Ho-ri should not be in game

cant wait to grind another tiger.

If you hate to use Tiger than just use cannon that Na-To uses.

Nothing to do with using it, just grinding another duplicate which arguably was one of the reasons for merge to decrease grinding same item over and over again.

I rather grind some duplicate tanks than release Japanese Imagination SPG

Japanese imagination spg / Or use imagination to use tiger in pacific = Got to use some serious imagination eitherway.

Just like Jumbo shouldn’t be roaming Pacific. Now you will feel the taste of your medicine. At least till you get Superpershing.

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At least they bought Tigers anyway. But That SPG is just full of imaginations and it would ruin game balance.

225-200 RHA Frontal Armor? and name it as “Production” which never made? I rather see Tiger that Japan bought.

I say we go the other way: drop the pretense that this game is based on reality and introduce the Titan rise mechs into the tech tree!

As much as I want this game to hue to some semblance of historical reality, it’s becoming more clear with every update that the devs aren’t interested in that. I’ve decided to stop swimming against the tide and embrace the fantasy setting they’ve created here.

The Titan rise mechs were surprisingly well done, and I enjoyed the point system they used for spawning them. All they need to do is give Japan their own mech and we’re of to the races!


Yeah Let’s add those Titans and lets play some WW2 Titanfall Instead. Great timing before Respawn launches Titanfall 3!


which was never delivered.

Yea I get your point, its must more plausible & requires less imagination to just think tiger swam to pacific or teleported.

Oh no, not like japan havent had issues with tank on tank combat.
As well as altering stats definitely havent been problem to DF.

Yeah bought but no delivered due the blockade.

just like Jumbos in 1942.

Not a problem if they add Superpershing with t41 and 44 shell

Japan don’t have any tank with a good armor so having one shouldn’t be a problem especially if USA going to get a good tank that can pen it


Yeah This is Tsunami Tank based on “real” history

It is Japanese Original Tank and great Rank V Vehicle for Japan

So what is difference between Tsunami and Ho-Ri? I dunno


Another guy who complains about HA i thought we were over that phase with AS-44 and other imaginary stuff like condors and …
Variety is good for the game and I’m completely fine with anything even imaginary tanks if it has counter like HO-RI vs T26E-1 seems fair

well then add batman & batmobile to counter it, whats the problem.

you sir get the point.

After a merge I believe we the Axis players need to be buffed further and Die Glocke should be added

Go play Warthunder or World of Tank. Ho-ri with no infantry killing capacity are completely useless in the game.

Lol it has massive 105mm gun that can fire HE with 8.6s of reload. How is it considered no infantry killing capacity?

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The Japanese do not have ships to transport those vehicles from Germany or to bring them to Gadarkanal or New Georgia.

panther 2 does exist but it would be a normal panther with better side armor

this i am pretty sure wouldn’t even work IRL as the breech would have been too big for it

now SLA tiger 2 should be added along side T29 and IS-1 with the 100mm

I’m going to be honest, the only reasonable suggestion here is to lock Japan to tier 4 forever. Tiger E for Japan or prototype post-war tanks (seriously guys, why did you choose ST-A1 instead of Type 61, at least the Type 61 was mass-produced) is just as bad as the Ho-Ri, and none of them are particularly good ways to balance Japan against Pershing and Super Pershing. Japan probably has better counterparts to the P-47 than Germany does in things like the N1K but it’s still not perfect. Still, those things can have a reduced payload and become lower-level fighters. Furthermore, the Japanese don’t lose any major weapons if they get locked out of tier 5, only maybe losing the Type 92 LMG which isn’t the biggest loss.