How is the ticket cost to spawn a squad calculated? It seems all over the place

Tonight I’ve been playing Japan, on the map Myansera, invasion defense, In one game the Allies had -14 ticket cost / squad, while in the other game they had a -7 ticket cost / squad. Can anyone explain why is there a difference between the ticket cost , on the same map, same game type?

Against really good players, a cost of only 7 tickets to spawn a squad will feel like having almost infinite tickets

The replay of the 7 ticket cost : Gaijin Entertainment - Single Sign On
The replay of the 14 ticket cost : Gaijin Entertainment - Single Sign On


I think it’s probably not about how many that are spawned, but how many are killed. It 's just 14 were killed in that amount of time.

The ticket cost is fixed . If you spawn a 4 man squad, a 9 man squad, or a plane it will still cost the same


I think there is a difference between modes/maps. I also know that vehicle tickets cost more than infantry squad spawns. Would be nice to actually get it posted on how it works though … maybe a good idea for a Combat Notes. @MajorMcDonalds any chance of a Combat Notes explaining how tickets work?


Since we have no official answer yet, another example popped into my mind. D-Day. Yesterday, I played a BR 2 game, as the Germans defending on D-day Invasion. The allies had a cost of 7 tickets / spawn. Later , the same day, same map, but this time attacking as the germans on D-day, which is the same map but in reverse, the tickets to spawn a squad is 14. The difference between the two is unbelievable

I’ve seen them comment about changing the spawn costs on various maps and modes occasionally in the past - “for balance”, so it isn’t set in stone


I am fine with the number changing, but it should at least be the same for both sides, like in the d-day example. And vehicles should cost more than an infantry squad

AFAIK it is unique for each map and direction of attack - so I guess if both sides are playing on teh same map and in the same direction - but there’s no reason why it should be the same on hte same map for different directions since that gives effectively different terrain.

It depends on 3 factors:

  1. The map;
  2. The side of attackers;
  3. The player to bots ratio of attackers side.

This is the most significant contributor to ticket per squad now. In a custom game where attackers side has only one player and zero bots, one squad spawn can cost 60 to 100 tickets. While in a game with full 25 players in the attackers side, one squad spawn can cost only 2 to 3 tickets.

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Well you could argue it’s easier or at least the same to HE spam the germans on D-day trying to get down hill. And I can’t see the terrain as being different since it’s exactly the same, but in reverse. Players are still fighting over the same patch of land but from opposite directions

If players to bots ratio really does influence the tickets then that is probably the root cause of these issues. But I think vehicles should still cost more than an infantry squad.
And I would still like to know exactly the percentages of how bots influence the tickets

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The ticket cost system needs to be made easy to understand, this “theory talk” about a core aspect of the game is bad business.

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Almost that for each team the infantry squad and vehicle have a set amount of ticket per spawn. Generally the tank and plane squad are little bit more expensive than infantry

Just did a D-day custom. 1 player 19 bots. Playing for the attacking side, invasion, the ticket cost was 11. plane was 11 tank was 11. When you say they are more expensive what do you mean ? by how much ? I feel like people tend to remember the old days. About 1 year ago, I remember the planes being -25 , tanks as well, but those times are long gone

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They are more expensive then the infantry

But I just told you they are not. And you can easily test this in any attacking game right now

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The ticket cost change between each campaign

Right now, on any campaign on any map ,if an infantry squad cost is 12, the plane is 12 ,the tank is 12

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Not really on the bulge campaign sometime it cost 14 and it vary with the number of bot in the team