Ho-ri should not be in game

But ho ri already looks like a modern tank hunter, it doesn’t fit into a WW2 at all

Very good point, it doesn’t need to have BR4 and BR5

It looks like japanese version of WoT’s Jagdpanther II.

Nevertheless, I myself would be completely okay if Japanese was max BR3 faction. But sadly, DF wants to milk high BRs as much as possible.
There isn’t that much money in low BRs in comparison to high BRs, logically.


I love how most of the people are like “Just add a Tiger H1 for japan”

Yeah… I’d rather unique stuff, And I even more love how people want Not just post war tanks but like 1950s and up to 1970ISH porotypes.


The best and simple answer: Does japan truly need a Tier V?

Why even give them a Tier V?

I can’t think of anything worthy of Tier IV in japan atm. Let alone Tier V.

Let’s go over Tier IV japan:
Two semi autos: One based off the ZH that acts like a G41, And a Japanese Garand.

Type 2: Debable? It’s a type 2A with 20 more rounds and a bayonet, Doesn’t really scream T4 to me, Screams more so T3. but maybe I’m speaking out of bias. You know what? If the PPSH-41 box mag can be T3, I do not see why this thing can’t be.

Type 100 flamethower: Ehhh it’s kinda fitting I guess?

Japanese armor is terrible A t1 tank can still kill the chi-nu, It would be a fine T3, Plus Jumbo at T4 would just eat this thing. Hell people are showing the Short Gun is better at killing jumbos.

D4Y1: A single 500 kg bomb, Kinda fast? But Japan T2 is so bad in terms of so planes while the american has planes some times 2X the speed of the fighter let alone the attacker.

Ki-61-II: The ONLY Fast japanese plane, Different cannons and more ammo for said cannons. I could maybe understand why it’s T4, But I’d lean more towards T3 with it: simply put the P-51 is insane and it’s a T3 plane.HELL THE AP-1 IS T3.



Which modern tank hunter did Ho Ri looks like? I think it just looks like WW2 Germany Ferdinand/Elephant.

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And just to add onto this:

That is pure BS.


what is the issue with the 51c-10 versus the 61-ii ostu kai?

One is BR2 and second one is BR4?

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i mean it has a better payload for ground attack (note that pounds are half that of kilos so 100 kilo is 200 pounds)

I really don’t know if that is proper reason for Ki to be BR4 plane, especially since there fighter planes with 250k bomb and 20mm cannons at BR1



yeah why is that thing br 1 anyways?

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The B.R 2 fighter’s speed is like 526-550ish for Japan, while the Allie’s have planes who go around 600 up to even 700ish

And it only carries 60 kg bombs.

They have stuff like the spitfire which is like 612 stock, P-51 which as shown is an insane 714, and both of those planes are tier 2.
let alone the P-38 which has rockets and can still out run the fighters, Where japanese pilots basically have to pray that the other pilot is stupid and turn fights or they basically just have to have a wild goose chase until they can catch them or get out played via their speed allowing them to turn around.

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it would be nice to actually hit 700 in game but your true average is going to 400 but yeah being outran by muscle cars with wings is literally how US pilots dealt with japanese aircraft irl though those pilots didn’t have to deal with gimped aircraft engine

True counter for p38 is type 97 AT rifle, not fighter planes.



Im just wondering how they made up the armor values for it since wood cant be that strong.

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It’s a sanctified wood. Many generations of japanese monks prayed for it to grow strong so imperial engineers can use it for tanks.

(Sry, I don’t know enough about japan to make up more nonsense.)

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You guys clearly didn’t understand DF 4D chess move, they made Ho-Ri to attract World of Tank players :^)