How about more flame tank for each faction?

Ok so we got like a bit of option like KV8 or Flammpanzer 38 for example and the American have the crocodile. The jap have Sōkō Sagyō Ki so basically everyone get flame tank.

Hell even the italian have flame tank but they are tankette.

ngl would be quite ironic if we somehow get a flame hetzer before the actual thing.


COH2 flashbacks


There are so many examples that we could see. I just hope that future flame tanks have the range they need to be effective.


Flame Sherman when?
Plus more rocket stuff would be cool
M26 T99 for example? (Tested in late ‘45)
Or what about the M45? Love me some M2 Howitzer gameplay

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For the Japanese I think the experimental Ka-Ho would be better since it retains the 57mm and it’s basically just a Chi-Ha with flame throwers.

The more the merrier

Some would say why bother adding more when factions have already this or that (they already have 1 flame tank why more), I say why not. This game already has a large amount of vehicles with the potential for many more

It adds variety

They can be like the American fire-breathing tanks
The silver version with a range of 18 meters
Reference to the 32-meter range gold coin version of the Soviet Union and Germany
The 18-meter one is placed in stages 1 to 2
The 32-meter one is placed in stage 3

the concept is nice however not sure if they would be used more often because of tanks camping, they would be XP pinata.

L3 is the most popular but we had others (always light)

L6/40 flamethrower
L6 lanciafiamme 3


Autoprotetto S37 flamethrower

FIAT 3000 flamethrower

CV  lanciafiamme


I see the low range as a good incentive to get out of the greyzone. What flame tanks really lack at the moment is ammunition, i felt like that is the main factor making them not worth the while.

How is everyone here forgetting the most iconic flame tank of them all, the Stuart Satan. Seriously, why has this thing not been added as a counterpart to the HT-130 and Panzer II (F). It’s like the perfect match for them.

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Flammenpanzer III(Pz III Hull)
Flamer Hetzer
Flammenpanzer(Sd.Kfz 251 flamethrower)
Stuka wuz Fuss(Sd.Kfz 251 with 6 Wurfrahmen)

The US has the Crocodile serie and the Stuart Satan

How are you gonna balance them? Most Axis flamethrower tank doesn’t have main gun making it inferior to Allies counterpart.

Balance them by BR?

What BR are you gonna put those flamethrower without main gun at? The only thing they can do is rush to the front and use flame, it can’t counter grey zone tank.

What BR are you gonna put those flamethrower with main gun at? Should it have higher BR than its normal variant? Will such BR making its main gun obsolete?

The L6 flame thrower looks very promising, does it have a coaxial MG? THe only problem would be the realod rate on the italian coax as it stands it takes longer than an MG34 but only has 25 round mags. I made a suggestion post to bring attention to this and a helper replied that theyre going to pass it up the chain but I have little faith.

All they need is an anti-tank trooper
It’s time for tank crews to use anti-tank weapons

They can be used as unique upgrades
The third option after becoming a backpack and a second main weapon
Can only hold anti-tank weapons as primary weapons
I can’t wait for the day when anti-aircraft rocket launchers are useful


the funny part is that japanese tanks have the same system but don’t have this ridiculous reload time
they just literally have to copy and paste and we’ve been waiting since the day Tunisia was released…

I made a suggestion post about it, and a helper picked it up, hopefully it goes through