icons with 10 kills and 0 respawns 20 minutes in i die inside), fighting against the most infuriating german spammers, you don’t even get a crumb of transferrable XP, since whatever you get past finishing your nations research is locked to the nation. You should be getting at least like 500 silver per match-unstacking-service. I’d even settle for uncapped queues for overplayed sides, so that you know you should switch

added few maps stats and updated google sheets with new data. dont have much time with christmas coming, so i will put more data through couple of days.
btw all data for crossplay on only.

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updated with few other stats.

added min time, max time and average time for maps post merge
added stats for players activity through 3 periods.
added some observations for player activity (maybe will add more later).
updated google sheets.

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either bot or someone who desperately needs help. that is about average ~150 battles daily. there are couple of more people with average >80 battles per day. overall there are more than 100 people who play over 30 battles daily and i certainly hope that lot of those are desertions cause that would be ~10 hours of pure gameplay if you take average duration of a match into account.

btw not first time something like this happened

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I can provide information of duplicates UserID for 25 battles. 13:40-13:48 GMT +3. And I also find this battles and get info about time