Ho-ri should not be in game

I know, but there is practically no difference between the 2. You won’t saw them on battlefield in real life anyway.

It isnt. Even super pershing can’t penetrate it from the front.

adding Imaginary tank that gives fuck to balance? I dont think so.

“StG 45(M)? whats next, G11?”
kinda absurd exaggerations like that aint really a good point

Yeah “no difference” than why not just draw at nepkin and write some Japanese Letters and claim it “Japanese Heavy Tank Chi-No” armed with 127mm Cannon and 300mm RHA front armor? Yay Balance

Ho-Ri’s main problem is not just Blueprint tank it is just fucking imagination.

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well I actually don’t give shit about stopped prototypes or mockups since they were at least tried to make one. but not the imaginary one. thats… not right.

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could you like this topic please then? Germany desperately need this vehicle.

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And most players wouldn’t even care. They will just think that is another prototype stuff dev implemented.

like US doesnt have cas to deal with it

quite sure such has been done already

I don’t think most players even care consider Enlisted is sharing playerbase with War Thunder anyway.

There are so many arguments for Ho-Ri in War Thunder, and Devs said it would be deleted if they have any replacements for its vehicles.

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and Japs has the intercepters. its same with Tiger2 and Shermans. why does US main users wants the Pershing series? they got P-47! same thing. tanks should be able to be dealt with tanks.

they have to be fixed, you moron! will you just want game balance to be just fucked up, dealing Tiger2 with Shermans? or you want game to be improved?

well i see quite a lot care at least rather than you.

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Lol, the one who only care are basically people knows about in War Thunder Ho Ri drama.

well with that logic US has detpacks

So what are you suggesting ? A tank that can fight shermans but not pershings ?

This is more like adding Imagination Weapons to Battlefield 1 and saying “Oh no there is lack of WW1 weapons to add what do we do”

Did they released any imagination weapons? NO. They just released prototypes. Did that harmed any Gameplay experience to you?

They just released Post-War weapons or variations.

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Lol why are you using the worse shell to show it?
This is with T41 shell which can pen some upper parts.

same as your logic. tanks should be able to be dealt with tanks. with your logic, there is no problem for M4 Sherman vs Tiger 2. thats just ridiculous bullshit.

no, the tank that could fight pershings, but the one that pershing could fight back. stop trying to deflect the point

because they always gave tanks bad shells. T-34-85 takes the BR-365K, IS-2 got the BR-471, and American sherman and M10 tanks only got bland AP rounds.

Why are you trying to do shit with me? just look at the reality


okay so which tank is capable to deal with pershing

And which tank it is

The 76mm sherman get the APCBC round instead of AP.

Wrong, it gets APCBC.

Lot what reality?
Some of the tank get worse shell doesn’t mean all of the tank will get worse shell.


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