Ho-ri should not be in game

all other arguments aside.

The Ho-Ri is a fixed gun, no MG with 8-12 seconds reload. Its a Tank desroyer and no counterpart of the Superpershing.

I dont see it being very useful short of hard countering the odd tank…which you can already do with planes.


it has a 105 so it could be useful as fire support

Japanese already do have 12cm

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Sure, you could still do it. But when I’im playing infantry IM quite happy when the enemy pick slower firing tanks than what they could :smiley:

But yeah no mgs is hard to swallow on TDs

No, no, and no.

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Its counterpart Pershing(9.75-7.5s ) and super Pershing(16.2-12.5s) has comparable reload time.

Even those with MG are bad. The fire arc is very limited and don’t forget Japan tank MG is bad.

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I mean its a TD. Super pershing is a heavy tank…not that Japan has any true counterparts, paper or otherwise.


Damn, I thought that it would be the “prototype” no the “production” version… well good luck trying to kill that imaginary thing camping in the grey zone on the hill.


Allied players are the best CAS players. So, it will be dead within few seconds.

Just play a fighter and CAS is no more. It works well for me when using the germans vs us, shouldn’t be that different for the japanese.

I rarely see Japanese fighters in the sky. Most players doesn’t use them.

Will Tier V be so necessary for Japan? Why doesn’t it just stay at Tier IV or Tier III? And limit Tier V USA in the Pacific.


Because BR5 premiums are the most expensive ones.

Many thing shouldn’t be ingame, but here we are

O-I serie in WoT: wdym no true counterpart?

Honestly dont know that one. Never played WoT

According to some Japanese guy the prototype did exist.

One was made then scrapted due the Soviet-Japs Peace Treaty


Looks like a mobile fortress

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It was actually recommended in a directive by Zhukov in Feb of 45 due the quantities the Red Army captured